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  1. #1
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Default Raid Readiness Guide

    This is not a Thread about flagging for raids.

    Lots of great guides exist to tell you how to get "Raid Ready". However, getting raid ready is more than running VON 1-4 or Collecting 20 relics and getting blooded. Surely that is a part of the process, but just because you have run the 5 vale quests and collected the 5 pieces of pie does not mean you are ready for Shroud. You might be allowed in by Aesemah, but unless you are truely ready your experience will not be a positive one.

    So, this thread is here to describe the gear and spells you should have at your disposal prior to entering raids. If you come equipped with these things, the chances of a fun experience, success, and your contribution to the party go up dramatically.

    Please note that you can get Raid completions and have successful runs without all the things on this list. Player skill, luck, the quality of the other party members, and all other factors will come into play. However, if you want to ensure that the rest of the party will be pleased with your presence and preparedness and contribute to success, come in with all the things you need to be successful.

    The following are my suggestions to players who are not familiar with some of the raids and what you will need to bring to be successful. Please feel free to add additional suggestions or comments. My suggestions are based solely on my experiences and observations. The list is made with an eye on self sufficiency. Team buffs can replace some gear needs.

    These are some general gear requirements that apply to most all raids. You should really focus on acquiring these before doing much raiding (Particularly any Raid over level 12). All items are not raid loot. Raid loot helps a lot, but is not necessary to be capable of completing any raid in the game.

    For those who would complain about elitism or the cost of acquiring these items, if you grind regular quests or explorer area chests, you can obtain loot that can be sold easily for enough plat to purchase the items you need. The Desert chests have great named loot, the Orchard and Gianthold collectables sell well, the Tor Scales and named items as well, if you can get into the vale, the Coal Chamber is a gold mine. Spend 2-3 hours hopping around like Mario and end up with 3-4 funk or twigs. That's 400k plat. It's not that hard. If you are going to spend 20-40-60 shrouds grinding large ingredients and shards etc. then you can invest a couple of runs before hand to get the gear to make it smooth.

    So here are the recommended standard gear for every raid:
    *Excluding Chronoscope at level. If running at level, scale down to the appropriate ML item (Moderate fort instead of heavy for at level 7. Imp. False Life instead of Gtr. False Life, etc.)
    *Excluding Tempest Spine as it is not really a raid. Just a big (and very fun) quest.

    Gear Requirements for Everyone:
    Minos Legens (Taps in Orchard) for Heavy Fort and +20 HP - Can use other Heavy Fort item (if you don't have the Orchard pack for Minos or are using your helm slot for something else)(Exclude WF. Only Mod Fort needed for WF)
    Feather Falling Item (except over level 17 FvS. You can wing it.)
    Proof against Poison item in a swappable slot (Excude WF Race)
    Deathblock Item in a swappable slot
    Blindness Immunity Item in a swappable slot
    Remove Curse, Blindness, Disease, Poison Potions (Carry at least 20 of each for yourself or a teammate who is less prepared than you)
    Disease Immunity Item in a swappable slot (Excude WF Race)
    Underwater Action Item in a swappable slot (only Titan raid and DQ pre-raid really has a long underwater segment. But still. Have one.) (Excude WF Race)
    Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (Death Ward Clickie) - Tangleroot end reward
    Mantle of the Worldshaper (Spell absorption) - Threnal Series End reward.
    Silver Flame Amulet - Tier II minimum (Neg level absorption) - Necro 1 thru 3 series end alter upgrade. (Excude WF Race)
    Greater False Life Item (Improved False LIfe if below level 11/13)
    Toughness Feat. You CAN squeeze it in. You don't contribute when dead.

