There are a few threads on the other servers' forum about the new scroll etiquette recently. I'd like to share my views as well as asking for the general practice of large guilds on our server.
Some posts on the other servers' forum are as follows:
- Post u8: Epic Scrolls
- new epic scroll etiquette?
- dear Khyber, are you going to force a 2nd roll on epic scrolls?
I actually ran in pug group that use the new roll on scroll etiquette. In my opinion:
- A 2nd roll is redundant because the scrolls are drop randomly to a party member. The randomness is conceptually a rolling already. It's a waste of time to roll again.
- it hurts the feeling of the one who desperately want a particular scroll and have the fortune that the scroll drop to his pocket, but he has to put it up for roll. It is against human nature, given that a 2nd rolling isn't more fair than Turbine's random dropping
- "need before greed"? most people who play this game are adult and I don't think anyone should execute the "need before greed" with a rule. any mature person will do so if they like the concept but shouldn't be forced to do so by a rule set by other game players. You could choose not to play with those people who don't share the same etiquette as you do.
"need before greed" is a view that benefit veteran players who has 18 toons of different classes (sounds like your group leader?) and have needs of every single scroll, but not to a new player with 1-2 toons shouldn't need most of the scrolls and may not be allowed to roll on most scrolls. Is it sounds like cheating?
Scroll can be traded, i.e. if you own a useful scroll, you could use it to trade for another scroll that you need. It's just like large scale. Let me quote a post from sirgog:
You could live in your Utopian and wish people are not greedy. Most people I play with in this game are actually not greedy. But when you label other people as greedy with your own standard, and require other people to follow your fair rule to share stuff, it is communism. You don't respect private property.
- after you spent 7 days farming your cloak scroll in e-chrono, you tell your guildies you have made it. Then, on the next day you go to raid and a cloak scroll is dropped to your inventory. Sorry, everyone knows you have one already and you are greedy if you take it or even roll on it. Using an unreasonable etiquette will encourage people to lie and hide their stuff. It is not fair to people who put efforts in farming scroll.
- when you run 4 guildies and 1 pug in a Red Fens quest, a bracer scroll and a gloves scroll are dropped, you got the gloves scroll, and the pug guy get the other scroll. Given there is an etiquette in your guild, you put the scroll up for roll. You do it right. (and you have to do it right because you will run with your guild again) Now, imagine, the pug guy win your scroll, and you ask "what's the roll for the other scroll", then he tells you, "i actually have the seal and shard for both the gloves and bracer, but i'll put it up for roll, let's roll d101", then DC'd.
The "etiquette" benefit pug players. If it is an established rule for the server, I think most guild run will just shortman any quest instead of taking unknown pug players.
Edited: also a pug player may just roll on everything. you don't expect they follow any "need before greed" etiquette.
- There was an argument for the barb with +4 Cha tome cases that a quest is a team effort so you can't just say "your loot is your loot". Scroll is not be binding at all. If the team effort argument is valid, should it also apply to large scale? how about if your second large scale in a shroud run? how about any seal and shard? why the rolling rule only apply to scroll but not other stuff?
- My guild has an established rule that, one can keep any seal/shard that drop in his/her chest (i.e. no particular rule to force people to put things up for roll), but everyone could win up to one seal and shard that are put up for roll by others in a run. This rule is perfectly fair and reasonable to me as it affects only extra seal/shard that are not suppose to be mine anyway.
Now, should the same rule apply to scroll as well? i.e. every scroll has to be put up for roll and one could win only one scroll. if it does, it is just like every seal and shard have to be put up for roll and you can win only one. I wouldn't describe it as "fair" but will only use the term "equal" as it tends to make everyone get equal number of stuff. (see point 3 about vet players)
Notice that scroll doesn't always drop in every quest. If more than one scroll is dropped, it is unlikely a person will get 2 scroll because the drop is by random. So we spend extra time to roll for every scroll for 95-98% cases for the "fairness" in the remain 2-5% cases.
Notice that, without any rule to force people to roll, people who don't need a scroll will still voluntarily put their scroll up for roll.
Now, I'm interested to know how large guilds or pug group leaders deal with this issue?