My suggestion would be to at bare minimum add the ability for drow to choose whether their racial enhancements go into dex, cha, or int, but I would also like to see an enhancement line that improves spell penetration (giving them a nice niche in spellcasting to compete with WF and humans)
These are both excellent suggestions.
Almost nearly always: Ghallanda
Most likely: Heisenberg, Landau, Boltzmann, Sommerfeld, Rutherford, Bohr, Tezla, and Dirac.
But also: Vigner, Minkowski, Schrodinger, Fermi, Hartree, Sternn, Gerlach, and others.
What the drow could really use is enhancements to give them minor casting abilities. In D&D they receive dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire as spell-like abilities. None of these spells exist in DDO, but they could easily be translated into similar spells. Of course these need to be useful spells.
Purchasing each spell 1/rest would cost 1 AP and would have three tiers costing 2 AP at tier 2 and 3 AP at tier 3 to get an additional use of each ability. You could also upgrade these spells for a cost of 2 APs earning a new spell and an extra use/rest of each lower ability. A second upgrade tier would be available at a cost of 4 APs. Fully upgraded you could have T1 5/rest, T2 4/rest, and T3 3/rest for a cost of 10 APs.
Dancing lights -> nimbus of light (T1) -> searing light (T2) -> sunburst (T3)
Darkness -> blur (T1) -> displacement (T2) -> shadow walk (T3)
Faerie fire -> glitterdust (T1) -> wall of fire (T2) -> incendiary cloud (T3)
I think this would go a long way towards improving drow. Imagine a drow ranger with the ability to cast wall of fire or a drow barbarian who could displace himself. Very intriguing prospects.
they lose many of those abilities when they leave the underdark so and also get a level adjustment not to mention what you ask to give them is way over the top