    Planar Gird (Xorian Cipher or AH)
    Cure/Repair Serious Potions (A stack of at least 50-100 should be on you at all times)
    Haste Potions (Would you leave the house without your needle and spoon? I didn't think so.)
    HP (for DPS melees) of at least the following: Current Level x 20. (Example: 200hp at 10th level. 300 at 15th. 400 at cap.) Exception: Rogues. Rogues can make do with Current Level x 18. (180 hp at 10th. 360 at cap.)
    HP (for tanking melees) of at least the following: 230 at 10th level. 425 at 16th level. 550 at cap.
    (Please note that HP Numbers are MINIMUMS. More is always better)
    Fire Resist 30 Item in a swappable slot.
    Electric Resist 30 Item in a swappable slot
    Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, Sonic Resist Potions

    Optional Items that you should quickly work to Have as quickly as possible:
    Firestorm Greaves
    Bluefire Necklace
    Cloak of Ice

    Cure/Repair Critical Wands (2-3 for emergencies)
    HP of at least the following: Current Level x 18. (180 hp at 10th. 360 at cap.)
    SP of at least the following: 800 at 10th, 1250 at 15th level, 1750 at cap. (REVISED. Thx for all the feedback)
    Heal Scrolls (Stack of 100. You may not use them, but have them)
    Major Mana Potions (Stack of 20. You may not use them, but have them.)
    Ressurrection Scrolls (Stack of 20. Preferrable to Raise Dead. Coming back with less than 40 hp can be challenging)
    Mass Cure Moderate Wounds Scrolls (Stack of 100. You may not use them, but have them).
    Archivist's Necklace (Spell Points Regen)
    Ring of Spell Storing (Optional, but nice to have more SP. Try to get one.)
    Mysterious Bauble (For Level 18 and up. Lots of SP.)
    Best Potency or Devotion Item you can find for your level.

    Cure/Repair Serious Potions (Stack of 50 for emergencies)
    Cure/Repair Critical Wands (2-3 for emergencies)
    Reconstruct Scrolls (Stack of 100. You may not use them, but have them)
    HP of at least the following: Current Level x 15. (150 hp at 10th. 300 at cap.)
    SP(non-bard) of at least the following: 800 at 10th, 1250 at 15th level, 1750 at cap. (REVISED. Thx for all the feedback)
    Major Mana Potions (Stack of 20. You may not use them, but have them.)
    Archivist's Necklace (Spell Points Regen)
    Ring of Spell Storing (Optional, but nice to have more SP. Try to get one.)
    Mysterious Bauble (For Level 18 and up. Lots of SP.)
    Dimension Door Scrolls (For emergency exits or efficiency in a few pre-raids)
    Best Potency Item you can find for your level

    Bard and UMD Capable Rogues:
    Raise Dead Scrolls (Stack of 20.)
    Heal Scrolls (Stack of 100. You may not use them, but have them)
    Mass Cure Moderate Wounds Scrolls (Stack of 100. You may not use them, but have them).

    Raid Specific Equipment/Spells:
    These are things you should have at the ready for each raid. Some of these might not be in your inventory/Spell list on a regular basis. Be sure to make adjustments prior to entering the raid.


    VON Raid: (includes pre-raid)
    Greater Contruct Bane/Smiting, Greater Undead Bane/Distruption, Greater Dragon Bane, Everbright(Rustie Proof) Weapons

    Demon Queen Raid: (Includes pre-raid)
    Spearblock item (Arrows. Annoying.), Greater Undead Bane/Distruption, Vorpals, Greater Outsider Bane Weapons, Cold Iron Deneith Arrows/Bolts. Ranged Weapon.

    Titan: (includes pre-raid)
    Any Solid DPS weapons. (Greater Giant Bane, Contstruct Bane are nice if you want suggestions.) A pillow and blanket. (Sorry. Titan is a snooze fest, imo).

    Reaver's Fate:
    Greater Giant Bane, Greater Elemental Bane.(Any DPS weapon really.) A pillow and blanket if you are not the main tank.

    Greater Undead Bane, Ethereal Bracers/Spectral Gloves, Disruptors, Blunt + Holy (of PG) for boss beater.

    Greater Contstruct Bane or Anarchic/Holy of PG (Portal Beater), Metalline of PG or Silver of PG (Boss Beater), Vorpals (trash)
    *Note. On harder difficulties, the DR of the Harry goes up and the Need for a DR breaking weapon becomes more critical.

    Solid Fog Clickie, NO Vorpals, Greater Outsider Bane, Greater Abberation Bane, Beholder Eye Optics or Kardin's Eye.

    Improved Destruction, Met of PG or Silver of PG (Boss Beater), Greater Outsider Bane (Orthons), Extra Remove Curse Pots.
    *Note. On harder difficulties, the DR of Suulumades goes up and the Need for a DR breaking weapon becomes more critical.

