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Thread: F2P quests

  1. #1
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Default F2P quests

    I am having trouble as a VIP knowing which quests are F2P.

    Why does this matter? Because there is a very large F2P population and when I put out an LFM it creates problems if few players are able to join in the quest.

    Can we do something in the quest list to show free quests vs those that have to be gotten via adventure packs?

  2. #2
    Community Member lazyninja81's Avatar
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    I think it shows if you don't own the adventure pack. But you have to cursor over the selected quest name in the lfm to find this out.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I think the problem that Therigar is trying to convey is that he, as a VIP has access to all the quests, and doesn't know which ones are F2P due to this. He'd like some indication on what the F2P quests are versus the P2P quests, so he doesn't throw up an LFM and wonder why it isn't filling (presumably because people don't have the packs?).

    I'm personally a Premium player who has bought all the packs, so I'm familiar with what quests belong to which pack, but I can see where Therigar is coming from, especially if he has never been F2P and been locked out of quests.

  4. #4
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    If you choose the quest from the list when you put up the LFM then anyone who doesnt own it will see a big BUY NOW logo over the LFM and will steer clear

  5. #5
    Community Member Ttip's Avatar
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    Not a VIP myself, but I went to the ddowiki sight and printed a list of all the F2P content quests sorted by level that I keep by my computer for quick reference. That might help you with your delema.

  6. #6
    Community Member Spookyaction's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    If you choose the quest from the list when you put up the LFM then anyone who doesnt own it will see a big BUY NOW logo over the LFM and will steer clear

    While it doesn't let the op know, anyone who sees the lfm and is f2p will know that they do not own it.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    I agree with the OP on this. As a vip I don't see why I shouldn't be able to easilly see in game which quests are
    F2P and which are F2P. Sure you can print out stuff or check ddo wiki or make sure to use lfm, but all of these
    are a bother and a simple color coding in the lfm panel or at least the quest compendium/favor screen would be
    nice and shouldn't be hard to implement.
    Just my 2 copper,

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Default lol

    i dont think its in the best interests of the devs that the new players that join the game realise that 70% of content is ptp before they get addicted or at least ready for gianthold. cause thats what happened to me one year ago. i saw a commersial for a FREE to play d&d style mmo when i started playing it looked cool with some purchasable features but only at lvl 10 i understood that you cant enjoy being ftp cause most of the population at higher lvls are ptp and that it takes really long to favor up to buy all the packs so i did what any fool with a credit card would do as enticipated by the devs!!!

  9. #9
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    I understand that f2p and p2p players can tell by looking at the LFM that they cannot get into the quest. Strangely, that doesn't seem to stop people from asking to join and then typing, "This is p2p? Sry, didn't know." Course, that's just before they DC or drop group....

    So, not sure the "Buy Now" flag is really working as intended.

    Still, that isn't my issue. I often have several quests that I can do, some of which might be f2p and some of which might be p2p. It doesn't matter to me which I do. I'd gladly put up an LFM for the f2p quests (knowing it will fill). I would, if I knew.

    I understand the "not in Turbine's self interest" to let the entire player world know what is available. But, isn't this what exists already when you are f2p and look at the quest list? Isn't there something telling you that you need to buy the pack if you want to play?

    All I'm asking is for something -- a star, a color, a something -- so I know when I look at the quest that it is f2p.

  10. #10
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    I've bought all the packs, so I really don't know what goes where. Some of them I've never ran, some because I forgot until my mains were overleveled, some because I hated them and didn't go back after the initial visits. Some I haven't even got high enough to run yet. It's an issue with some guildies, who can't afford to buy everything now, and thus end up waiting until one of the others gives out a review (like I just did with Chrono yesterday).
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

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