Heyo all. Played DDO for awhile but never really advanced past certain points where I needed information I can't really get elsewhere (atleast while at work). So here I post.

In looking through the DDOWiki and posts here I notice people say Vorpal Strike. If I understand this correctly, a vorpal strike is a natural 20 hit, as opposed to a weapon that actually has the vorpal ability, is this correct? So a weapon with an ability that requires a "vorpal strike" will come into play when I roll a natural 20 if this is correct.

Do quests run on epic give more favor then the same quest run on elite?

Since Update 8 I have been having problems with sound. Specifically sound when other people use their mics. All other sounds come through fine and I have checked all the settings I can think of and all are correct. I don't know what they are off the top of my head (since I'm at work and all), but the one that enables the mic is on definitely. Anybody have any ideas. It's annoying (probably more to my puggers then me) when I can't hear what they are saying and I stand at the lever in VoN 5 and never pull it cause I can't hear them.

If I TR, do Bound items still work for the newborn? I figure they do, as it would be just another thing people are screaming about TR not working (+3 and +4 tomes come to mind), but I didn't want to assume.

In regards to feat exchange, I understand the way to open the ability on the account (or server?) is to do the marketplace quest answering the questions. I have done this, but didn't need to exchange a feat at the time. I am thinking about it now. On DDOWiki it makes reference to the first feat exchange being free, although I believe this is more about the "cost" of the siberys shard then the monetary payment to Fred. When I actually play I always forget to check this myself, so I figured I could ask.

That's all I can think of for now, but I am sure I will have more questions. I am getting to the point in my toons lives that I need to know more then is readily apparent at low levels.
