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  1. #21
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    An "anti-mage" melee class like the Samurai, or preferably, something homegrown - see sig ↓
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  2. #22
    Community Member FoxCourier's Avatar
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    I'll be fine with whatever they add in, but I'd really prefer they add in more Eberron themed things. At the moment, tops on my list are any Psionic classes (most specifically Psion and Soulknife, both of which are central to Eberron lore around the Inspired and Quroi - and the kalashtar, but they're not in yet so that's not as big of a thing). Psion would probably be the easiest thing to add in as Just Another Mage (given the SR = PR system tabletop Eberron uses), especially since we already do have Psionic bonuses floating around (Titan's Grip gives a Psionic bonus to Strength, and a lot of the Dreaming Dark named items state they're psionic - and we have Riedran Crystal items in game as well) if they increase the spell points to x10 to match what we currently have (or keep it 1-for-1 as it is in Tabletop, I'm just thinking it would be easier for heavy Spellcaster players to deal with it being x10 to bring it up to the same numbers-per-power usage that Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics, Bards, and Favored Souls use) and possibly add in a Base Feat system similar to Favored Soul that gives them special bonuses with certain powers (Telepathy gets a bonus with Telepathic powers, Psychometabolism gets a bonus with Psychometabolism powers, etc.). They wouldn't necessarily need to let you get bonus powers to your list this way either if they just added a small bonus (+DC on a slow rate, maybe?). They could even let them work with the Arcane feats, I suppose, since most of the psionic versions are the exact same just with the +Psionic flag only. I'm not sure if they can add the +Psionic flag to the current feat list easily, though.

    ...that's a huge block of text. Sorry, I couldn't think of a good way to break it up. A lot of feat/enhancement support would have to go into it though to add in Psionic feats, but they could also do that over multiple updates instead of dropping the bomb all at once, and they also don't really need to add in *all* of the Psionic classes in one shot either (start with the Psion and it's feat/enhance support, which is more closed off and close to, functionally, something like the Sorcerer, and then move into something like Psychic Warrior [personally meh, but hey, whatever], Wilder [build mostly off of Psion], and Soulknife [seperate feat/enhance support, but also closed off]).
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  3. #23
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Lesser invocations-
    Beshadowed blast (Any creature struck by the invoker’s eldritch blast also becomes Blind of 1 round (fort negates. SR applies. Effective spell level: 4th)- this is rather nice invocation as it both harms and debuffs the enemy. Unfortunately, the duration leaves much to be desired.
    Brimstone blast (the invoker’s eldritch blast does fire damage (Instead of untyped damage). In addition, any creature struck by the attack may catch fire (reflex save negates). Catching fire in this way lasts for up to one round per five warlock levels and does 2d6 fire damage per round. Effective spell level: 3rd)- A decent damage essence, with a weak Dot tacked on.
    Hellrime blast (the invoker’s eldritch blast does Cold damage instead of untyped damage. In addition, any creature struct by the attack receives a -4 penalty to dexterity for 10 minutes (fort negates). Effective spell level: 3rd.)- Another damage+debuff ability.
    Eldritch chain (if the eldritch blast hits its initial target, the invoker may attempt to hit a secondary target who is within 30 feet of the initial target. If the blast hits again, the invoker may attempt to jump to another secondary target, up to a total of one secondary target per 5 levels. Secondary targets take half damage. No creature may be affected twice by the same “chain”. Effective spell level: 4th.) – this turns all eldritch blasts, modified to do additional effects or not, into chain magic missile, with half damage and the full normal effect of the evocation.
    Charm ((Will negates. Duration: permanent. Sr applies) One living creature considers the invoker its ally. Anything the invoker says or does will be treated the same way as if a close friend said or did it. The invoker may only have one target charmed at a time. Charming a new creature automatically ends the effect on the prior target. Effective spell level: 4th)- Charm monster, however it can only be applied to one target at a time.
    Curse of despair ((Will negates. SR applies. Range: touch) Bestow curse, as per the spell in DDO)- a somewhat minor debuff, since it must be cast at touch range.
    Flee the scene (Dimension door, as per the DDo spell)-while useful, this would be somewhat of a niche choice, since warlocks have a severely limited selection of spells/spell like abilities to work with.
    Stone grasp ((Close range. 1round/level. No SR) Earthgrab, as per the earth elemental ability. Does 1d6 damage +2,+ an additional +1 damage per six evoker levels.
    Voidsense (See invisibility)- fairly useless.
    Voracious dispelling (dispel magic. Does 1 damage per spell dispelled (no save)- just as useful as dispel magic.
    Walk unseen (the invoker becomes invisible)- a selfish invisibility spell.
    There are several good choices for this tier that could cement a warlock as a DPS character; the ability to do cold damage, fire damage and hit several targets at once. Furthermore, there are several utility abilities that are rather nice in this tier, Stone grasp and charm being the most powerful of them. In DDo a typical DPS warlock would probably be expected to take Eldritch chain, Stone grasp and finally Hellrime blast for sustained damage at high levels and a rather nice autocrit ability.