    Boots of Anchoring(4 item turn in from Amrath quests), Vorpals(Trash) Met of PG or Silver of PG or Min II Shroud Weapon (Boss Beater), Extra Remove Curse Pots (Suulu in the house again)
    *Note. On harder difficulties, the DR of the bosses goes up and the Need for a DR breaking weapon becomes more critical.


    Spell needs(assuming the presence of Heal, Mass Cure Light, Mass Cure Mod as soon as they are available):

    Resists, Protects, FOM, Poison,

    Resists, Protects

    Resists, Protects, FOM, Deathward

    Reaver's Fate
    Resists, Protects, FOM

    Resists, Protects, Mass Deathward, FOM, Restoration,Atonement

    Resist, Protect, FOM, Poison, Recitation, Mass Deathward

    Mass Bears Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, Resists, Protects, Mass DW, Restoration, FOM

    Remove Curse, Resist, Protect, Mass DW, FOM

    Gear Requirement: Boots of Anchoring, Scarab of Spell Absorption, or Mantle of the Worldshaper. (Heavily prefer boots AND mantle)
    Spells: Remove Curse, Resists, Protects, Mass DW, FOM.


    Resists, Protects, Haste, GH, Blur, Displace, Stoneskin,Dimension Door.(AKA Standard Package).

    Standard. Firewall for the queen.


    Reaver's Fate
    Standard. FW, Dancing Ball

    Standard. DPS Spells.

    Standard. Waves of Exhaustion, FW (for crystal), FoD/Wail, Polar Ray, Disintegrate

    Standard. Globe of Invulnerability. Solid Fog. DPS Spells

    Standard. Reconstruct. Solid Fog. Wail, DPS Spells

    Gear requirement: Boots of Anchoring, Scarab of Spell Absorption, or Mantle of the Worldshaper. (Heavily prefer boots AND mantle)
    Spells: Standard. Reconstruct. Fireshield(Kiting). FW (Kiting). Flesh to Stone(Orthons). Polar Ray.

    That about does it. Let me know what I missed. Thanks for reading this far. Hope it helps. Please feel free to add suggestions I may have missed. I would appreciate any wisdom you may have picked up from your experiences in raiding. I'm sure this is a work in progress.
    Last edited by DDOTalk71; 06-07-2011 at 03:23 PM.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  2. #2
    Community Member Hordo's Avatar
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    Nice List...precise and concise with just the easy to get/farm/buy stuff and all made as suggestions instead of dogmatic statements. +1
    -Khyber- Loreseekers, Guild Leader
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  3. #3
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hordo View Post
    Nice List...precise and concise with just the easy to get/farm/buy stuff and all made as suggestions instead of dogmatic statements. +1
    Hordo's raid list.

    1. Find a bag to fit in.
    2. Say funny things.
    3. ?????
    4. Get ressed at chest.

  4. #4
    Community Member Persiflage's Avatar
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    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...

    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post

    Gear Requirements for Everyone:
    Minos Legens (Taps in Orchard) CHECK!
    Feather Falling Item CHECK!
    Proof against Poison item in a swappable slot Meh. Cleric.
    Deathblock Item in a swappable slot Meh. Cleric.
    Blindness Immunity Item in a swappable slot CHECK!
    Remove Curse, Blindness, Disease, Poison Potions (Carry at least 20 of each for yourself or a teammate who is less prepared than you) Meh. Cleric.
    Disease Immunity Item in a swappable slot CHECK!
    Underwater Action Item in a swappable slot (only Titan raid and DQ pre-raid really has a long underwater segment. But still. Have one.) CHECK! and also: Meh. Cleric.
    Visor of the Flesh Render Guards (Death Ward Clickie) - Tangleroot end reward Meh. Cleric.
    Mantle of the Worldshaper (Spell absorption) - Threnal Series End reward. OOPS! But, but, but... I love my Mabar Cloak!
    Silver Flame Amulet - Tier II minimum (Neg level absorption) - Necro 1 thru 3 series end alter upgrade. Meh. Cleric.
    Greater False Life Item (Improved False LIfe if below level 11/13) CHECK!
    Toughness Feat. You CAN squeeze it in. You don't contribute when dead. CHECK!

