So just a quick reminder to the newbs and noobs. A blind tell is fine if it's done politely and tactfully. A blind invite is just rude. Nothing worse than soloing a boss and then this big box in your way that Johnny Stranger who can't learn manners or where the CSW pots guy is, has sent you an invite.
I got one the other day as I was LRing my FVS, Nicoheal. Some jerk (I know, anonymity), sends an invite. I decline. He immediately sends a tell of what quest he's doing. I Politely explain how blind invites are rude. He then sends a ? As if I still should join his rude ass. Itgen politely say his he is lucky I don't put him on my DNG list and he should carry on. He then replies with a rude message. I /squelch him now, no need to draw out more drama. I look him up and see he's from some no name guild, and laugh that if that's how he treats "healers" at mid levels, he will have ****ed us all off soon enough and he'll never see the vale until he rolls a healer.
And the day he does I hope he's cursed with blind invites every day from login till logoff
/end rant