    Greater invocations-
    Bewitching blast(any creature struct by the invoker’s eldritch blast also becomes confused (Will negates, SR applies) Effective spell level: 4th)-a minor debuff tacked onto the standard eldritch blast. I still do not know how confusion would be handled…
    Noxious blast (Any creature struck by the invoker’s eldritch blast becomes Nauseated for 1 round (fort negates, SR applies) Effective spell level: 6th)- damage +Debuff
    Repelling blast (Any creature up to medium-size struck by the invoker’s eldritch blast is also moved 1d6 hexes away from the invoker and falls prone. (reflex save negates, SR applies))- once again, a debuff + damage ability.
    Vitriolic blast (the invoker’s eldritch blast does acid damage (instead of untyped) (No save, no SR). In addition, any creature struck by the attack takes 2d6 acid damage for one round per five warlock levels. Effective spell level:6th)- A core DPS ability.
    Eldritch cone (All creatures within a thirty feet cone take eldritch blast damage and are effective by any additional eldritch blast effect. (Reflex negates, SR applies) effective spell level: 5th)- another core DPS ability, with the same shape as ‘Cone of cold’.
    Devour magic (‘greater dispel magic’ as per the DDO spell. Grants the invoker (spell level * 5) temporary hit points.)-Dispel magic coupled with a slightly better false life effect.
    Wall of perilous fire (Wall of fire, as per the current DDO incarnation of the spell)- another core DPS invocation that will be required. Though similar, this is much weaker than one cast by a wizard or sorcerer as Maximize/Empower does not affect its damage.
    Though many will have a knee-jerk reaction to grab Wall of Fire and run for the hills, it is much, much weaker in a warlock’s hands because maximize and empower do not affect it. Eldritch cone and vitriolic blast are much more effective, closely followed by repelling blast for an AOE CC spell.

  4. #24
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    I just want them to add druids so I stop seeing threads begging for them.

    My personal choice would be Artificer.
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  5. #25
    Venture Captain Wraithkin's Avatar
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    Personally, no migusta psions. Always have been unbalanced and game breaking. =P Even in Dark Sun.

  6. #26
    Community Member Martdon's Avatar
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    I could definitely see Artificers coming soon.
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by darktau View Post
    Warlock - (a Fav class of mine) Not a very likely one to be added unless rays are reworked so you can hit a moveing target. Yes they have unlimited spell casting ability but that means little if you can never hit your target due to engine limitations.
    Here's the real problem with adding Warlocks to DDO:
    A warlock is rather like a sorcerer, with unlimited spells per day but weaker spells and no ability to add metamagic on them.

    So, a player can simply test what this would feel like by taking a Sorcerer into battle and only using your weak spells (scorching ray + frost lance) without any Maximize or Empower. Notice how bad your DPS is...

  8. #28
    Community Member FoxCourier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wraithkin View Post
    Personally, no migusta psions. Always have been unbalanced and game breaking. =P Even in Dark Sun.
    People always say that about psionics, and they're just as frequently incorrect about it.

    It's a stupid stereotype, especially if the last time you really want to reference it was in Dark Sun (back in 2nd edition, where the entire psionics system was clunky as all heck and only overpowered because of the sheer lack of investment needed for it).

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  9. #29
    Founder & Hero
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    Artificer yes warlock please no never liked the class never will and 4E's video is about the only thing I liked about the class. and I hate 4E

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #30
    Community Member FoxCourier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Artificer yes warlock please no never liked the class never will and 4E's video is about the only thing I liked about the class. and I hate 4E
    Ignoring the random quantifier of disliking a different edition (play what you like, mate, s'all good as long as we're having fun, right?), what specifically is the problem with the warlock class in particular?

