I've been trying to get my icy rainments solo so far not working out well. I'm not even making it to garamol looking for advice from other valiance build runners. Thanks in advance for any help.
I've been trying to get my icy rainments solo so far not working out well. I'm not even making it to garamol looking for advice from other valiance build runners. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hey all ! and Valiance in particular !![]()
Can we PLEASE !get an update on this build, i had it bookmarked since a few years ago, and recently returned to DDO after a few years break, and i really want to make this character this time around
But im not sure how all the new changes to the game, epic desteny and the new AC ? (not even sure how that works) all affects this build.. is it still viable ? are there any changes we should consider ?
Myself im partial to the 1 lvl of artificer instead of rogue, as has allready been mentioned the skill points and spell points bonus, but also you will be getting the enhancement for +20% damage on blade barrier which is HUGE right ?
Im really hoping some of the awsome guys in this thread, im looking at you Wax !and Offcourse Mr. Valiance if your still around ? will take some time out of their lives and give us all a much needed update.
Thank you all in advance !
I am not making any new builds nor would I use "new" old builds until the prestige update. I am messing around with some Druid builds in the meantime, and if nothing else, gets Druid lives done on 2 of my characters.
I have a feeling most build makers are doing the same thing.
There is a Valiance 2.0 build actually, but with the changes in update 14 it's kind of up in the air what will happen, and it's even more so up in the air with the rumors of the Radiant Servant 3 prestige in the upcoming update.
For what it's worth though, I've got a level 8 Valince 1.0 - the only real change was going from Empower to Empower Healing for the prestige, and it seems to be doing fine at that level. I'm busy on other characters though, so I can't really say how much of an impact there'll be.
Google Valiance 2.0 though for more info!
THIS Thread IS the Valiance 2.0 thread .. ive allready looked through all information you can find on it.. so telling me to google a thread im allready writing in is not really helping![]()
Im just wondering if its still worth going for this type of character with what we know about the game NOW, no reason to speculate about the future, we dont know what will happen for certain, but with how dodge and AC works now, will the premise of this build, namely, being able to solo incredible things, being an incredible tank and healer and with skills to do most things in the game still hold true ?
Im not familiar enough with the curent meta game per se, so i ask you guys
And i beg for an update on this amazing piece of work !
Cheers !
Oops! Apparently I shouldn't post tired, lol! It is indeed the 2.0 thread.
I'm not sure on the theory craft as people were trying to do calculus to model some of the changes - so it's hard to tell. In general I think it should still be fairly solid - one thing to consider is that with epic levels the build should be able to do anything it could do before, even if it means grinding out some epic destinies for PRR. Will it be as good/better than a pure FvS at these same things... I think the jury is still out HOWEVER I've heard that reflex saves are very important in the new world, and the Valiance build still definitely has a good edge there.
I think there's no question that the changes to hit/ac/dodge weakened monks a bit compared to where they were. This build will probably take more damage than in U13. However, it will still have evasion, can go into mountain stance if you need PRR, and can take some epic destinies. Also, the devs will be watching monks in general so there's a chance for strengthening.
Based on my limited play experience (only level 8!) and reading feedback, theory, etc. is that the Valiance will still be a really solid build, will ultimately be able to do the 'end game' things it could before - especially with some epic destinies - and will still be a solid build for new end game. Whether or not it will be soloing level 25 raids remains to be seen!
HOWEVER - and this is the big one - we still haven't seen the changes to enhancements that's coming in U15. What if they change healing amp? What if they change other monk enhancements. What if they bring out the Radiant Servant III and it rocks way more than that level of rogue? What if they add a the warpriest prestige and it requires different feats?
That's what people are really waiting on for final decisions etc. But I wouldn't let it stop you from making the build. I still plan on leveling mine and I believe that it will still be viable. After all, it was doing amazing things BEFORE the Radiant Servant prestige, and AC isn't all it's got going for it.
I'd say no. The game has moved towards greater specialisation and monk splashes are lacking a bit at the moment. The only thing going for it at the moment is the extra dodge currently given in water stance but as that's a bug that benefits players it'll probably be fixed very soon.
That said, I'm not sure what is possible with epic destinies but I'd be inclined to think that the outcome is more specialisation rather than less.
I agree, and it would be worth noting that wowo had a very noteworthy clonk (at least I think it was him) with huge AC and the ability to do epic traps... I was a big fan of the 17/2/1 clonk, but it needs to be reworked in a major way to deal with the new changes.
Thanks for your feedback guys !
