Got one and a half life more to go D: would love to get the channel pm please :-) thx.
To those I've sent the TR channel info to, you may or may NOT need the brackets for the password. If it says "you can't create said channel" then take the brackets out for the password. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Laughing at you G.
just tr'd another toon last night
id heard they shouldnt eat after midnight, but he begged and it was so cute i had to feed him.
i woke up today and i find this is what he turned into.
A Whole stable of toons. Capped Cleric Asiob, Cleric/Rogue Asiobeth, Fighter Kutzzz, Barbarian Ziggyjr, Slim Shady Exploiter Ranger, Zigbang.
Eh... I guess I could use the channel. Most pug groups have been a bit gratting on my nerves that I had to LR my bard from support to combat just to finish quests now.
Oh no, I never requested it til now so there was no fault hehe.
i still have more life for completionist to go, and going to do a few more after so
pm sent
An unamed guildie just convinced me to TR a third char before finishing the first 2... 3 TR's under level 10. Would love to jump in this channel.
Gota , Godros , Aratranna, Zerrod
does this channel still exist? Would love info about to do a second TR
good at business
Yes, this channel still exists and has roughly 25+ members in it every night constantly posting for groups & small talk. If you're interested in the channel information please send me a PM requesting the info.
PS. This channel isn't just a TR channel it's also a Power leveling channel. So if you're interested in power leveling then you too may send a PM to me.
Thanks again for your interest in the Khyber TR-Power leveling channel!
We look forward to seeing you in the near future.
Laughing at you G.
I am Very Interested am on my third go around and have hit a bottleneck lvl 16 WF sorc this incarnation.
Dreaken lvl20cleric/lvl 20FVS/lvl16 Sorc
Interested too, have lvl 14 TR-ed melee likely to be TR-ed again
I forgot about this but I've now added it to my hagglebot so I can watch the chatter from the chars I'm currently leveling on the Mel account. Some very odd chitter chatter in there! Thank you Nexx for making this available.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~