which is better?
which is better?
If it moves kill it, if it doesn't move find a way to kill it, if you cant kill it, then just through the d*** thing and walk away.
As it stands right now wiz are better than sorcs and archmage is far better than pale master in terms of epic content. Using 3 mana web and 1 mana hypno in epics, as well as a very high mass hold DC makes archmage the best for epics.
I am not having any trouble using my WF Pale master in Epics. He was an arcane for a while and then switched to Pale master for some other content. As far as my build went which was my first Wizard he has had no trouble in Epics and doing damage and holding monsters.
I have a 20th level AM (ench) and a 18/2 wiz/rog PM And i feel that the PM is stronger. Sure the holds are not as high as the AM but can the PM gives 110% during the run. My AM on the other hand holds and waits to hold again.
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