Looking for one mongo offer ideally but will break it into sets of 5 or 10 if necessary.
Maarl de Gutter
Looking for one mongo offer ideally but will break it into sets of 5 or 10 if necessary.
Maarl de Gutter
What are you looking for? Plat? Items?
Og, Maarl- why do you hate the Halfling???
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Your on the wrong server! O_o
WTB someone selling cookies on Thelanis!
D.W.A.T - Thelanis
Dilim - 13 Archmage TR1 ~ Pugna - 10 Pale Master ~ Vorstellung - 20 Cleric
Kobold - The other white meat.
Would 900 be enough?
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen