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  1. #1
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default The Fighterchanter (Fgt12/Brd8)

    {Warning : this is the very first build i post, so it might contain errors. Thank you for correcting me if you spot a mistake}

    Heya there,

    While brainstorming for the future TR of my rogue, i was looking for a solo-able melee build with enough dps to be useful in groups/raids and here is what i found :

    Rough sketch
    Kensei II khopesh DPS with very decent healing amp
    8x Haste boost IV / Power Surge per rest
    9x 5m36s 6 dmg/5 atk Inspire Courage per rest {under average here, but well it's not the purpose of the build}
    Buffs with Extend:
    (16m) Blur, Invisibility, Heroism
    (2m48s) Rage, Focusing chant {not sure if rage is 36s+6s/level, no info on ddowiki here}
    (1m36s) Haste, Displacement
    CSW with Empower Healing for 162 average on self, up to 211 with a 30% healing amp khopesh in offhand
    Full ranks in UMD

    Teh build

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.5.1
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    The Fighterchanter
    Level 20 Neutral Good Human Male
    (12 Fighter \ 8 Bard) 
    Hit Points: 330
    Spell Points: 350 
    BAB: 18\18\23\28\28
    Fortitude: 14
    Reflex: 13
    Will: 10
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (34 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             18                    28
    Dexterity            15                    17
    Constitution         16                    18
    Intelligence          8                    10
    Wisdom                8                    10
    Charisma              8                    10
    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               6                    18
    Bluff                -1                     2
    Concentration         7                    19
    Diplomacy            -1                     2
    Disable Device       n/a                    n/a
    Haggle               -1                    11
    Heal                 -1                     0
    Hide                  2                     3
    Intimidate           -1                     2
    Jump                  8                    20
    Listen               -1                     0
    Move Silently         2                     3
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform               3                     4
    Repair               -1                     0
    Search               -1                     0
    Spot                 -1                     0
    Swim                  4                    13
    Tumble                6                     7
    Use Magic Device      3                    23
    Feat (1) : (Past Life) Past Life: Rogue
    Feat (1) : (Human Bonus) Power Attack
    Feat (1) : (Selected) Toughness
    Feat (3) : (Selected) Extend Spell
    Feat (6) : (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Feat (9) : (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Feat (9) : (Fighter Bonus) Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat (10) : (Fighter Bonus) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat (12) : (Selected) Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh
    Feat (12) : (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Feat (14) : (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Feat (15) : (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat (16) : (Fighter Bonus) Quick Draw
    Feat (18) : (Selected) Mental Toughness
    Feat (18) : (Fighter Bonus) Oversized Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat (20) : (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery III
    Enhancement: Bard Extra Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song II
    Enhancement: Bard Song Magic III
    Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Attack II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage II
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Bravery II
    Enhancement: Bard Warchanter I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strength II
    Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
    Enhancement: Fighter Extra Action Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Attack Boost II
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Enhancement: Fighter Khopesh Specialization I
    Enhancement: Fighter Kensei II
    Enhancement: Kensei Khopesh Mastery II
    Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat
    Spell (1): Focusing Chant
    Spell (1): Detect Secret Doors
    Spell (1): Feather Fall
    Spell (2): Blur
    Spell (2): Invisibility
    Spell (2): Rage
    Spell (2): Heroism
    Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds
    Spell (3): Haste
    Spell (3): Displacement

    Those are the numbers with correct gear (+2 tomes, +6 items, +2 exceptionnal item bonus for str&con) so it might get higher as better gear comes by.


    28 base (incl. +2 tome, might get higher)
    06 item bonus
    02 exc. item bonus
    08 Power surge
    02 Rage
    02 Yugo pot
    48 STR


    18 Base (incl. +2 tome, might get higher)
    06 item bonus
    02 exc. item bonus
    02 Rage
    28 CON


    020 Heroic Durability
    120 Fighter levels
    048 Bard levels
    180 CON
    062 Toughness + enhancements
    030 GFL
    020 Toughness item
    045 Shroud HP item
    010 Agents of argo favor
    535 hp without pushing it, so probably well over 600 with better gear/yugo pots/madstone love (tedious to manage 1m36s buffs with boots on, so it's either Haste/Disp/CSW or madstone rage i guess)

    Healing Amp

    3 human enhancements, 10&20% on DT armor -> 1.1*1.2*1.3*1.1*1.2 = 226 %
    With 30% amp greensteel in offhand -> 294 %

