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  1. #1
    Community Member KreepyKritter's Avatar
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    Default The Next New Class

    So... with all the buzz surrounding Druids, I thought I'd troll the depths of the forum for a bit of perspective regarding the other classes that might make an appearance in DDO in the (not-so) distant future.

    Now, I'm not talking Prestige Classes/Enhancements, I'm talking about fully formed, unique, classes. Sure, we're all hot to get Druids in our sweaty mits, but what about the others?

    The other side of this coin is 'We'd really rather the rest of the PrE's were finished first before we start seeing new classes rolled out' or 'Can we have the existing classes fixed first?' and I hear all this and I'm right there with you, but with the advent of the Half-Bloods, I think it bears considering what we (the players) want next in the way of classes.

    My top three (please feel free to disagree and share your own) in order of my own personal preference:

    1: Druid (Of course)
    2: Warlock (Because nothing says lovin' like an eldritch blast to the face)
    3: Psionics (Because we all have to dream of something and I dream of controlling YOUR dreams)

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  2. #2
    Community Member xoowak's Avatar
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    I think everyone wants druids. Probably my favorite class to play in PnP. I don't really see warlock happening, as it would combine the problems of ranged and arcane DPS. Psionics would be great. I'd particularly like to see psychic warrior, I think psions might be too similar to wizards when translated to DDO.

    Besides Druids and PsyWars, I'd like to see Binder and Duskblade.

  3. #3
    Community Member ProdigalGuru's Avatar
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    I have it on good authority that the Devs have solved the polymorph problem, and Druids will be coming sooner than you might think.

    ANOTHER class?

    I do not really think there is much more room or need for one.

    Plenty of room for more races though.
    Last edited by ProdigalGuru; 12-23-2010 at 11:59 PM.
    Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.

  4. #4
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProdigalGuru View Post
    I have it on good authority that the Devs have solved the polymorph problem, and Druids will be coming sooner than you might think.

    ANOTHER class?

    I do not really think there is much more room or need for one.

    Plenty of room for more races though.
    I have it on bad authority that the Dev working on new classes just got completionist, and will soon have lots of "unfortunate setbacks" in new class development.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Ullysses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KreepyKritter View Post

    1: Druid (Of course)
    2: Warlock (Because nothing says lovin' like an eldritch blast to the face)
    3: Psionics (Because we all have to dream of something and I dream of controlling YOUR dreams)
    1: Druid - Coming "SOON"

    2: Warlock - Not familiar with this class from PnP, from what I've seen is similar to the 'Archmage' wizard prestige, I'm sur there are differences, but enough for a totally new class, or maybe another wiz/sorc prestige?

    3: Psionics - See this mentioned a lot, but it would take a lot of work, a total new 'spell' line would have to be added, as well as the obvious feats/enhancements. Plus psionic defences added. (Defences/Resists/immunities to all the added spells/abilities) If Druids have taken this long, won't hold my breath for Psionics.

    After Druid, I don't really know what other class I'd like to see. The base classes are all here, and finished PRE's will cover pretty much anything I see missing. Psionics would be the next big step, but I'd mostly like to see more races first. Gnome, Tiefling, etc.

  6. #6
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Given the setting, I think most players would like to see artificers. Especially is there are to be any changes to how crafting is done in DDO...

  7. #7
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    a powerful ally able to play in any role that the group needs

  8. #8
    Community Member Nightsun33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aashrym View Post

  9. #9
    Community Member Illiain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ullysses View Post
    1: Druid - Coming "SOON"

    2: Warlock - Not familiar with this class from PnP, from what I've seen is similar to the 'Archmage' wizard prestige, I'm sur there are differences, but enough for a totally new class, or maybe another wiz/sorc prestige?

    3: Psionics - See this mentioned a lot, but it would take a lot of work, a total new 'spell' line would have to be added, as well as the obvious feats/enhancements. Plus psionic defences added. (Defences/Resists/immunities to all the added spells/abilities) If Druids have taken this long, won't hold my breath for Psionics.

    After Druid, I don't really know what other class I'd like to see. The base classes are all here, and finished PRE's will cover pretty much anything I see missing. Psionics would be the next big step, but I'd mostly like to see more races first. Gnome, Tiefling, etc.
    Warlock is an arcane damage class with a Bard chassis. d6hp, average BAB, good Will saves, simple weapons, light armor (with no arcane penalty similar to Bards), and UMD. Along with that they get innate resistances and DR similar to FvS.

