Eh. I think it could add an interesting niche, but I'm not going to disagree that the spell changes here have made it a somewhat reduced niche. I think the biggest part people would drool over is Decieve Item and the better skill list, as well as the DR added throughout the class. Add on the fact that most of it's damage is (somewhat reduced) nuke-based with effects (Vitrolic Blast was a favorite of mine in tabletop, just for how spammable it was, though Utterdark Blast was also great fun) might still make it great for smaller group or solo play.
I mean, free Fast Healing for a short duration, 10 Energy Resistance.. And that's all before we get into specific invocations.
Wall of Fire with half of the damage being Untyped (and thus unresistable) sounds pretty hot to me. Doubly so considering how Empower/Maximize work in this game (no real need for <X> SLA like in Tabletop, which was a generally inferior version anyway).
I could dig it. I dug it just fine in tabletop - it'd make some people happy, but would it be necessary? Probably not. And it wasn't exactly too themely in Eberron to start with (at least outside of Droam and the Demon Wastes, anyway). It's certainly not a replacement for a proper arcane caster, though.
You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. Nobody is entitled to ignorance.
I would really LOVE to see Anti-Paladin as a new class. I've played evil knights (Shadowknight, Darkknight, Anti-Paladin etc... ) in other games and I really enjoy the class. If it's not really viable as a class, at least consider making a build within the Paladin line. PLEASE?
Last edited by QuantumFX; 01-11-2011 at 01:27 AM. Reason: Somehow took out the / from [/QUOTE]
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
MINDBLADE (psionic blades in hands)
Wilder (psion is to wizard as wilder is to sorcerer)
I think it is time that we start bringing in some of the other books, and classes. For me i would love to see them bring out the ninja from complete adventurer. A wonderfull blend of rog/ftr.
Flesh and blood, shows inpurity. Thoughts of mortality, shows cowardice. Thoes born of the forge knows no equal or fear, for we WARFORGED are the incarnatrion of death for thoes that oppose us.
Blackguard would never be there, because it's an evil class.
My choice: Mystic Theurge, although admittedly it's a prestige enhancement (by DDO's definition). But it would probably be best implemented as a class.
Second and third choice: Scout and Cloistered Cleric
Mystic Theurge might be fairly difficult to implement just because of the spell selection screens. But Scout and Cloistered Cleric (in theory) would be simple to implement. Especially cloistered Clerics.
For reference, here are all the classes from the "Complete" books:
The Hexblade mixes martial prowess with a unique curse ability, the ability to cast arcane spells and good resistance against spells and spell effects. Similar in concept to the sorcerer, the Hexblade is an individual who possesses unnatural jinxes or an evil eye, and uses it towards combat. With a d10 for hit points, a 1/1 base attack bonus advancement, and a very slow spell advancement, the hexblade is more like an arcane ranger or paladin than a bard.
The Samurai is a brave and noble warrior, possessing martial prowess and unique abilities to intimidate and terrify his opponents. Like the other classes, the Samurai has a d10 for hit points and a 1/1 base attack bonus advancement. The main drawback to playing a Samurai is the restrictions placed on the class. A Samurai cannot multiclass, then resume being a Samurai, some of his class abilities require him to use specific weaponry, and he is bound by the code of Bushido, which operates in a similar manner to the Paladin's code.
The Swashbuckler is a fighter that emphasizes finesse, style and flair, combining martial prowess with amazing acrobatics to outmaneuver opponents. With a d10 for hit points and a 1/1 base attack bonus advancement, the swashbuckler is an effective frontline fighter, and while the inability to wear medium or heavy armours makes the character vulnerable to counterattacks, some of the class features compensate. The ability to deal strength (weakness critical class feature) and constitution damage (wounding critical class feature), as well as the ability to charge in difficult terrains (acrobatic charge class feature) makes the swashbuckler a formidable opponent in any battle.
The ninja class represents the standard image of a stealthy fighter. A ninja can come unseen, attack quickly but furiously, then leave unseen. The ninja excels at quick, powerful attacks but lacks the combat stamina of other classes such as monks and fighters.
A scout is a bit like a rogue of the wilderness. The scout is an expert at tracking, scouting enemy positions, and finding their way through familiar and unfamiliar landscapes. A scout has a mix of rogue and ranger traits, as well as some unique to them.
The spellthief is probably the most unusual class introduced in the book. They have the ability to make a rogue's sneak attack, but instead of inflicting damage, can steal a spell from their opponent. That is, the victim can no longer cast their memorized spell for that day, while the spellthief can cast it - just as it was memorized. At higher levels the spellthief can even steal spell-like abilities from monsters.