    Personally, I sort of like it, but outside of a few niche and/or awesome builds in tabletop it never really did a whole lot for me, and generally did it a lot later then if I had gone with a pure arcane class of some other variety.

    Still, it's not exactly as bad as some of the other Complete classes (Warmage was rubbish, and Wu Jen was mostly pointless with wizards in the game already, just from Complete Arcane alone). It at least had some viability on it's own merits.
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  11. #31
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    I hope it would be Druid->Artificer->Warlock. But I'm not sure I'm keen on Artificer.

    Locks would get a boost due to the loaded dice casters have, but just like most casters would pale to melee. Their debuffs would be pointless on bosses unlike PNP where they are actually useful. And thus would most likely be the "token' guy on the raid.

    Everyone will have an artificer alt that will never get TR'd (completionists aside), never played a single time after it hits 20 other than to break down items and create new ones. This will be the penultimate definition of alt for most people & will be the suggested starting class for most players due to it's abilities for "feeding" your other characters magic items. BTA would be come Bound Toward Artificer as multiples of named items get crunched down for special effects for new items.

    Depending on how the crafting system is handled, I could be totally off base on the above, or I could be just scratching the surface.

    But, I don't like the fact that if not handled carefully Artificer would just be a back seat magic machine. Or to the inverse, a gigantic money sink that newer players won't be able to afford due to the fact there are folks with 16 million+ plat that Turbine wants to destroy.

    Be careful what you wish for....
    Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS

  12. #32
    Community Member Delssar's Avatar
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    Hexblade pls
    theres only so much I can do with making a "like hexblade" class by multiclassing

  13. #33
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    Default The Power of Shadow

    I can't believe I haven't heard any requests of Assassins and Necromancers yet. Shadow powers would create a new feel of the game. Something different. I believe Shamans are way overdue to class options, as well as Druid. What would seperate Warlocks from Sorcerers would be the pacts. I know it's 4E based, and many people don't like 4E, but it would be different for sure to be able to pick what type of warlock you are instead of making it a weak sorcerer. I'd LOVE a warlord. Basically a sword/shield bard that wears heavy armor. I would also like a Warden, but that would make Paladin's slightly useless, lol.
    I know this isn't about races, but we need Tieflings! Dragonborn would also be really fun, and high elves would create a diversity. Gnomes would be fun to play as well. I would love a holy striker, also.

  14. #34
    Community Member FoxCourier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icuonuez View Post
    I can't believe I haven't heard any requests of Assassins and Necromancers yet. Shadow powers would create a new feel of the game. Something different. I believe Shamans are way overdue to class options, as well as Druid. What would seperate Warlocks from Sorcerers would be the pacts. I know it's 4E based, and many people don't like 4E, but it would be different for sure to be able to pick what type of warlock you are instead of making it a weak sorcerer. I'd LOVE a warlord. Basically a sword/shield bard that wears heavy armor. I would also like a Warden, but that would make Paladin's slightly useless, lol.
    I know this isn't about races, but we need Tieflings! Dragonborn would also be really fun, and high elves would create a diversity. Gnomes would be fun to play as well. I would love a holy striker, also. realize that there's a 3.5 version of the Warlock, and that for the most part Assassins (via Rogue) and Necromancers (via Pale Master) are already in the game for their 3.5 incarnations, right?

    Warlord also had a (remarkably bad) 3.5 incarnation from the Miniature's Handbook, and is still not even that great in 4e outside of specific niches.

    The only Shaman equivlant was the Spirit Shaman (which is terribawful for a number of reasons), Warden didn't have (nor did it really need) a direct 3.5 version, and even then outside of specific party builds were also really not that much better or worse then Paladins.

    Not even going to start on the Race thing, other then stating that it'd probably be a good plan to read the 4e and 3.5 Eberron settings before assuming that they'll be anything like the Core 4e versions (they aren't by a long shot, culturally). High elves, technically, are also already in game in their 3.5 incarnation (Aerenal elves, for example; the Valenar are technically closer to more foresty elves... or about as close as a Mongol-inspired, ancestor worshipping elf can get).