Lets say you WANT to make this work, in the current meta game, what would you change ? how would you build this, especially which ED's benefit this the most ?
I really want to make this work, dual wielding kamas and kicking ass with BB's and good solo ability..
Wowo and others i respect your insigt in the game, and read your posts with great interest, i would be very gratefull to hear what you would do to make this build work as good as it can in the current metagame.
Thanks in advance !
Its been almost a month and no response to the question. From personal experience the build doesn't work like it used to. Maybe after the Enhancement pass in 8 days (Aug 20th, Update 15 patch) there may be more insight where this build can go. Now that AC is pretty worthless and PRR is the "thing" - 18 Cleric/2 Fighter maybe what we are left with. Here's to the patch in 8 days and hoping it brings some enlightenment.
There is no enhancement pass in Update 15 nor is there an ETA on when it will happen.
On monk splashes generally, there's no question they took a hit in U14 despite dev statements that they'd be taken care of. Nor does anything appear to have been done about this in the two months since U14 hit live, if last week's Lama release notes are any indication. So I think you can count on monk splashes having less-than-usual staying power for the foreseeable future.
That said, almost any 2/1 splash is viable on a divine, especially when that divine gets the radiant servant's healing aura. Stunning fist is still a superb melee option and traps/locks still provide useful versatility for solo play. I've personally capped a 2/1 build U14 and can testify that no one needs to be hitting the panic button here -- this class of build is still OK, even if it's somewhat weaker than it used to be.
What did I change in considering my own style of play and recent updates to the game? A couple of things. The first was to go half-elf rogue dilly rather than human, to give me more sneak attack damage than vanilla Valiance. Next, I replaced the rogue level with an artificer level because I felt repeaters would be a welcome addition versatility-wise while retaining traps/locks and UMD (though obviously choices have to be made about exactly which skills to max). I then added stunning fist --critical in my view for any high-wisdom monk splash -- and precision (which received an underrated buff in U14), losing empower and bumping power attack to 18th level. Optionally one could just throw out PA as the -5 attack penalty is more painful than it used to be, but I felt it was just too situationally useful to surrender entirely. Finally, I transferred some stat points from CHA to STR/WIS, reasoning that maxing UMD while ignoring intimidate would give me more leeway for a lower CHA than vanilla Valiance has.
This certainly isn't the only way to build a modern survivalist cleric, but it's what I did -- hope it's helpful.
My val 2.0 build is at 17 & 3 bubbles currently and altgough I am still getting gear I haven't noticed a huge change still as was said a little weaker but not by much. I dropped intim totally on my build in lieu of search and disable so I can get traps even now with gear and buffs still occationaly blow a box but I don't have top disable gear for my level yet. I think they are still viable IMO but soloing can be expensive without certain gear.
I plan to work epics eventually and leave him at cap as my main use him to farm gear/plat/etc
As I am almost flagged for shroud and I'm getting to.that stage in my toons development I am curious where I should start on my greensteel.
I have garments of equilibrium as my armor set till I can get either the robes/outfit from the new content so my heavy fort is covered was thinking of starting my con op in a cloak or possibly goggle slot but not sure as this will be my first ever greensteel.
also looking at grinding out a set of the new alchemical HW's
looking for advice in regards to what items I should be looking for and where
thanks in advance
I’ve finally leveled Rockridge to 25 and wanted to give folks here an update on my version of Valiance 2.0 build. Rock’s on his third life with cleric and wizard as past lives and has been a “project” of mine since late 2009 when I first decided on the original Valiance build.
The reason why I like Valiance’s build is that I found myself in a similar situation to the OP ‘s… due to young kids I have limited time to play so I wanted a build that can solo farm Epics and help fill in heal spots on raids and provide some versatility and heals to PUG’s when I can group. My play style would also consist of relying on Blade Barrier when I need to and melee things when I want to.
With all the changes and new-ish gear in U14, I’ve tried to free up my hands to use wraps for melee or Thaumaturgy staffs for casting without affecting my stats or AC as much as possible.
I do want to make it clear that my build is gear intensive and benefits from 3 x +4 tomes and +3 tomes for the remainder stats. It’s wasn’t so bad when you only run one toon over 3 years and counting ;-)
Post U14 launch was spent leveling Rock from 18 to 20. I tended to join PUG’s as I’m not well familiarized with all the higher level quests to run them solo and efficiently on elite for bravery. The few quests I did solo elite for bravery proved to be no problem with no deaths. I did enjoy the +10% dodge Ocean Stance bug for a short time.