    Cure/Repair Critical Wands (2-3 for emergencies) OOPS!
    HP of at least the following: Current Level x 18. (180 hp at 10th. 360 at cap.) CHECK!
    SP of at least the following: Current Level x 100. OOPS! But... by all that's holy, HOW, for crying out loud?!? I'm at Wis 28 with an "of the Magi" weapon and I've only got about 900!
    Heal Scrolls (Stack of 100. You may not use them, but have them) Er... I have about 40, because someone bought them for me.
    Major Mana Potions CHECK! I buy the best Store potions whenever they're on offer
    Ressurrection Scrolls (Stack of 20. Preferrable to Raise Dead. Coming back with less than 40 hp can be challenging) Er... I have 2. Is it just my imagination, or does the Raid-Fitness Checklist work out ten times as expensive for healers as for everyone else?
    Mass Cure Moderate Wounds Scrolls. OOPS!
    Archivist's Necklace (Spell Points Regen) OOPS! Not really practical for a new player anyway: it will restore 20-70sp per rest, and I for one don't have the plat to get my +Wis item into a non-necklace slot, particularly as I'm also supposed to have Minos Legens! You could probably get away with this if you could afford to put all your gear buffs in exactly the slot you wanted...
    Ring of Spell Storing (Optional, but nice to have more SP. Try to get one.) OOPS! Where from?
    Mysterious Bauble (For Level 18 and up. Lots of SP.) OOPS! But then it's not applicable yet.

    Healers: Spell needs(assuming the presence of Heal, Mass Cure Light, Mass Cure Mod as soon as they are available):


    I always carry all of those anyway... it's a consequence of not knowing the game anywhere near well enough to know what's coming, so trying to carry spells for whatever bad stuff might arise. The only thing I don't routinely carry that was on that list is Recitation.
    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    Last edited by Persiflage; 12-17-2010 at 11:38 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...

    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    Are you on Khyber? The "meh. Cleric" ones are important even for a cleric. If you are solo healing and a beholder does a number on you, the whole party could wipe. DB robes are cheap. If you are on Khyber I can hook you up with some $$$ to help you out. I would also run Tangleroot with you a couple of times for the end reward. They are BtA and you are nice to have.

  6. #6
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    Default More on portal pounders

    I would mention that the "greater bane" bit for a portal pounder is wildly exaggerated. Portals are lawful evil constructs with 100% fort, so greater bane adds 3d6+4 damage to the output. As such, a +5 holy of pure good (a wildly useful general purpose weapon) will match the damage of a +1 greater construct bane. The ideal is to have a holy [dwarf axe or bastard sword] or anarchic weapon of GCB, but they are few and far between. Also note that portals greatly resemble barn doors: Clerics can use holy greatclubs, or a bastard sword in one hand and a dwarven war axe in the other without regard for proficiency, oversized weapons, or other tohit trifles.

    - is happy with a holy of construct bane/holy of pure good combo.

    PS. Great list. I wish I had this when I first started flagging. No idea how to improve the portal pounder entry (it is certainly not worth the wall of text I wrote), perhaps just noting that it is a lawful evil construct, 100% fort DR 15?/- AC0, immune to elements, greater construct banes suggested? Still likely too long.
    Last edited by yawumpus; 12-17-2010 at 05:46 PM. Reason: added missing fortification info plus postscript (and gcd error)

  7. #7
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yawumpus View Post
    I would mention that the "greater bane" bit for a portal pounder is wildly exaggerated. Portals are lawful evil constructs, so greater bane adds 2d6+4 damage to the output. As such, a +5 holy of pure good (a wildly useful general purpose weapon) will match the damage of a +1 greater construct bane. The ideal is to have a holy [dwarf axe or bastard sword] or anarchic weapon of GCB, but they are few and far between. Also note that portals greatly resemble barn doors: Clerics can use holy greatclubs, or a bastard sword in one hand and a dwarven war axe in the other without regard for proficiency, oversized weapons, or other tohit trifles.

    - is happy with a holy of construct bane/holy of pure good combo.
    Great point. I will edit accordingly.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  8. #8
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yawumpus View Post
    I would mention that the "greater bane" bit for a portal pounder is wildly exaggerated. Portals are lawful evil constructs with 100% fort, so greater bane adds 2d6+4 damage to the output.

