I have played DDO for a little while now and imo it is great. The range of classes and races are just awesome as well as the multitude of quests. The devs have recently become much more creative (ie the redfens and droaam chains), but there is a new generation of mmo coming out like Vindictus made by Nexon (aka Mabinogi Heroes). My question is, will DDO stay up with the new gen or become like Asheron's Call?

I think a new game engine would be great to enhance animations, graphics, etc. It is HUGE to say, "change how the game works," but it is better than becoming obsolete. Besides, devs have shown us that they CAN make great combat animations by giving us the monk class. Vindictus has combat animation, physics, etc that has just blown me away. But even though the combat is great, the game is not Dungeons and Dragons.

Maybe I'm being naive, but all I'm saying is make it even more epic.