At level 24 and using GMoF destiny (I’m in process of unlocking twists) I recently participated in an Elite Shroud run that included a 6 (maybe 7?) rounder Part 4. Not exactly what I signed up for but our DPS was a little on the low side and the two other clerics died due to lack of evasion. By round 3, I was solo healing what was left of the group and Consuming 3-4 gnolls at the beginning of each round and with 5 pots we got it done. I was quite pleased with the survivability of my build to say the least.
Lots of folks already know that Stunning Fist rocks. Coupled with Grave Wrappings, I have little problems landing stuns (in EH content) and it really helps in the DPS department and mitigating damage to other party members. GoF: A Dance of Flowers is a really nice addition making my melee DPS less gimp in EH.
I do find that in EE group play, I have to be more conservative and hang back and focus on heals during end fights or large fights where pulling mobs doesn’t work well (or the group doesn’t do it well).
I can easily UMD level 10 Shield and Blur wands.
Build Update:
Stats (36pt build), Race & Class: Human 17 cleric / 2 monk / 1 rogue, Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Str: 30 (14 base +3 tome + 6 item +3 abishai +2 insight +2 guild)
Dex: 28 (14 base +3 tome +7 item (or 6 +1 except) +1 human enhance +2 guild +1 litany)
Con: 30 (14 base +3 tome +7 item +2 insight +2 guild +1 litany +1 except)
Int: 26 (12 base +4 tome +6 +1 excep ToD ring, +2 guild +1 litany)
Wis: 50 (15 base +4 tome +6 level ups +2 cleric enh +1 human enh, +8 item (or 7+1 exceptional) +2 stance +3 insight +6 epic destiny +2 guild +1 litany)
Cha: 30 (14 base +4 tome +2 cleric enh +7 item +2 guild +1 litany)
Ability increases: All in Wisdom.
HP: ~600 standing
SP: ~2,000
Skills: Same as Valiance. Highest priority are Concentration, Balance, UMD. 10 pt into Jump, about 4 pt each into Disable Device, Search Open Lock, 1 pt Tumble and the rest into Move Silently.
Enhancements: Similar to Valiance with RSII.
Proposed Feats:
1 cleric (maximise) (CE- human bonus)
3 cleric (Wiz PLF)
6 cleric (empower healing)
9 cleric (2 wpn fighting)
12 cleric (improved 2 wpn fighting)
13 monk (toughness)
14 monk (stunning fist)
15 cleric (quicken)
18 cleric (heighten)
21 epic (gtr 2 wpn fighting)
24 epic (dodge? or empower?)
Epic Destinies:
The plan is to end with Exalted Angel
Proposed Twists:
*GoF: A Dance of Flowers: Passive Bonus: +[0.5/1.0/1.5][W] to attacks you make while centered.
*Mag: Unearthly reactions: Passive +[1/2/3] dodge, +[2/4/6] reflex. At rank 3: When you tumble, you will phase out from reality briefly, passing through enemies as you do so.
*GoF: Walking with Waves: Passive Bonus: Gain cold resistance [4/8/12] and +[2/4/6] to AC. If you have monk levels and are in ocean stance, +[1/2/3]% chance to dodge enemy attacks.
Proposed Gear:
Head: Epic Helm of Frost: (Charisma +7, Empty Yellow: Exceptional Wis +1)
Gloves: Epic Charged Gauntlets (+6 Str, Yellow Slot: Greater False Life)
Cloak: Epic Cloak of Night Lvl 24 (Dodge 3%, 10 DR, Deathblock, Ghostly)
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion (Colorless Slot: Exceptional Dex +1, Green Slot: Heavy Fort)
Trinket: Litany of the Dead (+1 profane stats)
Bracers: Bracers of the Sun Soul
Belt: Belt of the Sun Soul
Necklace: Wis +8 and Natural Armor +6 / Epic Torc (Colorless Slot: ???)
Goggles: GS Con-Opp: (+6 Wis, 150 sp, +5 Chr skills, blind & disease wards)
Armor: Spider-spun Caparison: (Exceptional Wis +3, Armor Bonus +9, Resistance +6, Enhanced Ki +1, Reinforced Fists, Concentration +15, Toughness)
Ring1: Seal of House Dun'Robar (Insight Str +2, Dodge +4%, Exceptional Combat Mastery +5)
Ring2: Epic Ring of the Buccaneer: (Green Slot: Natural Armor 4) / ToD Dex 6 Ring +1 exceptional Dex (Holy Burst) / ToD 6 +1 except Int Ring
Weapons: Grave Wrappings for trash, Min II GS Kamas for DR Breaking, Casting Kama's or Staffs
You’ll note that I’ve purposely overlapped certain stat or AC items to keep them up as high as possible during swaps. I’ll only equip Torc and drop my AC a bit for mana regeneration but I honestly haven’t needed to do this in a very long time.
