Will trade this one for one with an evenomed cloak scroll as of saturday.
Looking to trade bait this for as much as i can!
Bidding here is preferred but I WILL take and update from PM's.
All high quality trade bait options will be considered.
NOTE of course i dont want all of these just some ideas!
1. Torc of Prince Raiyum Scroll !(Highest priority - one for one trade here)
2. Mari Chain/Chaos Blades
3. Staff of Arcane Power
4. Other Rare Desert scrolls
5. ESOS scrolls (not a big priority as i can farm but nice add on)
6. Chrono Abishai might scrolls - especially Cloak and gauntlets
7. LDS
8. Gloves/bracers of Claw scroll
I AM NOT interested in plat whatsoever Im just after high end tradeables.
Thx for lookin.