    Cure Superior Wounds on self

    24.5 base per cast, 30% enhancements, 50% pot/clickie

    Without Empower Healing : 24.5*1.3*1.5*2.26 = ~108 hp per cast
    With Empower Healing : 24.5*1.3*1.5*2.26*1.5 = ~162 hp per cast
    With Empower Healing and 30% healing amp offhand : 24.5*1.3*1.5*2.94*1.5 = ~211 hp per cast

    Noticable gear
    Shroud HP item
    Shroud Conc opp / 150sp / Disease&blind immunity item
    Shroud +6 CHA / +6 CHA skills item to hotswap when UMDing (raise dead ftw)
    ToD rings with +2 exc. STR&CON
    DT armor with 2 healing amp runes and... radiance guard maybe, dunno here.
    GS khopeshs (Min IIs, Lit IIs)

    When solo/short-manning :
    Main hand : Rad II khopesh
    Off hand : 30% healing amp / Conc opp / Good burst / 15 % neg energy absorption khopesh

    That's it for the moment, wayya think of it ? {Yes i know 3 ranks in perform seems weird for a bard splash, but UMD > Fascinate imo}
    Last edited by Malky; 12-24-2010 at 12:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Nice overall build. I would have gone in a much different direction then you when it comes to the race and self healing focus however. Your spell point pool is going to be rather small (300-400) to be throwing out empower healed cure serious wounds every other second especially if you want to maintain haste/displacement etc. Instead I would just get a good umd which with displacement will be just fine soloing throughout much of the game. What I would emphasize instead of self healing would be stunning. You can get a real high stun dc with a 12 fighter 8 bard go with half orc, dwarf or warforge and put enhancement points into tactics and pick up the stunning blow feat...
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  3. #3
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    The reason for going the human healing amp + displacement way is precisely the mana pool. A WF would need reconstruct to get such a good HP/SP ratio, and reconstruct reqs 11 wizard levels so no kensei 2 here.

    Going with 8 cleric would give better heals, but no displacement... so it would have to heal twice as much in most situations.

    Just noticed there's no breakdown for SP : 350 base + 200 archmagi + 150 shroud = 700 sp

    With Torc, conc opp on item and weapon (those still stack afaik, even if it's not WAI) that's 30sp@5% and 2x 20sp@4% per hit... not to mention the build benefits a lot from mana pots.

    Good point on the Stunning blow part, the build can probably Trip fine as it is, but getting stunning blow basically means dropping most of the healing amp if i go HOrc... hmmm dunno really
    If i stay human that's 10+20ish(STR)+10(Weapon, prolly offhand so no 30%healing amp/conc opp when stunning, and no kensei love for warhammers as well unless i go full warhammer instead of khopesh) = 40 DC without enhancements (hard to free enough to take them) definately an option, but it also has some drawbacks (no vorpal on warhammers duh!)

    Edit: just saw you meant stunning without a weighted weapon. Huu pretty hard on a human and going any other race means 40% less healing per cast... gonna brainstorm to check if it's possible to get a decent (40ish) stunning DC while keeping both khopeshes and human.
    Last edited by Malky; 12-24-2010 at 02:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Nice build. I had a similar idea but less focused on healing with his own sp. That seems a good option if you can get at least a torc (perhaps you already have it since you base it on a TR).
    The only problem I see in your build is your Perform skill: inexistant, which makes you loose a big ability of bards. When I planed mine, I had similar issues with the skills. To resolve it I planed to take a bard level every 2 fighter levels, but the result is annoying as it delays both PrE. Another course would be to go full Fighter then switch to Bard. At first I did like you, Bard then Fighter, but that didn't work, I couldn't get all the skills I wanted, and didn't want to put more points in Int.

    Edit: When I say full Fighter, I mean 1st level Bard then 12 Fighter levels ofc.
    Last edited by Feithlin; 12-24-2010 at 03:02 AM.
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

  5. #5
    Community Member Feithlin's Avatar
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    Another option could be to use Helf instead of Human. You would loose 3rd Healing amp. tier and a feat, but you could gain Rogue dilettante line, for +3d6 SA, which is a nice add to dps (even in solo, since you seem to already have Rad II khopeshes).
    Thelanis: Nassim* (F12/P6/M2) - Talienor** (P18/Ra2) - Feithlin** (F12/Bd7/C1) - Stoneoak* (F12/M6/P2) - Hokusai (M17/F2/C1) - Ardence* (Bd15/F3/Ro2) - Matsushiro* (Ro11/M6/P3) | Argonessen: Luneargent (W18/Ro2) - Talienor (Ro20) - Takshir (Bd16/F2/Ro2) - Hiacynthe (C20) | Ghallanda: A bunch of pre DDO Unlimited characters (field of testing for post U19 )

  6. #6
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    For the perform skill : i plan to only use Inspire Courage, which has a req of 3 ranks of perform... more ranks on that build would only allow the use of fascinate but would also require to drop umd completely, so it's a matter of choosing between umd and fascinate. I'll take umd.

