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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastTaco View Post
    The air elemental summons can make a hard quest into a trivial quest.
    Yes, the Air Elemental is so overpowered that I can't really believe the devs have left it working for as long as they have. Maybe the idea is that it interferes with your own Wall of Fire, so that's supposed to balance it out? But that doesn't work, especially since a lot of monsters are immune to fire.

    Quote Originally Posted by silvertrit View Post
    If you think its to easy dont use it, dont ask the devs for a nerf control yourself instead of trying to make everyone else lose out on what they may enjoy.
    This kind of thing just does not make any sense.

  2. #22
    Community Member Wizard_Zero's Avatar
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    Default Does what it's supposed too.

    Wind elemental is not all that powerful. It's a CC summon (And not a good one, cause it does one monster at a time.), does nearly zero damage, and destroys the caster's CC and Firewalls . How about we nerf "Stunning abilities?" A stunning monk is MUCH better than the Air elemental.

    Air elemental is nice, but it's not that great when you compare it to all other CC's. Otto's ball stops everything in it's tracks, Web stops nearly everything, Mass Hold... yeah probably the best spell after FW, charm works wonders.

    I'm not trying to criticize anyone, but if you need the Air Elemental to complete a dungeon, then someone is lacking serious DDO skills, because there are many things better than summoning the elemental.

  3. #23
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    I really am not seeing the overpoweredness. The only reason I summon them over other things is because they tend to stay hiding unless attacking, and because they look neat when barkskinned. Oh, and because they sometimes blind me when I attack them so I assume mine can blind monsters. But it's not important.

  4. #24
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    When stoneskinned they look like they're trying to make children with the ground.
    Comfortably [d|n]umb

    Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
    WanderLust EuroTrash

  5. #25
    Community Member issiana's Avatar
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    so we *finally* get a creature thats actually WORTH summoning and you cry for the nerf bat.. not cool. so not cool.

    As a player of casters and clerics since release i have always yearned for a decent summons spell to actually make it worth it to cast. I'm finally glad we have one, if you dont like it then do as others have said - dont use it. I'm more than happy to finally have my wish granted so please leave my fun factor alone and i'll leave your fun factor alone
    Somedays your the Bug
    Somedays your the Windscreen.

  6. #26
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    I am now irrelevant to this conversation
    Last edited by FastTaco; 07-31-2011 at 01:16 AM.

  7. #27
    Community Member shagath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastTaco View Post
    It's ironic a bit considering the number of posts that complain about easy buttons, these summons trivialized elite delirium, yet I'm crying because I thought they made an elite quest too easy. It may not be effective everywhere, but in many quests 1 or more of these summons used on there own can make hard content easy.
    Summons or TR twink characters? Joking. I couldn't help but notice similiarities. Lets ban TR!

    :: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::

  8. #28
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    It's only worth summoning because air elementals are most likely bugged, I saw reavers making 10+ save in 2 seconds. If thats not bugged
    It's the same thing that air elementals have been inflicting on the players since day 1 (although in update 6 (?) they made it so players could stand upright for more than a quarter of a second at a time). The devs never saw fit to change it despite massive outcry. Turnabout is fair play.

    Most of the summons are just absolute garbage. Festering nothings that only waste spellpoints and don't even work as a speedbump against monsters. Now one actually works fairly well...NERF IT! ZOMG!

    Did you notice that the air elemental does essentially zero damage? Did you notice how it ruthlessly extinguishes friendly spells? Ever been slowed by your own pet? I have.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  9. #29
    Community Member chrisgina39's Avatar
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    here comes.....

    the nerf bat 99+ greatclub critrange 1-20
    improved cursespewing life stealing paralizing wounding puncturing weakening malidot bonebreaking enfeebling

    this deadly and powerful weapon stealing the power out of and thing it touches and grows more and more powerful primary weapon of the devs they have grown immune to its power it hides many secrets that revile after use

    recording after one day of use it has grown more powerful and cruel every since because of its users cruelty.

    (no harm to the devs)(please keep it away from me )

  10. #30
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Don't be so shortsighted, learn how summons are supposed to work.
    If you leave the air ele or any summon to fight on its own the result is that it dies, no surprise here.
    It won't fight your fights. If you have an easy time is because you are killing the monsters as they fall prone.