    They wouldn't have SP. Their powers are all spell-like abilities with no daily limits, so they would all have a short cooldown (standard action to use). They have at most 16 invocations and their Eldritch Blast. If you want to enhance the blast into a burst or cone, you need to take those as some of your 16 available invocations.

    Psionics for 3.5 wouldn't be that hard to redo. It was severely revamped after 2nd edition and it's mostly the Arcane list with a different name. The big thing is power points. They could augment their powers by adding more points. It's very similar to how SP+metamagics work currently. The feats are all just reflavored magic feats. ( Defenses are just SR for psionic powers, or Power Resistance.

  10. #10
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    This is the list of what I would like to see and sadly why I don't think some are good options for DDO. A small note most of my recent PnP exp has been useing classes from3.X Players Handbook, Complete -(Devine, Warrior, Adventurer, Arcane).

    Devine caster:
    Druid - comeing "THOON" - (my most played and fav over all class ever sence my older bro introduced me to it back in the TRS days.)

    Arcane Caster:
    Warlock - (a Fav class of mine) Not a very likely one to be added unless rays are reworked so you can hit a moveing target. Yes they have unlimited spell casting ability but that means little if you can never hit your target due to engine limitations.

    The "Eldritch Essences" and "Blast Shape" I could see being added as toggleable like meta magic currently is. Only one Essence and one Shape active at a time. If you are unfamiliar with Warlocks casting it is effectivly one ray spell that is modified by the Essence and Shape.

    I almost dont see the Other Invocations that are a limited list of spells a Warlock can cast an Unlimited number of times being added or if added will have long cool down times.

    Artificer - It is possibly the defining class of the Ebberon world. I have little experiance with the class, never played it, but looked over the class rules a long time ago. This is the class I think f when I hear Ebberon.

    Hexblade - (melee and minor arcane caster)
    One of my faveroit classes of the 3.5 splat books. I Doubt it would translate well to DDO. The "Hexblade Curse" class ability is likely not to work on bosses for very long or the Hexblade would need to gimp its melee abilities to get the ability to hit. As for the "Aura of Unluck" would simply be a blurr effect with an up to 3/rest castings. Main down side for the class is that the class is supposed to NON-GOOD aligned. I would almost require the spell "Whirling Blade" if this class is added.

    Spellsword/Duskblade - As I under stand these classes they are both melee with some arcane casting abilities. Sadly I cant renember too much about the specifics of these classes and dont have the books on me (My DM borrowed them to plan our campaign starting after new years eve hangovers are gone, of can atleast handle the rolling of dice.).

  11. #11
    Community Member Winter_storm's Avatar
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    Was surfing around and saw Dragon Shamen. It would be interesting but then realized the suggested races are kobalds and gnomes. But just the fact your character changes at each level up into something dragonlike would be interesting to see. Though doesn't look practical for the time being.

    also saw Spirit Shaman and Samurai.

    I think samurai is possible but Spirit Shaman not for sure.

  12. #12
    Community Member Ullysses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illiain View Post
    Warlock is an arcane damage class with a Bard chassis. d6hp, average BAB, good Will saves, simple weapons, light armor (with no arcane penalty similar to Bards), and UMD. Along with that they get innate resistances and DR similar to FvS.

    They wouldn't have SP. Their powers are all spell-like abilities with no daily limits, so they would all have a short cooldown (standard action to use). They have at most 16 invocations and their Eldritch Blast. If you want to enhance the blast into a burst or cone, you need to take those as some of your 16 available invocations.

    Psionics for 3.5 wouldn't be that hard to redo. It was severely revamped after 2nd edition and it's mostly the Arcane list with a different name. The big thing is power points. They could augment their powers by adding more points. It's very similar to how SP+metamagics work currently. The feats are all just reflavored magic feats. ( Defenses are just SR for psionic powers, or Power Resistance.
    Guess Warlock could be made to work like bard songs then, or action clickies, depending on how they translate them to DDO. Guess the invocations would be through enhancements like archmage abilities. So that could be an interesting class.

    Psionics, even if using SR, would require a reworking of SR in many aspects of the game to not be overpowered. And power resistance would have to be added. Or it could be changed to work on will save or something I suppose. Still seems a lot of development work. As long as it's taken for Druids, I just don't see it any time soon. It's mostly the work to implement it while keeping it balanced with the existing game.

    What is the Artificer class? I stopped playing PnP after 3.0, so am not familiar with some of the additions after that.

    At work, or I'd just google it

  13. #13
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xoowak View Post
    I think everyone wants druids. Probably my favorite class to play in PnP. I don't really see warlock happening, as it would combine the problems of ranged and arcane DPS. Psionics would be great. I'd particularly like to see psychic warrior, I think psions might be too similar to wizards when translated to DDO.
    Everyone wants druids.

    Warlock plays like the wizard prestiges, only it don't have spells, it's all blast, SLAs and light melee.
    While the building blocks are there, it dun really fit it in any existing class so better have its own.

    Psionic's power points were the first points pool used natively by a d&d class and is very much like the spell points we have in ddo.
    If we have accepted the spell points variant on ddo there's no reason to not allow power points as well.
    Keep in mind that psionic classes *do* have a larger pool of points than arcanes and have an easier time replenishing them.
    Wizard lovers need not complain.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ullysses View Post
    What is the Artificer class? I stopped playing PnP after 3.0, so am not familiar with some of the additions after that.
    Short answer "God of UMD". Longer answer a class that has limited magical ability but is based arround makeing magical items. They are able to drain the magic from one item and create a new magic item with powers they want. They can do other things but my friends have burned that drain magic items of all power to make something more usefull for the Artificer into my memory for all time.

    Few things are worse then haveing your char to bed, getting attacked in the night, drawing your weapon only to realise the Artificer has drained your "+1 Flameing, Icy, Shocking, Holy Bastard Sword" reduceing it to a common Masterwork Bastard Sword. We were even more upset to realize that the Artificer drained both of our 2 Clerics Holy Symbols. Note the Holy Symbols did have additional magical properties, and the DM considered them to need reattuneing(house rule - carried for 24 hrs) to the Clerics before they could use them.

  15. #15
    Community Member Hecate100's Avatar
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    Druids are probably next to be implemented, but I'd love to play a Duskblade or Dragon Shaman.

  16. #16
    Community Member rexservorum's Avatar
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    Warlocks are gods of UMD/crafting in their own way. Full ranks along with...

    Deceive Item (4th level)

    You may take 10 on Use Magic Device checks.

    Imbue Item (12th level)

    You may attempt to create a magic item without knowing the spell or spells required (though you still need the right item creation feat, as well as the gp, xp, and time). Roll a Use Magic Device (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells). If you succeed, you can make the item; if you fail, you cannot. You may retry this check for that item every time you gain a level.

    The second ability is of course irrelevant to DDO, at least for the time being. But I can think of a lot of people who would be quite enthusiastic about the Deceive Item ability. Especially since they are a Charisma-based class (it determines their invocations' DC). They'd have no-fail Raise Dead at UMD 26 and Heal at UMD 30, both of which are achievable by mid-levels with minimal investment into +UMD items on a charismatic, full UMD class.

    I can hear the chorus of, "Nerf Warlocks!" already.

  17. #17
    Community Member Illiain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ullysses View Post
    Guess Warlock could be made to work like bard songs then, or action clickies, depending on how they translate them to DDO. Guess the invocations would be through enhancements like archmage abilities. So that could be an interesting class.

    Psionics, even if using SR, would require a reworking of SR in many aspects of the game to not be overpowered. And power resistance would have to be added. Or it could be changed to work on will save or something I suppose. Still seems a lot of development work. As long as it's taken for Druids, I just don't see it any time soon. It's mostly the work to implement it while keeping it balanced with the existing game.

    What is the Artificer class? I stopped playing PnP after 3.0, so am not familiar with some of the additions after that.

    At work, or I'd just google it
    As already stated, they are magic item makers. Wizards get metamagic feats to increase their casting. Artificers get the creation feats at specific levels. Their main function is to grind up old useless magic items and can use the magic to create better items. It's typically more efficient than selling the item and using that to buy materials to make something else. They also have access to most of the buff spells that are used in magic item creation. I believe anything they don't have, they can fake, "as if it's on their list".

    They can also temporarily enchant arms and armor, such as making a +1 longsword into a +1 undead bane longsword, if they know they're fighting undead that day, or add flaming if you know you're fighting ice creatures.. They're useful in a party for making other players even better.