    Greater bane adds 3d6+4, not 2d6+4.

    Get the greater bane as a +2, or with an extra damage kicker on front, and it beats the HoPG. These will be wildly cheaper than the HoPG, too.
    Last edited by k1ngp1n; 12-17-2010 at 12:29 PM.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by k1ngp1n View Post

    Greater bane adds 3d6+4, not 2d6+4.
    [image deleted]
    Get the greater bane as a +2, or with an extra damage kicker on front, and it beats the HoPG. These will be wildly cheaper than the HoPG, too.
    Fixed (although you noticed that the math was right for the holy+PG+4=gcb). The real catch is that +1 holy (or anachic)+ lesser construct bane is actually better than your +2 GCB (to say nothing of regular or greater banes. Of course, you will pay for the benefit). At least one commenter has changed weapons from the extra information.

    Another thing to remember is that kukri is only doing 2-5 pts of base damage, and its superior crit spread doesn't come into play. Just remember to use a cheap HoPG bastard sword .

  10. #10
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yawumpus View Post
    Just remember to use a cheap HoPG bastard sword .
    And an important thing to remember is that it's just portal beating.
    There's no AC to speak of. You don't have to worry about missing. Which means that you don't even have to be proficient in the weapons you're using to beat down portals. Just focus on having quality effects on the weapons and you're good to go.

  11. #11
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yawumpus View Post
    I would mention that the "greater bane" bit for a portal pounder is wildly exaggerated. Portals are lawful evil constructs with 100% fort, so greater bane adds 2d6+4 damage to the output. As such, a +5 holy of pure good (a wildly useful general purpose weapon) will match the damage of a +1 greater construct bane. The ideal is to have a holy [dwarf axe or bastard sword] or anarchic weapon of GCB, but they are few and far between. Also note that portals greatly resemble barn doors: Clerics can use holy greatclubs, or a bastard sword in one hand and a dwarven war axe in the other without regard for proficiency, oversized weapons, or other tohit trifles.

    - is happy with a holy of construct bane/holy of pure good combo.

    PS. Great list. I wish I had this when I first started flagging. No idea how to improve the portal pounder entry (it is certainly not worth the wall of text I wrote), perhaps just noting that it is a lawful evil construct, 100% fort DR 15?/- AC0, immune to elements, greater construct banes suggested? Still likely too long.
    Great job OP. I have a +4 metalline greataxe of pg that I had been planning to use on the portals. I also have a +3 anarchic greatsword of pg. Sounds like that will be the better choice for them. I'll have to try it on the rare portal in Vale.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...

    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    Regarding Mantle and Archivist - those are not items wear constantly - you swap them when needed (usually only for a short while). 40-70 sp you get from archivist is like stacking item of power V. People take mental toughness on clerics for 105 sp, from archivist you get about 50 - no reason to not have it

  13. #13
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...

    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    You mention cost. A stack of Heal scrolls is about 15-20k plat. A stack of Mass Cure Mod is the same. 20 or so Res scrolls, the same thing.

    Run coal chamber 2 times and sell the ingredients on the AH. You will be all set with consumables and several of your missing items. It will take maybe 30-45 minutes per run.

    You probably aren't as far off as you think.

    The Silver Flame Trinket is not Meh, btw. Neg Levels hit clerics too. Death Ward can be dispelled by casters and by Beholders. There is no excuse to not run Shadow Crypt twice and Cursed Crypt once or Cursed Crypt 3 times and have it done. Besides, both quests are great XP.

    I agree many items a cleric can proactively buff with mana to avoid having or cure/heal reactively once it happens, but that takes up mana and, in the case of reactive cure/heal, takes focus from healing the party. Come prepared and save your mana and attention for the party and the quest.
    Last edited by DDOTalk71; 12-17-2010 at 12:48 PM.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  14. #14
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...
    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    I would say that the "Meh Cleric" thing won't serve you well.
    No offense, but clerics in raids have many people to heal taking a lot of damage at once.
    No one wants to stop and remove your curse for you.
    That could cause others to die.
    Mana can be tight.

    You will die.
    After a few times you will die and not be brought back.

    After a few runs you will become known.