Closer to a sorcerer than a wizard, the Warlock has been given supernatural powers. Either he or his ancestors made a deal with a supernatural being. A warlock has an innate magical ability called the eldritch blast, a damaging ray-like ability. The damage for this attack increases as the warlock gains levels. Instead of spells, warlocks gain a limited number of invocations, spell-like abilities with a distinctively sinister flavor. Most of these invocations may be performed at will, or have durations of 24 hours. Some invocations add effects to the warlock's eldritch blast, causing sicknesss, or blindness, or fright, etc.
Warmages take the concept of "magical artillery" to its extreme. They specialize in direct-damage spells and can wear light armor (and later medium armor) without penalty to their spellcasting. Though they cast spells like a sorcerer, they have a very limited list of spells they can cast.
Wu Jen
Wu jen are arcane spellcasters with a distinct Oriental flavor. Wu Jen specialize in the casting of elemental spells. The five elements of Wu Jen magic are wood, fire, water, earth, and metal.
Updated from Oriental Adventures, the shugenja utilizes primal energies, and tapping into the earth to cast spells. It is a charisma based sorcerer-style divine casting class, with a spell list biased towards elemental spells.
Favored Soul
Updated from the Miniatures Handbook, the Favored Soul is a spontaneously casting divine class, with a couple of additional divine abilities closely tied to his or her deity.
Spirit Shaman
The class has a fairly narrow divine spell selection. The spirit shaman cast spells as sorcerers do, but they change their spell selection each day by sending their Spirit Guide into the spirit world. The shaman also has a special abilities that affect spirits (incorporeal undead, fey, elementals and creatures defined as spirits in other texts). The Spirit Guide is a purely mental/spiritual creature, incapable of affecting the world, though it does grant the spirit shaman the feat, "Alertness", as well as justifying certain class features. Ultimately, at 20th level, the spirit shaman becomes a spirit (fey) himself, much as a 20th level monk becomes an outsider.
Obviously, some of those have already been implemented.
Finish PrE's...... nuff said.
Grimbite Goblin Muncher, King of Storm Cleave.
(But I do agree that finishing PrEs is probably high priority.)
Thairos - ETRing Artificer * Khryll - 28 Clonk * Jarkxle - 28 Swashbuckler * Jaherian - 25 Druid
I want a bard who can be useful in a party...
waka flaka flame ina unda wata tank
Arise, my child, and do my bidding!
Hmm, I think this one is still rotting...
Mathieugh - Human 4 Ranger / 1 Rogue
Tigerheart - Human 6 Bard
Tharilanis - Drow 4 Bard / 1 Sorcerer
Tyrilanis = Drow 10 Paladin
Alright, I love the Duskblade in PnP. But to be honest, this class should not come to DDO in my opinion. Here is my main reason for it:
Arcane Channeling. This ability allows you to use a Touch spell through your weapon. This may not seem like much, especially since this class is feat starved. and it will slaughter your sp when you use it, because it is at least 10 sp per swing. But what about Raid bosses?
Shocking Grasp is normally 5d6 damage maxed out, not much, especially in ddo. won't end there. I would probably at LEAST take maximize as a feat, and if I could afford it, empower as well. this translates the damage to 10d6 with maximize, and I'm not positive if empower turns it to 12/13d6 going off base, or 15d6 since maximize is in effect. Whatever works, but it is automatically shocking blow at least with maximize on, per blow, and that's just base. Now, factor in the enhancements that will most likely give you 40% extra damage, almost increasing damage by half. Then you get an item that increases the damage. Now it's starting to look stronger. Then, factor into this thing Spell crits.
So, this extra damage, it goes with a 9% enhancement line to crit, so it has almost a 19-20 to crit. But the damage on it is multiplied by at least 2.25 endgame. So, dps wise, they will even outshine barbarians with a maxed death frenzy line. Sure they have less hp, but doing that much extra damage, and close to lightning strike damage on a spell crit (Let alone if they have a gs item. MinII with a lightning strike that goes off more often than a regular lightning strike? or the possibility to double lightning strike?)
I'm not a hundred percent sure what touch spells are in the game, but this is an example with shocking grasp. Honestly, it won't be much of a difference during game, because you would need to decide when to turn on Arcane Channeling. But during bosses and raids? Face it, any duskblade worth anything would have arcane channeling on, and most likely at least maximize, and it will be almost impossible to out dps them while they have sp and their arcane channeling going. Unless you can get crits often enough, and even then, it doesn't factor the duskblade getting them, they would be overpowered. At least for endgame, mainly against raid bosses, I would take a duskblade over a fighter, barb, or anything like that. Because I have seen some d8 people end up with a lot of hp. If built correctly. And since they are a frontline fighter, I expect them to have toughness enhancements.