    For stunning blow, i'd need to drop one feat and the only 2 i can reasonably drop are mental toughness and quick draw. Mental toughness is a wasted feat for casters, but when you only have 600ish sp, adding another 105sp is really good. I'd probably drop quick draw if i went the stunning blow path.

    For stunning blow to be at least semi-reliable in epics i'd need all 4 ranks of fighter stunning blow tactics, i.e. 10 APs

    Bard Extra Song I : 1AP (was a filler)
    Bard Energy of Music I : 1AP (was mostly a filler)
    Bard Lingering Song I&II : 3AP (not really a filler but 8x4min Inspire Courage is still plenty, the DR5/- song is back to 1m48s tho)
    Bard Song Magic II&III : 5AP

    Total 10 AP, let's see the collateral damage now :

    CSW (with 10% from enhancements instead of 30%) : 137 hp
    CSW with 30% HA offhand : 178 hp

    About 15% less healing per cast, noticable but not build-breaking i hope.

    Now what i'll buy with that loss (and with better gear req'd too)

    STR breakdown :

    26 Base
    03 Tome
    07 Epic Belt of the Mroranon
    02 Exc. bonus on ToD ring
    01 Exc. bonus on new GS khopesh design (30% HA / conc opp / +1 exc. str / holy)
    03 Greater Might of the Abishai (3 items)
    08 Power surge
    02 Rage
    02 Yugo pot
    02 Ship buff (forgot that one of previous breakdown, but it's not really 'sustainable' per se)
    56 STR (bonus +23)

    Stunning blow DC

    10 Base
    23 Str bonus
    02 Kensei bonus
    04 Enhancements
    39 sustainable DC

    40 with madstone rage or store pot
    42 during +6 psionic str clickie
    43 with store pot and clickie

    End result ? It's possible to get a 40ish stunning blow DC while staying human without giving up too much self-healing, but it requires a +3 str tome and 4 epic items (that i would probably have farmed anyway).

    Now : how reliable can a 40DC stunning blow be in epics ? (no, rogues don't even think of stunning blow when making their build)

  7. #7
    Community Member EKKM's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm not a big fan of max STR on a uild like this. You drop it to 16, you lose +1hit and +1 to damage per hit and put 2 points into INT and 4 into charisma. You then have enough skill points to get perofmr/fascinate and get +2 UMD and more spell points.

    I realize +1 hit/dam is significant, but in a build that appears to be aimed at solo or shortman questing the tradeoff is worth it IMO.

    Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
    Member of D.W.A.T.

  8. #8
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    I don't even need to drop str for that Feithlin already pointed out that putting all bard levels (except the first one) after fighter levels give well enough points to max perform, umd, balance and concentration (Edit: while dropping useless stuff like tumble i had to put points into because i put all bard levels first in the character planner). But the question is : do i need it ?

    If i go with stunning blow, i have to drop both lingering song & extra song. It means that i have 8 songs per rest, and fascinate will only last 24s... go figure. Not to mention that getting the stunning blow DC to an acceptable level while keeping my healing amp stuff fills pretty much all my gear slots... i don't think i'd have a free slot to put a +15 perform item into without giving out something probably more important (Edit: hotswap'ing an item would work tho, it's just a little bit more tedious )

    If i don't take stunning blow it's a totally different story... but i'm very very tempted to take it

    Btw the main purpose of that build is to *be able* to solo/shortman well while still being useful in epics/high end content. If you had to pick between stunning blow and fascinate, what would be your choice ? (Edit: i'm kind of wrong here since it's possible, i just dunno if a few 24s fascinates will change much (prolly yes for shortmanning and no for epics/raids))
    Last edited by Malky; 12-24-2010 at 10:07 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Malky's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Gonna rewrite the build with both stunning blow and max ranks in perform tonight, keep the comments coming it's becoming better and better

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