I recently had some toons moved from Ghallanda and hit something of an issue which is a bit of a pain.

No matter how I tried I couldn't rename my character to be even close to my old name. It seemed every combination or spelling was taken so I started adding random spellings as friends to speed up the process to check if they were already taken.

After 20-30 variations almost all showed up as lvl 1 characters with no pictures suggesting very old toons that have never been used.

I think it's about time something was done so that any unused characters still at lvl 1 at 1 or 2 years old are given the -1 add-on that moved characters get to free up some names. We all know they're never coming back and if they did a name isn't something that's going to put them off playing again. It's getting very difficult to create any combination of letters that produce a pronouncible name that isn't already taken and something needs doing about it.