Unless they could balance their Arcane channeling ability, even a sword and board duskblade, has the possibility to out dps a 2hf or 2wf fighter/barbarian. Sorry, I love the duskblade in PnP, but it should not be implemented in DDO.
Also their invocations are really cool and varied...although their incredibly selfish buffers :P (actually that's awesome im not a battery anymore lol)
Also IIRC Locks could also Imbue their blast into whatever weapons they were hold so it would add the damage and whatever effect was on it from essences (ie.disease) for Locks to work in DDO they would probably end up as Arcane Melee's Str/Cha Based which would actually fit the "Gish" niche that we lack in DDO (Note: Not trying to insult the Tukaw,etc. builds) also the FvS like defenses and awesome skill list would make locks quite a potent class without overpowering it (fighters,barbs etc. would probably be a bit higher on the dps scale but warlock wouldn't be far behind. It's always nice to stab a kobold in the face than burn his buddies with an Eldritch Cone :P
Also if Locks are added it would be nice to see Tieflings or Dragonborn,both Cha races IIRC and if you count it in 4e their Cha/Dex(Tiefling) & Cha/Str(D-Born) so probably in DDO I'd say +2Cha,-2Wis (Tiefling) they don't reallt have an affinity for divine classes, +2Cha,-2 Dex (Dragonborn) Their not the most agile brutes around (these are what I think would fit DDO best not their actual 3.5e stats)
I'd say it works like rages or bard songs+ Spell Slots...IOW they can have a limited amount of "Chosen" invocations and can only use a certain amount per rest (maybe 1/2 warlock level+cha mod?) no actual mana.
This would probably be translated as a warlock unique feat that adds a bonus to UMD (stacks with SF:UMD) unlikely to be 10 though...maybe 3-5
Last edited by Failedlegend; 03-08-2011 at 10:57 AM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
ok - artificers is a must
and I know people are throwing races into this as well, but not mentioning something that brings back 1st edition flavor - have a race that IS the class;
where as you get higher levels, you can become more powerful ( ogremagi, troll shaman, ect). And the changeling could let you change your race or class when you shrine...might be kind of unwieldy in practice, but just like any idea, if done correctly could be LOTS of fun.
I can remember a post or letter that Kate (our old Dev in charge, now #2 to Fernando her hubby) wrote back around the time Monks showwed up, that they had been having trouble with the druid shape-change abilities. That was one reason why they had never been implemented yet. It was something that they were working on, but was still a long time off. The letter was written sometime before the FTP intro. If what an earlier post said is true, they may have worked out some of these issues. That would be nice. Folks have been asking for this class way too long, and it does have some real D & D flavor.
The second part of the post mentioned artifcers as being closer to hitting the live servers than druids. Once again, I say this was YEARS ago. It was before the FTP model was introduced. So I'd bet that these would be the next 2 classes.
That said, they did slip Favored Soul in on us during that time span. So who really knows...
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
First they don't hafe Eldritch Burst. This is actually the Eldritch Blast modified with a Shape Invocation. There are actually several Shape Invocations; 1) Chain (allows you to chain the blast from target to target, only first takes full damage others take 1/2), 2) Line (Blast hits everything in a 60' line), 3) Spear (you covered this. it changes the max range of blast from 60; to 250'), 4) Cone (blast becomes a 0 range 60' come effect), 5) Sphere (Blast becomes a 20' Diameter AoE attack ala; fireball), 6) Glaive (blast becomes a hand weapon resembling a glaive), 7) Burst (blast becomes a burst effect centered on you). There might be a few mor but these are the populas shape invocations.
Secondly, you ignored several Essense invocations including the most popular, Vitrolic Blast. This makes your Eldritch blast Acid damage and ignores SR (thats the important one) as well as making it a DoT continuing damage for 2 rounds. Many of the Essense Invocations are just minor debuffs, but still important.
The main issue with implementing Warlock would be the way Ray attacks work in DDO. Other than that an arcane that doesn't run out of SP but in turn has very limited ability. The UMD is a biggie here however. They get the Take 10 ability (no other class gets that as a class feature), and they can use UMD in place of spell requirements when crafting magic items (not yet pertanent to DDO). The DR is nice (any damage mitigation would be), ER to twl types of energy (choosen by player, more damage mitigation), Unlimited access to Detect Magic (not a DDO issue), however Fast Healing would be great (especially if they had AP's options to increase). All in all a nice class I would think is very doable in DDO using exclusive toggles for the Shape invocations and another for essence invocations.