  18. #18
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illiain View Post
    As already stated, they are magic item makers. Wizards get metamagic feats to increase their casting. Artificers get the creation feats at specific levels. Their main function is to grind up old useless magic items and can use the magic to create better items. It's typically more efficient than selling the item and using that to buy materials to make something else. They also have access to most of the buff spells that are used in magic item creation. I believe anything they don't have, they can fake, "as if it's on their list".

    They can also temporarily enchant arms and armor, such as making a +1 longsword into a +1 undead bane longsword, if they know they're fighting undead that day, or add flaming if you know you're fighting ice creatures.. They're useful in a party for making other players even better.
    I'll add comment or so to this.

    They also get blade barrier, UMD as a class skill, trap skills, and the repair line to repair WF. The class revolves around magic items.

    The first time I saw them was with the release of the Eberron setting and they are a core part of the system. In PnP Eberron added magewrights as the NPC lesser version and Artificers as the full PC class. It's the artificers who are responsible for much of the magical industrialization in Eberron and why we have things like airships, lightning rail, and so many constructs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    a powerful ally able to play in any role that the group needs

  19. #19
    Community Member KreepyKritter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    Warlock plays like the wizard prestiges, only it don't have spells, it's all blast, SLAs and light melee.
    While the building blocks are there, it dun really fit it in any existing class so better have its own.
    Nnnnnngh... not really. The wizard prestiges make a preset selection of spells available as spell-like abilities. Warlocks get spell like abilities like Bards get songs (as has been mentioned). Imagine it like a Bard's fascinate ability... except instead of making Mob's stand around useless, it kills them.

    Warlock is as similar to Wizard as Druid is to Cleric in my opinion.

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  20. #20
    Community Member Doxmaster's Avatar
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    Warlocks are fun, but let’s think about each of their abilities in game terms.

    Really. I’m going to list each and every ability they have or can get and we can deconstruct each of them.
    Eldritch blast (Xd6 of magical damage. Possibly force, possibly untyped…) - Basically Arcane bolt OR the magic missile Spell like ability. Yes, archmage gets two different abilities that approximate the most basic warlock ability and an archmage could have both at the same time, if he wanted.
    Eldritch burst (eldritch blast changes from single target to area of effect) –either Arcane blast or the Chain magic missile SLA. Worst than either of those two options, since it can’t be cycled with eldritch blast, but magic missile can be cycled with chain mm. An archmage with chain mm And arcane blast is laughing in the face of all warlocks atm.
    Damage reduction (Slow progressing DR/cold iron, up to a max of 5DR/cold iron)- a minor ability that is completely blown out of the water by stoneskin wands AND basically all DR items.
    Deceive item (A warlock always rolls 10 or better for UMD checks.)- this could be implemented several ways, but it basically comes out to warlocks rocking at UMD.
    Fiendish resilience (fast healing 1 for 2 minutes, which can progress up to fast healing 5)- Kind of nice for guarantied healing.
    Energy resistance (energy resistance 5 verses 2 elements, which progresses up to energy resistance 10 to those same elements.)- Nothing to write home about.
    Imbue item (a warlock is able to create magical items without knowing the spells required for that item) Wonderful! Except we don’t have D&D crafting in DDo, so warlocks wouldn’t actually get this ability.
    At this point, warlock is a good deal behind an archmage wizard except in regard to UMD.

    Let’s start on their least invocations. I will omit the obviously impossible ones, such as Spiderwalk and Darkness, since they have absolutely no ingame approximation. Some will have to be ballparked, but those two are obviously not even under consideration.

