In alphabetical order:
Bane - Whoopedee do, some enemies have -1 to hit now. And they'll all be dead in 10 seconds anyway.
Bear's Endurance, Mass - By the time you can cast this, just about everyone should have a +4 or better Con item anyway.
As noted, usefull for buffing puppies, also good as a noob check at higher levels
Blindness - If there is an enemy that is a big enough threat that you want to cast a single-target only blindness spell on it, chances are it's immune.
At level there are a few orange named that this is useful on, the other than those 2-4 levels, I agree.
Bull's Strength, Mass - By the time you can cast it, anyone that cares about strength probably aready has a +4 or better item.
Cause Fear - A front runner for uselessness. Single target, won't work on bosses, and the best part is anything over 6HD is flat out immune. Classic.
Close Wounds - I cannot think of a single situation where quick-spamming a low-healing spell would be preferable to simply cycling different levels of cure spells. Cure Light Wounds is a superior spell in all aspects.
Contagion - Short range, single target, barely discernible initial effect, with secondary effect damage only happening 60 seconds after initially cast. Have you ever seen a non-boss mob last 60 seconds? I haven't. The best part is the sub-menu that give you disease choices, usually confusing you enough to let your target get out of that very short range before you can pop off the spell.
Create Undead - Its like a summon (and we all know how useful those are), except it gets to try to turn against you every 15 seconds AND it requires its own, unique, slot-filling expensive material component. This, i think, is the trifecta of uselessness for Cleric spells (Useless, potential harmful to its caster, AND expensive!). This is my top nominee.
Deific Vengeance - Small amount of good damage. And since no cleric in the history of ever has specced for "Good" damage (And there no such thing as "Good" lore items), it will never do anything more than pitiful damage.
I like it in its level range for clerics with no strength, take some enhancements and with a potency item it isnt useless
Doom - -2 to saves and attacks, while not shabby, simply doesn't bring enough to the table to make it worth a spell slot. Also note, it is a fear effect and thus more easily resisted by enemies (And bosses, as always, seem to be immune).
Eagles Splendor, Mass - Like the other mass stat buffs, anyone who cares about Charisma will have a +4 of better item by the level you can cast this.
Find Traps - *Maybe* if you're some kind of rogue splashed cleric who somehow manages to keep their trap skills maxed out, this coudl give you a great boost to your search checks. But in all likelyhood, at it will do is give you a moderate boost to your Search check (Which won't matter at all, since you can't disable anything without a rogue anyway!)
As you noted, only few builds will use this but it usually essential to those builds
Glyph of Warding/
Greater Glyph of Warding - Slow cast, tiny damage, not worth slotting.
Harm - One of the most overpowered spells from 3.0 PnP D&D is one of DDOs least powerful. Single target, very small range, and does "up to 150 points of damage". So does 3 rapid hits from a barbarian, in just about the same time frame, without costing any spellpoints.
Useful for high reflex opponents when doing explorers, smack them with harm, than a low level inflict to kill them.
Inflict X Wounds - Low range, extraordinarily low damage. Useful for pale masters and their pets, but that's about it.
As above, use after harm
Nimbus of Light - You'd do more damage with an
Ember Heavy Mace.
Obscuring Mist - 20% miss chance is nothing to sneeze at. However, it works for the enemies too. Better, actually, as they don't end up bumbling around, completely blind, trying to figure out where the enemy lightning bolts are originating from.
Owl's Wisdom, Mass - I think you get the picture by now.
Poison - All the same problems as contagion, save the pop-up submenu. Short range, barely noticeable effects, doesn't work on anything that would survive long enough to matter.
Seek Eternal Rest - Most clerics can't turn worth a darn passed the harbor anyway, even with a +4 bonus. There are notable exceptions (I actually have a friend who is a double cleric TR who gets 4x the killcount as a well built/geared barbarian in Delaras), but in most cases this spell just doesn't cut the mustard.
With more clerics including CBHR in thier builds, the usefullness of turning has been extended a few levels, good in its level range and much farther for those builds that incorporate turing to level 12-14.
Spawn Screen - A buff with such an utterly narrow focus that is hardly ever prepared. And even if it is, its only useful if someone dies.
Symbol of Death - As described, the hitpoint cap makes this useful for favor farming... and that's about it. Makes Haverdasher a breeze, though.
This spells pwns kobald assault
Symbol of Flame - Not enough damage to even remotely be worthwhile.
Undeath to Death - 9 HD cap makes this spells useless from the moment you get it.
Unholy Blight - Might be slightly useful for the one and only quest that has mutiple enemies that are good aligned. But all things considered, bladebarrier is still a better choice.
Word of Recall - Useful for turning in Relic of a Sovereign Past. Perhaps also for getting from the boonies to house D to broker some weapons too, i suppose. The biggest downside of this spell is that no one woudl ever have it on their spell list for any part of a quest, because it doesn't have any effect on the quest whatsoever.
Honorable mention to the other "Symbols", though some have some interesting strategic uses, as well as any cleric spell whos primary purpose is damage (with the exception of bladebarrier, of course).
Stunning, persuasion and even pain are useful