I'd rather have Necropolis end quest flagging be permanent, then window farm. New quest chains use the mechanic I prefer.
haven't experienced this myself but my guildies say its a pain and I believe so too after reading them share their rants on the guild chat.
I'd rather those mobs lift/throw each other up to reach the perched caster, rather then stand there unresponsive cooking in Firewalls. Sure they may be thinking really hard about how to reach that caster, but they still are not doing anything while the melees beat them down. Yes, I want that Ogre to throw those kobolds at the perched guy, or make an Ogre pyramid...
Or make them retreat to the next room where nothing can snipe them and put up a good fight.
I would rather have DT Runes be identified, then treat them as a lottery. They are now. Being able to crunch them up and down is great.
I love this change. Still grindy but not too easy as well. This is a balanced effort/reward change for me.
20th completion rewards, completely awesome. Still a change from before me and DDO met.
Yep. I like this 20th run bonus.
Jumping something to bypass 3/4 of a quest is not something I want in my game.. and spots get removed.
You can just not use them; I normally try to keep myself "interested" doing Enter the Kobold gauntlet puzzle but the "cheat" ledges are sometimes a nice thing to have when the PUG is going nowhere an ruining the puzzle over and over and over...
Still I don't really use bypasses unless its a party concensus or I am feeling lazy.
If it is highly recomended, there should be a way to plan to get it in game.
Heavy Fort,
Relic of the Sovereign Past Casual starting level 9 onwards. With a hireling you can solo the adamantine ore part then recall out.
Devil DR bypassers,
Somewhat hard but doable; poor man's choice are Metalline Flametouched Iron weapons they are often brokered and best forgotten.
Randarts often drop this often; better yet use haste pots if you are needy for speed :P
Feather fall,
ML 7 ones are available in Tear of Dhakaan if you are exp farming it. Bonus points if you fail to get one but have enough loot to buy one from the AH or the brokers.
Good Weapons,
Subjective; for me the good weapons are lower ML RR weapons that are "exotic" and fit for flavor I.E Holy Burst Silver Bastards, Smiting Great Crossbows... silver seeker 10 scimitar of pure good...
Good Armor.
Dragontouched armors are not that hard to get anymore
All in, some for much longer then the others.
Well you can't have a MMO w/o one do we?
Higher difficulty should reward a higher chance of Named items from the Quest/Raid.
AFAIK in practice and my experience there is no difference. I could be wrong.
Per Dev quotes this is true for much, or maybe all, of the recent content.
Hopefully its the latter; I'm getting a lot of nice vendor weapons doing epic red fens that net me around 7k per last stand runs.
Most of that can be considered "Easy Button" changes, most of which have happened, excepting the Ogre throwing Kobolds one. Ogres throwing kobolds would be Awesome.
Yes they are and are available in game for the price of your time. Though I agree with the kobold throwing ogre and I want to see one badly.
If it "feels" exploity, then I won't like it. The more I run the same content for a specific drop, the less likely I am to create another character that wants that drop as well, or even go on a PuG run once I've got my bit.
I don't usually mind the drop rate. If it drops it drops, if not, its not gonna break my character; its just a bonus and a means to tweak myself further.
I do mind it though when I really want it (I.E the elusive tumbleweed that not only will save me slots but help me conserve my 12 song per rest limit) and the RNG hates me.
Limiting replayability enjoyment is generally a bad thing.
Yes agreed but I'm still having fun regardless and I am making the most out of this game from casual to epic.
Make the new Epics tough, but make them rewarding,
and bind the good stuff to at least account,
Binding them to account would limit re-playability in a sense that there is no need to "grind" items for your other characters, lessening potential profit sales as well as making the game more "boring" because eventually when you get everything in-game there is no need to run the same quests again and just keep grinding the same quests over and over to cap a toon in order to equip the said items.
This puts pressure on the developer to create more content, which will resort into power creeping because they will have to create new items that indirectly make older item sets obsolete, but then since its bound to account, the "grind" may be lessened, but the value of the new content will diminish greatly hence the demand for more content and failure to bring new content brings disgruntled players wanting more and ultimately make them quit because "its too boring I have everything".
Its like the Ragnarok Online private servers, its fun when you get everything so fast and only once but gets boring (for me at least) getting everything quickly and in the end just sit around Prontera epeening others in the pvp room.
Making rare items "rare" is something that keeps the value of a game high and makes the players wanting to "play more" because of anticipation in finally obtaining it and wanting more. Its a win win solution. Grind is inevitable in an MMO setting; its the bread and butter of how to pay the costs of keeping the servers live and running and getting capital for new content.
if not character upon equip.
No. See Above.
I prefer my rewards like
Minos Legens,
Fairly easy grind I don't like game changing reward options obtained as easy as getting Taps.
or Greensteel crafting,
Maybe this one is good but I'm not a fan of greensteel grinding because I'm starting to get bored farming for my other Lit II off hand *sigh*.
I'm completing Shrouds now regardless of what i get from the chests. Much healthier for my sanity.
or ToD Rings,
no idea can't comment.
or DT Armor,
Casual flagging + casual SoS = easy dragontouched armor w/ crappy or incomplete bonuses. Casual Prey of the Hunter runs x3 - ad nauseum = unlimited tempest and sov runes. Again its the question of time.
Boring. Yes. Want to do something else? Do SoS instead. Much saner and more challenging to the mind than running from A to B hacking giants that knock you off everytime they swing its insane.
But I'm not asking for a nerf. Its fine as it is, I'll just get a group and do SoS for sanity's sake! Problem solved, no nerfs need be done
Then I can do slayer runs + monastery/prey for my 50 draconic run turn ins to get flagged for SoS again. YAY.
Problem double solved 
or Madstone Boots,
No idea can't comment.
or Boots of Anchoring,
No idea can't comment but my guildies didn't complain and highly recommends grinding for it because its worth it.
or even Epic gear,
Except for Sands w/c has a diluted Loot Table. I'd rather have the devs split the loot table between different quests so it'll be more accessible to the casual player.
then like the Bloodstone.
Can I die now? I'd rather grind plat than a bloodstone.
Back on topic, I support Epic Drow having Epic levels of Spell resistance, it makes sense from the lore of the base game.
In the same line I support High Drow SR because it makes sense to fight death eaters on epic content than hogwarts students w/ muggle friends tossed in the mix.
I do not support going on a quest to get the famous sword of XYZ, and have XYZ not drop the sword, or at least broken parts of the sword, that you then have to do other quests to repair.
Then epics is not for you.
You must ignore this reality and play as it is, resent this "grind" and stop playing, or pretend epic does not exist and play freely without burdening yourself with this game.
I do the first option, and play it as it is. No need to whine or complain, just play because my character does fine without em in the first place, its just a nice bonus to make me do things "easier".
Not play and whine and ask for nerfs to get the said items faster and easier so I can be uber and enjoy the epeens.
Because lately that is what I am reading in the suggestions forum. Or probably its the flavor of the week.
Play the game, enjoy the current metagame and have a life, go outside if you wipe because some drow got buffed up and you failed while using your a b c 1 2 3 i win im uber buttons.