Scroll of gloves of the claw lands in my backpack. I won't use it (well not right away) but it has value, can easily be sold/traded fo something I DO need. No I will not put it up for roll. I must be a greedy wad.

Scroll of bigtop goes to someone else. I see it. Do i demand he put it for roll.. I DO need it after all, so it is 'mine?' No im not a prat. Do i get angry and ragequit cuz he got a scroll 5 min before? No. It was just him 'winning' 2 invisible rolls. I offer him a fair deal on said scroll cuz I want/need it. He wins. I win.

Really what is the issue. I'm fine with people seeing i got it(Let them offer a deal and say grats, and also show that stuff does drop) but like all keep saying, they not 'raid loot, bound to you' they are just another sellable/tradeable item.

IMO, and have always thought this, the scrolls should be in the chests in epics, N OT mobs. Should also be a chest with one random scroll (from that pack) for optionals if the optionals are completed in epics(Give a reason to do them)