They've already had 50% off of most of what I wanted anyway. I'm all for free players buying in and getting more of the game. Gives me more people to play with and hopefully gets them more tied into the game.
They've already had 50% off of most of what I wanted anyway. I'm all for free players buying in and getting more of the game. Gives me more people to play with and hopefully gets them more tied into the game.
Having read what was actually written, and the whole of it, I have to chime in here and say...
Quit crying.
There are plenty of things going on sale, and some of them you'll like, while others you won't. The same goes for everyone. Mnemonics went on sale, and if you weren't a caster you didn't benefit. When 32 point builds go on sale, those of us who already bought them or unlocked them on every server won't benefit, but others will. When Veteran Status goes on sale, not everyone will benefit.
I chose to go F2P earlier this year, not because of any disagreement, but because money was tight and I couldn't afford to keep gas in my car AND pay for a sub. Priorities, see...
What it sounds like the OP has said here is that Turbine shouldn't reach for the quick infusion of cash from F2P members, but should instead offer up discounts to VIP's, from whom they get very little during said sales, because of the 500 TP monthly allowance kicked out to paid subscribers. Sure, VIP's buy TP packs, but not as often as F2P members, and not in the volume that F2P buys them... I personally plan on kicking down TP until I've picked up every pack, every race, every premium option, and every class... Works out to paying about as much as the monthly sub, for about 18 months, assuming TP bundles don't go on sale too. Paid subs won't have to do that, so there isn't any benefit in that method for them.
But, hey... you do what you want. You're as entitled to your opinion as anyone else... The fact that your opinion is based on a false premise simply makes it wrong. It doesn't take away your right to voice it.
Last edited by joneb1999; 12-20-2010 at 11:02 AM.
**********KNIGHTSOFSHADOW ***********
CUDGOCleric 16/ Fighter 2 TR2 AXEFISTBarbarian 20
You are not the only one who feels that way, OP. There have been half a dozen threads about roughly the same topic.
And to the people making sarcastic comments and snide remarks, get real. You may be all set and not losing out on any of the sales, but others are quite unfairly. Your lack of empathy is disturbing, especially considering the time of year.
Farther west than west, my people are dancing on the other wind.
D&D 3.5e Rules Learn them, know them, love them!
They should reboot first and second week cause alot of players couldn't buy monks shared and stuff that we left our points for them, and 1 dey before we lost them, just to regain them 2 weeks later with nothing good to get.
I cannot understand why people say adventure packs going on sale is 'bad' for ViPs??
If a person buys the pack, it means there is one more person able to run said pack, and thus one more person to group with in that pack.
Oh - and if enough people are buying packs it means income for Turbine, which leads to new content, which the ViP gets immediately (without waiting until next Christmas and the 50% off sale!)
Sure, it'd be nice to have something to buy every day of the week, but even when you can't buy the 50% off item, it doesn't mean there's no benefit!!
We're not saying its bad. We're saying we love it and we'd like to be able to buy them too.
Farther west than west, my people are dancing on the other wind.
D&D 3.5e Rules Learn them, know them, love them!
All i want for Christmas is a sale on the Cookie Jar since paying 500 TP for a seasonal item seems a bit goofy - even if they do bring it back in July or whatever they did this year
Or did i miss that sale?
VIPs in the hizouse! (I don't really care if you're VIP or F2P as long as you're not an *ss -- that's a snowflake...)
Ghallanda - Spock's elvish cousin, not to mention his other Pointy* (Eared and otherwise) alts
part one, Turbine doesnt really have to offer anything for sale, but they do.
part two, WHY ARE YOU STILL VIP!?!
Take it from ol' Shaamis, I was VIP for five years, because there was no other choice, and VIP for a while after F2P came to town. The reason why Turbine doesnt let you see any adventure packs or permanent stuff like that is because they dont want you to buy them.
They want you to spend your TP on crutch items like mneumonic pots, XP boosts, and temporary stuff, and keep you VIP.
Do yourself a favor, if you are going to play DDO longer than two years, you might as well spend the points on permanent purchases, and then you are free for life.
When I did it, it was kinda hard to wait for packs to go on sale, and points to go on sale, but once i got 50% of the adventure packs bought, i never looked back.
Do yourself a favor, unplug, STOP being a "coppertop" for the system, and go Premium.
Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
Sorry to tell you your wrong about my premise being wrong but you are. I do not know any VIPs that have not bought additional Turbine point packs. I know for myself in addinion to the monthly I have spent almost $200.00 just buying turbine points.
Are there VIPs who do not buy Turbine points, sure there are. But not as many as there are that do buy additional turbine points.
I think this is the best post in this thread. Yes, VIP don't get to *directly* benefit from store sales as much as F2P, BUT if you are VIP for awhile (5th day now for me on the 29.97 pack) use the extra TP to buy the adventure packs on sale, get extra characters, 32 point builds, races, classes, whatever. Then go F2P. Watch the favor turned TP gather while you play for free. Next update has an adventure pack, use the favor turned TP to grab it and continue on.
I have only played on this account for just under a year. In that time, all F2P (until recently) I have used extra cash to buy TP along with favor turned TP to upgrade my account (which was premium and not "free") to 6 character slots, HOrc, Helf, WF, Monk. I unlocked Drow and am working on FvS. I unlocked Vet. I purchased 32 point builds. I have purchased most of the adventure packs. I went VIP with Xmas money so I could use packs I hadn't yet purchased and will use the free points to purchase those packs when I can. 3 months and out.
Just my 2 TP.
Stillz Azgoth:
11 Dwarf Light Monk - 7th Life
I don't really doubt you're right on that, actually, however I can't let such a bold claim go unchallenged: proof of this statement? Screen shot of turbine's finance return or it didn't happen...
Speaking as a Premium I agree with the OP that VIPs did not benefit so much from the sales, and don't get enough perks... I also agree with Shaamis (though I wouldn't perhaps be quite so cynical about it - I can't beleive I just wrote that. Quick! Find me a unicorn to strangle with a rainbow!), that Premium is probably a better option if you're going to play often over a long period of time.
I was VIP for 6 months or so around this time last year, then went back to premium in the spring. I've spent about 18 months sub on the game in total, and been playing for 15. I'll break even shortly then it will be completely free except for new packs, so about $5 every couple of months tops, barring sales of juicy items like supreme tomes and XP pots. There just wasn't enough in the VIP package to keep me interested. Elite opening almost called me back... but not quite. LOTRO's VIP package is really worth something, but in DDO I just don't think there are quite enough perks to it.
Incidentally OP - as someone who'd already bought all the content that was on offer this season (except horc and helf cos I'm not really interested at those prices), *I* didn't benefit from most of the sales either. You choose your payment plan and you take what that payment plan gives you: rent and get everything but benefit less from the sales, or like me buy everything permanently and don't benefit from the sales or buy only what you need to play your toons and benefit when items you don't have come up on sale. Sales only benefit people who don't already have access to whatever is on sale... of course they do, that's kind of the point of a sale isn't it? To encourage people to buy who may otherwise not?
Now, whether or not, in exchange for their largely guaranteed income generation, VIPs should be able to buy content they already own as one of their 'perks' that they can spend their free TPs on, and get a few more perks besides... that's a whole different argument.
for so little to whine.
Total fail, pal.
You missed nothing and gained more folks to play with.
Of course your real beef, as evidenced by other posts of yours, is you want to drop your VIP and wanted to take advantage of the sales to get all the packs. I understand the frustration, but fail to accept the premise.
Again you missed nothing if the sale was not directed at you.