I have a halfling rogue/ranger that is coming up on the cap, and I'm getting ready to craft a RadII. As I have another similar capped rogue, I'm thinking about TR-ing fairly quickly and re-doing the build as a straight-class STR based, or at least STR-emphasized rogue (i.e no Weapon Finesse)
Have been looking at the H-elf with Fighter Dilletante options. Like the idea of Armor mastery as I have Black dragonscale leathers and a Breastplate of Destruction outa HoX. Haven't completely thought it out, and halfling is still on the table- I find I get a lot of use out of the Dragonmarks.
Is there much advantage in going for a scimitar-kukri combo over rapier-shortsword? Any thoughts? Has anyone actually tried both?
Also interested in feedback on the Helf idea, but my main question is scimitar or rapier.