Ok, regardless of you 300 hp character you should still be able to get through Reavers refuge missions without dieing on norm at par level.
A lot of players take for granted the fire shield potions from ice games. these things rock man! Combine that with a 30 resist fire cloak (which are pretty easy to get) and maybe a protection potion, you should be fine. Those 180 point hits will be negated to around half damage. this means you can take around 2 or three without dieing. As opposed to the first one taking 3/4 of your hit points and the second one killing you,.
I ran these missions on my Bard at level 15 and i think i only had around 325 hp give or take. Without the potions and fire resist/protection i cooked like a turkey on thanks giving. My bard has lousy saves to. You do not need evasion if you are prepared for the worst. Knowing what hurts these ellies can help to. I made a Frosty acid axe of pure goodness especially for elementals. It works like a charm and did not require to much farming to get. a bit of jumping from ski jump and finding the weapon was all it took.
Anyway the refuge missions are tough. They always have been. They require a bit of prep and know how. but once you realize what it takes they become a walk in the park. Even for toons with lower hp. Don't give up. Just get some stuff to negate the damage... A pally can be hard to distribute stats when leveling. probs one of the hardest classes especially if you do not have 32 point build. So you got to be even more prepared....
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
Besides all the people that are stating "No", and "Get more HP" (which I whole heartedly agree with)> If you want evasion do what everyone else had to do ....... SPLASH.
Yes, it has some draw backs, but if you want the advantages it give you need to take the good with the bad. My 4+ year old pally made when HP wasn't the end all has just shy of 500 HP and still works fine. I had to do alot of tweeking with gear and items to get it there (no lesser res used), but it was worth the effort.
........................................... I <3 22/7
Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package
Sorry got to call you out on this one my friend. According to myddo you have 310 hp. Granted you could actually have a bit more and just didnt have gfl and/or shroud hp item on when you logged
It also tells me you have a reflex save of 24. That is a bit from the 35 you claim. Now with buffs you may hit that 35 but please don't say you have something you really don't have. It just makes you look even worse.
Now to really tick you off my Wiz has 302 on myddo ( logged without having my shroud hp helm on ) and he is a gimp.
Ok wanna roll good pally ? go drow with 0 +2 tomes (dex +1 is must after lvl 3 and cha wich i must after lvl 18 if you want DMIV) go 14 16 12 10 8 18 put some skill points in balance and umd...
If you arent bother to gather +2 dex tomes for youre 2wf and +2 int tome for new toons when they hit lvl 7 - you arent then trying to push out max of youre toons
Thelanis, Playing since 2009
S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
S V | Favor 19 Maha 6267
No thanks.
Classes are vulnerable to some things and strong against others.
Hint - Don't try to disable any traps either
Please don't make DDO exactly like PnP!
At least the way I played it a +2 strength item was super cool and rare.
There are plenty of things (artifacts and the like) that are in PnP that just wouldn't work in DDO.
In PnP the DM can choose which items to include. In DDO the players can and will grind out any item that exists. That is a huge difference.
One player that ends up with said ring is one thing. Everyone having it would break the system.
My advice would be to contribute in other areas and let the evasion types take out the fire.
Don't worry you can do other things that they can't.
That's fair right?
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
*points at dredre*
Whoa... I was quoted... in a signature... this has officially made my day!![]()
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
You have, at level 20, less hp than my gimp, undergeared level 15 Paladin. No Minos, no GFL, and to be frank I'm not entirely certain I've bothered to buy a +6 CON item. I haven't seriously played her in over a month, and never intended to play a Paladin at all past a breaking in/learning period, so that's why she's horribly undergeared. I don't know my reflex save off hand though, and myDDO hasn't updated any of my characters in 5 levels or so.
You have, at level 20, less hp than my undergeared-but-still-decent-enough, ELF Cleric did at 16. Neither character has any raid gear. My Cleric just has a Minos.
I calculated a Half-Elven Acrobat/Warchanter build earlier, which would have had at least 400hp with easily-obtained items, probably 450+ if I had raid gear that stacked with GFL/Minos, etc. A Rogue/Bard build which came with Evasion, that at cap would have had more hp than you. Naked, with no items, it would have matched you in hp, dealt with traps, had greater healing ability, greater buffing ability, and evasion. And I was concerned about the hp being too low. I'm especially concerned about the build's DPS capabilities, as the healing is weak. Thus, I feel I should have at least meh dps to compensate.
All this is assuming you actually have 330, and not 310 as others have claimed. I know MyDDO has never worked, heck some of my characters are just names, no stats or anything. Regardless, as a Paladin, you're gimp. It's not the spells are too strong, it is that you are too weak. If you want Evasion, LR and take two Monk or Rogue levels. I suggest Monk myself, as you get two extra feats that way, and Rogue just offers a boost to UMD, which you should already have fairly strong levels of. Heck, mine is 31 with just the items I have laying around. And again, my paladin is gimp, under geared, and under played.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...
DDO-Europe 2006/2010 - Aureon/Keeper
I'm blunt as a rock and can seem aggressive because of it. Be aware of that when reading my posts.
Community Member
You want evasion for your paladin, I want 4 ranks of class toughness enhancements for my elven rogue with 407hps.
I'm not about to hold my breath, because neither will happen. Evasion is a powerful tool, and if you think it's needed then you need to build your character to get it. Ever notice the classes with evasion are all d6/d8 hp classes? Think it's designed that way intentionally?
My wizzy has more hp. Win!
wiz·ard [wiz-erd]
Definition #6 from Dictionary.com: 6. British Slang . superb; excellent; wonderful: That's wizard!
Notice the slang doesn't say That's Sorcerer!