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  1. #1
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    Default Price check on two items

    How much are these two items worth

    +5 holy silver kama of righteousness
    +2 metalline falchion of greater lawful outsider bane (for capstone pally)

    Thanks in advance
    Home server of Argo

    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
    beastspellz - 20 warforged wizard - pale master

  2. #2
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    Default bump

    47 views and still no reply
    Home server of Argo

    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
    beastspellz - 20 warforged wizard - pale master

  3. #3
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    Vendor trash and vendor trash. There is your reply.

  4. #4
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    Vendor trash, are you sure? Here are my thoughts of the items, i just don't no the right price for them:

    +5 holy silver kama of righteousness: this is the best dr breaking kama you are likely to find (aside from a min 2, and this actually has more to hit because of righteousness). It also has the side bonus of not requiring good or 20 UMD. This is IMO and great item until you get a TOD ring, and even though kamas are not the best weapon choice its still a nice item

    +2 metalline falchion of GLOB. Falchion is the best weapon for paladins and is very comparable to a min 2, on a weapon type that paladins cant get a holy sword in. (assuming acid immunity and improved crit, expected for most raid boss fights)

    Math: GLOB falchion is the equivalent of +6, while the min 2 is +5 with a +2 damage (2d6 vs 2d4) for being greensteel: green steel wins by 1.3 for crits or 1.15 with 50% fort
    GLOB vs holy + slicing; 3d6 = 10.5 vs 2d6 = 7 + 1d4 = 2.5 =, 9.5 : GLOB wins by 1
    So the GLOB is .3*fort damage per a swing so usually .15 where you would use it behind a Min 2, with an additional +1 to hit

    I really hope these aren't vendor trash because then i have to rethink the way i value items
    Home server of Argo

    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
    beastspellz - 20 warforged wizard - pale master

  5. #5
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    The ML on them is to high on both them items, thats the problem with them.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sleezee View Post
    The ML on them is to high on both them items, thats the problem with them.
    There DR breakers, the ML is fine IMO. I'm sorry but you are either a troll, or one of us is really wrong on our opinion on what items are worth. I can understand you saying something like kamas are worthless and paladins should just use a holy sword greatsword (okay not really but thats still better then saying their ML is to high)
    Home server of Argo

    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
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  7. #7
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sleezee View Post
    The ML on them is to high on both them items, thats the problem with them.
    I dub thee troll.

    The Kama, being a Kama, isn't anything special. If it was on maybe a bastard sword even it might be worth more but Kama's just aren't very good. Might be valuable for someone with a light monk splash. It's not vendor trash but I wouldn't put it up for very high.

    The Falchion is pretty valuable. I'm not sure what to price it at but Sleezee is being a moron/troll.

  8. #8
    Community Member shad0wguns's Avatar
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    well with falchions u cant beat my +5 metalline of pure good and icy burst :P

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by shad0wguns View Post
    well with falchions u cant beat my +5 metalline of pure good and icy burst :P
    Actually for paladins (and assuming enemy is lawful outsider) my falchion is the equivalent of +6 holy silver of pure good, and the icy burst does nothing against raid bosses, what this falchion is meant for, about 8 damage ahead of yours
    Home server of Argo

    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
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  10. #10
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    Just throwing numbers out there from my perspective on my server (cannith) since you have not gotten any so far.

    Kama: 20kpp

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConnorMacLoad View Post
    Just throwing numbers out there from my perspective on my server (cannith) since you have not gotten any so far.

    Kama: 20kpp
    Thanks for the numbers

    Only 20k for the kama, i know its a kama but still +5 holy silver of righteousness is pretty nice. I used it until i got to lv 18 on my light monk, but a dark monk would have to craft a tod ring or get MOPG handwraps. This may also be a great weapon for a clonk, especially with the extra to hit from righteousness
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    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
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  12. #12
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by underworldx1x View Post
    'm sorry but you are either a troll, or one of us is really wrong on our opinion on what items are worth.
    put your money where your mouth is then. Put them both in the AH, 3 days, minimum bid price, and then report back.

    See you in 72 hours
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  13. #13
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by underworldx1x View Post
    Thanks for the numbers

    Only 20k for the kama, i know its a kama but still +5 holy silver of righteousness is pretty nice. I used it until i got to lv 18 on my light monk, but a dark monk would have to craft a tod ring or get MOPG handwraps. This may also be a great weapon for a clonk, especially with the extra to hit from righteousness
    It's only really good on a dark monk, as on a light monk it is only a +5 holy of righteous. Those are ok, but not amazing. Even then, on a dark monk it is only good for a very limited window of time, as they will get TOD rings soon after needing this for raids. Also, handwraps do so much more damage than kamas. Almost every single dark monk I know farms the devouts (including clonks) so these sort of items for them are just not sought after.

    The kama is what I call a tranny item. On first glance it might look really good, but with further examination you notice it is shockingly useless

    The falchion however is very nice, and is better on a capstone pally than their holy sword. It should be worth something to the educated pally.

    These are just my views on the items. Some may not share those views, but at least it is some feedback.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cam_Neely View Post
    put your money where your mouth is then. Put them both in the AH, 3 days, minimum bid price, and then report back.

    See you in 72 hours
    I would do this, but we would have to make a bet on it, that way if, erm when they sell i still get my money

    I'm not angry he said there worthless, im angry he didn't give a reason, or that his reason is totally not valid.

    connor said the kama is 20kpp which is pretty close to vendor trash, but he gave a reason. I value his opinion. If sleezy thinks the min lv being to high is the reason that these are worthless, then he shouldn't be giving advice. Even I know that the min lv is fine on a dr breaker, and i'm the one asking for advice
    Home server of Argo

    beastslyer -20 monk who tr'd and his leveling to a 12/8 fighter/monk half elf
    beastspellz - 20 warforged wizard - pale master

  15. #15
    Community Member THOTHdha's Avatar
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    Vendor trash, are you sure? Here are my thoughts of the items, i just don't no the right price for them:

    +5 holy silver kama of righteousness: this is the best dr breaking kama you are likely to find (aside from a min 2, and this actually has more to hit because of righteousness). It also has the side bonus of not requiring good or 20 UMD. This is IMO and great item until you get a TOD ring, and even though kamas are not the best weapon choice its still a nice item
    Kama are really not useful. Even without a ToD ring for holy damage, monks would want handwraps over these.

    +2 metalline falchion of GLOB. Falchion is the best weapon for paladins and is very comparable to a min 2, on a weapon type that paladins cant get a holy sword in. (assuming acid immunity and improved crit, expected for most raid boss fights)

    Math: GLOB falchion is the equivalent of +6, while the min 2 is +5 with a +2 damage (2d6 vs 2d4) for being greensteel: green steel wins by 1.3 for crits or 1.15 with 50% fort
    GLOB vs holy + slicing; 3d6 = 10.5 vs 2d6 = 7 + 1d4 = 2.5 =, 9.5 : GLOB wins by 1
    So the GLOB is .3*fort damage per a swing so usually .15 where you would use it behind a Min 2, with an additional +1 to hit
    This would be an amazing item if it were Greater Evil Outsider Bane. Lawful Outsider is still nice, but much less useful. You should not expect premium prices for this, not many people would really be interested in it.

    Quote Originally Posted by underworldx1x View Post
    I really hope these aren't vendor trash because then i have to rethink the way i value items
    I think that a little bit of a rethink is in order.

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