    'Badly Misinformed' seems to be a recurring theme in your post. :U
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  15. #35
    Community Member Wren666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post

    A warlock is rather like a sorcerer, with unlimited spells per day but weaker spells and no ability to add metamagic on them.

    err... unlimited per day?

    so if I rested one day, would I get unlimited x2?
    can I use one of the unlimited all at once and save the other for the boss?
    Last edited by Wren666; 01-07-2011 at 06:14 AM.
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  16. #36
    Community Member FoxCourier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wren666 View Post
    err... unlimited per day?

    so if I rested one day, would I get unlimited x2?
    can I use one of the unlimited all at once and save the other for the boss?
    Ignoring if this is facetious or not, here's how Invocations work:

    You get X number of Invocation slots - something a bit less then one per level (it caps out at 12 at level 20). You start off with Least, progress into Lesser, then Greater, then Dark (four tiers). When you gain a new Invocation slot, you can use it on any invocation that you can currently learn (so, when you hit 6th and unlock Lesser Invocations, you can then spend any Invocation slot you get after that on Least or Lesser, at your discretion).

    Invocations are not really spells - they're Spell-Like Abilities that you can use as often per day as you feel like using them. If you have Earthen Grasp (Earthgrab, effectively), you can use it as often as you like (it's treated as a 2nd level spell for all intents and purposes). If you have, say, Earthen Grasp and Breath of the Night (Fog Cloud), you can use both of them as often as you like.

    Some Invocations affect your Eldritch Blast ability - you can use them any time you use your Eldritch Blast, though each Eldritch Blast can only carry two Blast Invocations: One Shape, One Essence. If you have, say... Hellrime Blast (Essence), Brimestone Blast (Essence), and Eldritch Chain (Shape), you can make your Eldritch Blast into a Hellrime Eldritch Chain, or a Brimestone Eldritch Chain, but not a Hellrime Brimestone Eldritch Chain.

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  17. #37
    Community Member Shafmaster2000's Avatar
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    Why don't they just wipe the (metric ton of) dust off one of the golden oldies, like the Math Mage? =D

    ... But to do that they'd first have to either build a time machine or find a way to resurrect the dead, and that would result in either a zombie invasion or an invasion of time-travelling zombies. I can't see either of those ending well, so probably best to leave well enough alone. =)

    Ok, now for the serious part.

    I am big fan of the 4th Ed. Warlord class, but I'm not familiar with their 3.5 incarnation so I can't speak to it's viability to DDO. While I'd love to see them added to the game, I can honestly say that with a few additions/tweaks to sword & board based combat, warlords would (sadly) be redundant.

    The addition of more shield-based powers would increase the viability of using shields. Like a shield charge or an AP line that sacrifices a percentage the shield's effective AC to allow for off-hand shield-strikes whilst attacking. That could be further expanded upon by the inclusion of spiked or bladed shields. That, combined with a warchanting bard with a fighter splash and boom, warlord in every way but name.

    Artificers would be a nifty addition, but I understand that their implimentation could be a bit tricky. As I don't know much about the class, I'll leave that discussion to those that do. Psionics, again, gonna leave that to people that are familiar with the class.

    In the end, something to keep the balance between the melee, magic and specialty archetypes would probably be for the best.
    Favorite spell - Hit monster with sword

  18. #38
    Community Member Templarion's Avatar
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    No new stuff until old stuff is fixed.

    1) How about making Cleric as good as FvS first?
    2) How about balacing Drow and Elf on the level of other useful races?
    3) How about tuning Epic difficulty to suit better to people's needs?
    4) How about <you name it>.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxCourier View Post
    Ignoring the random quantifier of disliking a different edition (play what you like, mate, s'all good as long as we're having fun, right?), what specifically is the problem with the warlock class in particular?

    Personally, I sort of like it, but outside of a few niche and/or awesome builds in tabletop it never really did a whole lot for me, and generally did it a lot later then if I had gone with a pure arcane class of some other variety.

    Still, it's not exactly as bad as some of the other Complete classes (Warmage was rubbish, and Wu Jen was mostly pointless with wizards in the game already, just from Complete Arcane alone). It at least had some viability on it's own merits.
    AD said it pretty much in his post warlock is kind of like a weak sauce sorc but with unlimted spells it adds zero to the game.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Templarion View Post
    No new stuff until old stuff is fixed.

    1) How about making Cleric as good as FvS first?
    2) How about balacing Drow and Elf on the level of other useful races?
    3) How about tuning Epic difficulty to suit better to people's needs?
    4) How about <you name it>.
    some of this would be more useful than adding more classes this is true.

    Beware the Sleepeater

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