    In ddo, taking the monsters out as they appear is the way to go.
    Whenever you walk past them and draw more monsters that you can handle is when you get in trouble.
    Many of those new people in harbor quests that complain and ask what are they doing wrong is because of this.

    Furthermore, the reason fw is so effective is because you must indeed wait until the monsters die, not because of the fire itself.
    As opposed for example to the death aura spell that moves with you, so nothing stops you from drawing more monsters and aggro.

    p.s. Let the air ele be, it is a fearless ally, who dun cower like players at the monsters no matter how big they are.
    It will try to knock them all be spiders, big rock eles, devils or golems. Players could learn a thing or two from them.
    Last edited by donfilibuster; 12-25-2010 at 03:27 AM.

  11. #31
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silvertrit View Post
    How would you judge overpowered, in a pve type game?
    When it is better to add a autofollowing player, with the ability to the group or Raid, then it is to add a strong player without said ability. After the more major roles/jobs are filled. By thier very nature, some jobs/roles are more powerfull in team play then others.

    I know autofollow is not in DDO, neverless, it is done every day in pugs.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  12. #32
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  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastTaco View Post
    Good observation, your even crying about me supposedly crying over something. Why are you even posting if your post is so pointless?

    I would judge something as overpowered in a pve type game when that something makes it so a challenge is no longer a challenge, I think that an elite quest at level should be challenging. All I know is Elite delirium = a bit of a challenge until a few air elementals are flying around.

    A bit easier when that something is used, sure. Even easier when a combo of things are used, yes great. All you need though is 1 or more air elementals for many quests.
    you know, what matuse said is spot on. turnabout IS fair play. you havent been here long enough i suppose to know what they used to do to us. and one persons fun factor may not be the same as yours. if theres a nerf bat in its future, itll come soon enough. no need to go running screaming nerf for something that isnt gamebreaking. its exactly why the game is getting as dumbed down as it is. dont like it, dont use it. people will cry when it gets changed, as people are crying now, and as they were before u6. itll always be the same. some people like their toys enough to know when not to scream nerf
    woundweaver 20 cl woundcleaver 20 barb woundbleeder 17 barb woundreaver 20 ftr woundheal 18 cl
    woundedsoul 20 fvs woundedfist 20 monk woundshadow 20 fvs woundtoaster 20 wiz woundtusk 15 monk

  14. #34
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    p.s. Let the air ele be, it is a fearless ally, who dun cower like players at the monsters no matter how big they are.
    It will try to knock them all be spiders, big rock eles, devils or golems. Players could learn a thing or two from them.
    I think wind is a pretty cool dude. eh knocks down monsters and doesnt afraid of anything.

    ... although there is always a time for cowering in fear, depending on what you're facing and what you're playing as.

  15. #35
    Community Member RATRACE931's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastTaco View Post
    It's only worth summoning because air elementals are most likely bugged, I saw reavers making 10+ save in 2 seconds. If thats not bugged then why not just up there dc and not spam there knockdown so much? Surely not good for lag.

    Also if you bothered to read at all I somewhat agree its finally nice to have a high level spell that's actually effective, surely there has been some discussion in my poorly titled post, but I've been called a cry-baby twice now.

    It's ironic a bit considering the number of posts that complain about easy buttons, these summons trivialized elite delirium, yet I'm crying because I thought they made an elite quest too easy. It may not be effective everywhere, but in many quests 1 or more of these summons used on there own can make hard content easy.
    The DC arnt bugged but working as intended, maybe it's not right but thats the way air ellies have and will ALWAYS work in DDO it seems, as for making a hard quest easier please name one, I solo elite delerium on all my TR's just for the quik XP.
    Grimbite Goblin Muncher, King of Storm Cleave.

  16. #36
    Community Member Sadiagraxa's Avatar
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    Nerf DDo please... Ty

  17. #37
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    Oh noes! A pet that isn't a waste of spellpoints. Must be overpowered!

    Of course, it will get nerfed. Everything fun does.

  18. #38
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    Default Here is the part I am not understanding

    You had 2 arcanes and a divine in a quest and summoning air elementals was your "a" game strategy?

    Perhaps your strategy maximizing your casters' is underpowered and this is what makes an 8th level spell seem relatively strong.

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