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  1. #1
    Community Member Forlan's Avatar
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    Default Is selling raid loot you rolled on cool?

    I'd say no what do you think?
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forlan View Post
    I'd say no what do you think?
    What raid loot are we talking about ?

    Unbound raid loot ? why is this even up for a roll ?

    bound raid loot that your gonna vendor for a pittance ? yeah way uncool

  3. #3
    Community Member Franke's Avatar
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    This should be fun *takes a seat and grabs popcorn*

  4. #4
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    generally no

    if, however, all rollers rolled for it just to auction it in the raid (which is a paradoxon if you ask me) then it would be ok.

    if noone wants it and the looter does not wanna sell it at the vendor him/herself than its fine to roll and vendor it...
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by blitzschlag View Post
    generally no

    if, however, all rollers rolled for it just to auction it in the raid (which is a paradoxon if you ask me) then it would be ok.

    Which would make me wonder why it was up for a roll in the first place .

  6. #6
    Community Member Forlan's Avatar
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    i'd assume any item up for roll would be bound. since u'd loot and sell otherwise or give to one of ur noobs
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanmeerkat View Post
    Which would make me wonder why it was up for a roll in the first place .
    thats why i said its a paradoxon as it would never happen...
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  8. 12-22-2010, 04:02 AM

  9. #8
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    I believe this question is related to another Sarlona thread.

    Apparently someone rolled on a Sword of Shadows, won the roll and was passed the SoS. He then proceeded to sell or auction it off from the chest instead of looting it.

    In answer to that question - this behavior is completely unacceptable and the person who sold the loot from the chest after winning it in a roll should be blacklisted.


  10. #9
    Community Member TheSavage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    I believe this question is related to another Sarlona thread.

    Apparently someone rolled on a Sword of Shadows, won the roll and was passed the SoS. He then proceeded to sell or auction it off from the chest instead of looting it.

    In answer to that question - this behavior is completely unacceptable and the person who sold the loot from the chest after winning it in a roll should be blacklisted.
    Seconded. Only roll on something if you're going to use it. (This also goes for people who roll on something to pass to a friend, basically giving the other person 2 rolls...)
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  11. #10
    Founder Maldavenous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    In answer to that question - this behavior is completely unacceptable and the person who sold the loot from the chest after winning it in a roll should be blacklisted.
    If you won it in a roll you better be looting it. We have certain practices with raid loot for a reason. There's a slippery slope of what happens when people start to accept this type of thing.

  12. #11
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    If I find someone is rollilng on something I put up for rolls just to sell it then I ignore any and all rolls the make from then on even if they want the item for real as I could vendor an item and use the cash just as much as they could

    Beware the Sleepeater

  13. #12

    Default This is a tough one.

    On one hand.
    It is your loot once you win a roll. So from that point of view sure okay. Your loot, Your call.

    On the other hand,
    If I put up a item for roll and then the winner began an auction..... That person would make my warning list with a note excluding him/her from rolling on any of my raid loot again. My loot, My call.

    And I would not have a problem with how other players handle a person with this reputation. Their group/loot. Their call.

    On the third hand,
    I know that when I put an item up for roll I hope the winner will put it to good use. A quick auction is a kind of slap in the face of people that are willing to help out others.

  14. #13
    Community Member Illiain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    If I find someone is rollilng on something I put up for rolls just to sell it then I ignore any and all rolls the make from then on even if they want the item for real as I could vendor an item and use the cash just as much as they could
    Does this count for the chain shirt and breastplate from HoX too? I thought they were BtC vendor trash.

  15. #14
    Community Member Elixxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Franke View Post
    This should be fun *takes a seat and grabs popcorn*
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  16. #15
    Community Member Thelmallen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    I believe this question is related to another Sarlona thread.

    Apparently someone rolled on a Sword of Shadows, won the roll and was passed the SoS. He then proceeded to sell or auction it off from the chest instead of looting it.

    In answer to that question - this behavior is completely unacceptable and the person who sold the loot from the chest after winning it in a roll should be blacklisted.
    I'm firmly in the 'your loot is your loot' camp but the situation described above is really bush-league. Had I been in the group I would have asked for the offending party to list all of their alts so I could put them on my 'friends' list and delicately explained to them that they had just committed a grandiose act of jacka$$ery.
    -=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
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  17. #16
    Community Member NeutronStar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    I believe this question is related to another Sarlona thread.

    Apparently someone rolled on a Sword of Shadows, won the roll and was passed the SoS. He then proceeded to sell or auction it off from the chest instead of looting it.

    In answer to that question - this behavior is completely unacceptable and the person who sold the loot from the chest after winning it in a roll should be blacklisted.
    1000% Agreed

  18. #17
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    In answer to that question - this behavior is completely unacceptable and the person who sold the loot from the chest after winning it in a roll should be blacklisted.
    Oh, they were. Its all over the channels. I saw them in a group with another wonderful individual on Sarlona who two boxes the same two TRs, always piking one of them, who has pulled this kind of stuff in the past, along with Shroud griefing and other shenanigans. Birds of a feather....
    Last edited by Chai; 12-22-2010 at 10:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  19. #18
    Founder TFPAQ's Avatar
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    Default This ...

    [QUOTE=Samiusbot;3490874]On one hand.
    It is your loot once you win a roll. So from that point of view sure okay. Your loot, Your call.

    On the other hand,
    If I put up a item for roll and then the winner began an auction..... That person would make my warning list with a note excluding him/her from rolling on any of my raid loot again. My loot, My call.

    And I would not have a problem with how other players handle a person with this reputation. Their group/loot. Their call.

    On the third hand,
    I know that when I put an item up for roll I hope the winner will put it to good use. A quick auction is a kind of slap in the face of people that are willing to help out others. [QUOTE]

  20. #19
    Community Member rexservorum's Avatar
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    Here's a minor variation on this question... is it acceptable to sell raid chest loot that you didn't roll on?

    Suppose you're running VoN on your caster cleric or something and Sword of Shadow appears in the chest with your name on it. You have no use for it, but instead of putting it up for a roll, you decide to auction it off to the highest bidder.

    Always seemed a little seedy to me considering that a roll is the convention, but I guess I would consider it "acceptable" due to that whole freedom thing. Not the kind of action that's going to make you any friends, but not one you'd be squelched over either.

    If you rolled on it though, you'd better be intending to use it. If you turn around and sell it, you basically just misled everyone.

  21. #20
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    To me there is no conflicting opinion here.

    If you pull it from the chest, even if it is bound it would have been "yours", in my view, it is OK to auction off the loot, after all, you pulled the loot, you ran the quest x times, you dont even know these other people. This view of mine might seem strange to some people, but i played other mmos where raid loot isnt always bound, and you would always pull it/sell it, so it seems fine to me.

    However, if someone else pulled it, it is completely not ok to roll on it and then auction it off, because it would not have been "yours". Essentially, you are stealing someone else's loot so you can sell it. It is only ok to roll if you are going to use it, NOT if you want to sell it, if you do, you should give all the money you got for it to the original puller (which might make it ok, but that's never going to happen)
    Last edited by stille_nacht; 12-22-2010 at 10:18 AM.
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