    Frightful blast
    (– Any creature struck by the invoker’s Eldritch Blast also becomes Shaken for 1 minute (WillNeg). Subsequent Frightful Blasts donot stack, but do reset the duration. Effective Spell Level: 2nd.)
    - A minor debuff. Not very useful.
    Sickening blast
    (– Any creature struck by the invoker’s Eldritch Blast also becomes Sickened for 1 minute.
    (FortNeg). Subsequent Sickening Blasts do not stack, but do reset the duration. Effective Spell Level: 2nd.)
    -Another minor debuff. Not very useful.
    Eldritch Spear
    (– The maximum range of the invoker’s Eldritch Blast increases to 250’ with no range increment.
    Effective Spell Level: 2nd.)
    -the enlarge metamagic, for eldritch blast only. Somewhat useful.
    Hideous Blow
    (– As a Standard Action, make one melee attack. If the hit is successful (even if it does not
    damage), then treat the opponent as if he/she were also hit with the invoker’s Eldritch Blast (including any special effects due to Eldritch Essence invocations).
    Effective Spell Level: 1st.)
    -the warlock makes a single attack and, if it hits, eldritch blast is applied as well as normal damage. This is a crude approximation of sneak attack that affects basically everything.
    Baleful utterance
    ( By speaking a syllable of Dark Speech, the invoker chooses one of the following to occur:
    a) all non-magic glass, crystal, etc., in a 5’ radius Burst that weigh less than 1 lb/lvl
    are shattered. An attended object gets a Will save to negate. Otherwise, no save.
    b) a single solid object weighing up to 10 pounds per level can be shattered. An
    attended object gets a Will save to negate. If an attended object was destroyed, then the
    creature touching it must make a Fortitude save of be Dazed for 1 round and Deafened
    for 1 minute.
    Effective Spell Level: 2nd.)
    -Lowers the larget’s AC and/or attack bonus if they fail a will save, and the target is dazed for 6 seconds. This is actually pretty nice.
    Beguiling influence
    (– The invoker receives a +6 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, & Intimidate checks.
    Effective Spell Level: 2nd.)
    -self buff that gives a bonus to bluff, diplomacy and intimidate. This would be fairly nice for an Intimi-tank warlock, which would be an interesting niche to see them fill.

    Breath of the Night
    – Creates a 20’ radius Spread by 20’ high area of mist around the invoker, which grants Concealment to everyone within it. Does not block Line-of-Sight.
    The mist dissipates in 1 minute, or can be
    dispersed immediately by a Moderate wind or the fire of a torch.
    Effective spell level 1st.)
    -this is Obscuring mist, the arcane spell. It is useless.
    Dark one’s own luck
    (The invoker receives a luck bonus to one saving throw equal to his/her charisma modifier (up to his/her class level). To change which saving throw benefits, the invoker must first dismiss the current effect as a standard action.
    Effective spell level: 2nd)
    -Makes incredible saves easily achievable.
    Earthen grasp
    – A Medium-sized arm of soil rises from the targeted hex of earth or sand. It attempts to Grapple any creature in its hex or one that is
    adjacent. If not directed by the invoker, it attacks randomly. The arm has a Strength of 14 + 1 per three invoker levels. The arm can make one
    Grapple attempt per round and does generate an Attack of Opportunity. If successful, it attempts to Pin the target, which does (1d6+Strength modifier) hp of lethal damage each round The arm has AC 15, Hardness 4, and 3 hp per Invoker level.
    Effective Spell Level: 2nd.)
    Earth grab, copied straight from earth elementals.
    Entropic warding
    (the invoker is surrounded by chaotic energies. Ranged attacks that target the invoker have a 20% miss chance.
    Effective spell level: 2nd)
    -Blur, for ranged attacks only.
    Leaps and bounds
    (the invoker receives a +6 on balance, jump and tumble checks.
    Effective spell level: 2nd)
    A weak jump, tumble and balance buff that only applies to the warlock himself.
    Miasmic cloud
    (the invoker creates a 2-‘ spread of mist, which grants concealment to anyone who enters it’s area. All creatures, excluding the invoker, within the mist become fatigued (fort save negates, spell resistance applies) until 1 round after then leave the area of effect. The mist dissipates in 1 minute, or can be dispersed by a moderate wind or the fire of a torch.
    Effective spell level: 2nd)
    -a very good spell if it isn’t able to harm allies; this is roughly waves of fatigue, with a fort save added on. At a low level too. If it CAN harm allies, it is a terrible spell.
    See the unseen
    (the invoker gains darkvision 60’ and can see invisible creatures and objects within his/her range of vision.
    Effective spell level: 2nd.)
    -roughly the same as true seeing. Self only.
    Summon swarm
    (simmons either a swarm of bats, or a swarm of spiders. The swarm attacks any creature within it’s area The invoker has no control over the swarm’s movement or target.
    Effective spell level: 2nd)
    -Summons an unfriendly swarm of spiders or rats. This would not be appreciated.
    Voice of madness
    (one target is confused.
    Effective spell level: 2nd)
    -I’m not sure what this would be like, to be honest.
    A mixed bag; a few of the least invocations really stand out and a few more have situational usefulness, but the vast majority are useless. A warlock could pick Earthen grasp, Baleful Utterance and either Dark One’s own luck or Beguiling influence if they want to be an Intimi-tank and never miss any of the other options..

    I’ll do lesser, greater and dark invocations later.

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