I have a few newb cleric questions to hopefully get answered. Currently I am running a level 14 pure cleric that is focused on offensive casting. Due to time restraints I mainly solo, but run with a pug when the chance arises and am working on leveling up to the point where I can run regular raids with my guild (although I am in no hurry, I am enjoying the game, not zerging through it)
I do a lot of loot runs through sands/orchard and my strategy is mainly kite as many mobs as I can, drop a BB and kite said mobs back and forth through it until they are dead. However, I find that when I do need to resort to melee when my mana runs out(I am good at getting the most out of my bar, but I tend to get myself in over my head sometimes and blow through it), I really don't hit very often (especially in orchard).
Would it be beneficial for me to multiclass my cleric to take some fighter or monk levels? Is multiclassing in this way viable endgame or would I be better off sticking to a pure classed cleric? What do I miss out on in the later levels by multiclassing from Cleric?