    You don't want that.
    Buy pots.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  15. #15
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...

    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    One more point on the Mantle of the Worldshaper. Don't step into ToD without it for Part III. Even if you have boots.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  16. #16
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Thank you for this: +1 for the education!

    However, it's interesting for me as a new player (6 weeks today) to compare my highest-level toon (Cleric 13/Ftr1) to this list! Bear in mind, my comments are based on my thought processes to date, rather than the advice I'm prepared to accept for the future. In other words, I may have been a bit stupid...

    So... yeah, it looks as though I have a looooong way to go before I'm raid-ready
    Meh cleric? Well now that is all depending how important your mana bar is to you?

    The trade off here is PP vs Mana - casting cooldowns. I for one carry spells slotted like greater restore but I rather scroll it ... but prefer it actually never happen to start with.

    Neut poison pots, remove curse, remove blindness, remove desease are simple and cheap, a stack last for some time and we've space to carry them...

    My characters with umd carry scrolls for healing and resurection... while I know these things seem an expense on a cleric your friendly neighborhood guildie bard should be able to get you a sizable discount on such - I know my bard (who is not a hagglebot btw) pays bout 11k for a stack of 100.

    Last edited by Emili; 12-17-2010 at 12:45 PM.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persiflage View Post
    Meh. Cleric.
    Forget this line of thinking.
    As you've said that you've only been here for 6 weeks or so, we'll forgive you. But don't hold onto this attitude for long.
    When you enter a raid, why should the healers have to cast -up to- 12 Remove Poisons when the fight will last less time than a potion's effect?
    Drink a pot.
    For every Poison the healer has to cast, that's less mana they have to heal. This is a potentially huge problem you create when you should have more than enough cash on hand to keep potions in your inventory.
    Same goes for Remove curse. There are raids where multiple people are being cursed very quickly, and those curses eliminate the ability to be healed until cured. Cure it yourself, as FAST as you can.
    Heck, the same goes for most of that list. That's why he made it.

    The attitude of "Meh. Cleric." is the main reason that many people don't want to play them {or, should I say, don't want to pug them....}

    Be self sufficient, as much as you can be, and your experience will improve by improving the experiences of others.
    Last edited by Calebro; 12-17-2010 at 01:13 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Talltale-Storyteller's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Calebro View Post
    Forget this line of thinking.
    As you've said that you've only been here for 6 weeks or so, we'll forgive you. But don't hold onto this attitude for long.
    When you enter a raid, why should the healers have to cast -up to- 12 Remove Poisons when the fight will last less time than a potion's effect?
    Drink a pot.
    For every Poison the healer has to cast, that's less mana they have to heal. This is a potentially huge problem you create when you should have more than enough cash on hand to keep potions in your inventory.
    Same goes for Remove curse. There are raids where multiple people are being cursed very quickly, and those curses eliminate the ability to be healed until cured. Cure it yourself, as FAST as you can.
    Heck, the same goes for most of that list. That's why he made it.

    Be self sufficient, as much as you can be, and your experience will improve by improving the experiences of others.
    I agree with everything you said, without exception. Just want to point out that he was saying that HE is the cleric, so "meh".

    This is an equallybad , if not worse, mentality - as if you are the healer everybody else is relying on you, your mana is one of the key things that make the raid successful - don't be wasteful with it.
    Member of The Sublime Permadeath Guild on Thelanis.

    Go Hard or Go Home!

  19. #19
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talltale-Storyteller View Post
    I agree with everything you said, without exception. Just want to point out that he was saying that HE is the cleric, so "meh".

    This is an equallybad , if not worse, mentality - as if you are the healer everybody else is relying on you, your mana is one of the key things that make the raid successful - don't be wasteful with it.
    I noticed that. I just wanted to make it clear that he shouldn't carry this line of thinking into any other toons he will surely make in the future.

  20. #20
    Community Member
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    I've got 2 capped clerics and I try to keep poison/disease/curse wands/pots/scrolls. Its not such a big deal in most quests to just cast remove, but in Raids or epics it can be a much bigger deal. Also if you are capped and doing epic, you should have all those remove pots as well as a big ol stack of cure pots. Why should i waste mana curing between fights because you were to lazy to get to the house k vendor?

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