The Wisdom+8 with Natural Armor +6 necklace dropped for me during the last loot bonus weekend so will be a difficult item to acquire but prior to this I was using the Wisdom +8 version of Caparison and keeping my Torc on at all times.
10 base
20 wis
9 dex
9 Spider Silk Caparison
5 protection
4 insight
4 shield (clickie/wand/scroll)
6 natural armor (or 4 slotted in epic item)
3 ship buffs (deneith, kundarak, kobold?)
3 profane bonus to armor (grtr might of the abishai)
2 recitation
1 haste
3 monk
6 GoM Walking Waves
1 AC alchemical
{2 levels monk, 4% dodge}
{Ocean Stance, 1% dodge}
{Epic Mabar Cloak, 3% dodge}
{Seal of Dun’Robar, 4% dodge}
{Unearthly Reactions 3%}
{Walking Waves 3%}
Total = 86 AC and 18% dodge? With Combat Expertise = 94 AC? Human Versatility IV +20 AC and another +3% from Dodge feat.
My only uncertainty is what to do with my last feat… I’m currently using Extend that I’ve kept since level 1 (for Divine Favor and Divine Power) but should probably change it out for Dodge or possibly Empower for more damage on DP and BB. Comments anyone? Wowo weigh in time?
That’s it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this little update on my version of Valiance’s wonderful build. At this stage, I'm trying to unlock as many destiny levels as I can and I’ve yet to acquire all my epic gear, Seal of Dun’Robar and the ever elusive Litany of Dead as I find that hardly anyone runs Abbot these days.
Last edited by Chewysc; 10-02-2012 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Minor grammar & item corrections
Nothing specific for that last feat comes to mind but feat swaps are free after 20 so just try different things: TWD for the PRR, Empower, Dodge, Power Attack, Precision, that epic defense feat maybe? Spell Penetration ...
For twists I'd look at Legendary Tactics for EE, Sense Weakness is ridiculously nice too and Acute Instincts is nice for +2 wisdom and some skill bonuses. As you have Combat Expertise make sure you twist Improved Combat Expertise from LD for the +20 PRR.
For destiny I'd be looking again at GMoF. It's just too much fun to have a DC 65 EiN and something better to spend your Ki on other than Stunning Fist. Standing with Stone is a really nice ability/twist too.
For evolutions of the Valiance build I'd be looking at something like 13 cleric/6 monk/1 x. This is the theory I'm working on and planning on still being able to fill a healer spot by going into US destiny (for healing hands) and twisting Renewal, Healing Spring and Illusion of Well Being. The rest of time rip it up in GMoF destiny. Can get over 100 PRR in US if you want to do the tanking thing (you can do this already chewy, 6 monk just gives +5 PRR).
There's some interesting advice here that I haven't considered on the ED side of things. I started my ED in US and levelled it to 4 and really enjoyed it. US made Rockridge even more durable with extra HP and damage mitigation to the point that I got lazy at times / played less smart. The only downside to US was the loss to increase wisdom but if you use ED's situationally, I can see why folks are maxing out more than one ED.
Feats swaps free after 20?!?! Where have I been? I'm definitely going to try various feats to see what suits my playstyle more. I'm not completely sold yet on CE so I may actually have two feats to work with.
Thanks so much for the enlightening info Wowo!
Guys, made a TR from a bard past life, and now i am getting this Cleric/Rogue/Monk for soloing, since my son has born have not that time to play... can you give me some aid?
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.02 DDO Character Planner Home Page ramonee Level 20 Lawful Good Drow Male (2 Monk \ 1 Rogue \ 17 Cleric) Hit Points: 245 Spell Points: 1186 BAB: 13\13\18\23 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 15 Will: 19 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (30 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 13 13 Dexterity 16 20 Constitution 10 12 Intelligence 15 15 Wisdom 16 23 Charisma 10 12 Tomes Used +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 1 +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 1 +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 14 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 7 9 Bluff 1 1 Concentration 3 18 Diplomacy 1 1 Disable Device 6 18 Haggle 1 1 Heal 3 8 Hide 7 9 Intimidate 1 1 Jump 5 5 Listen 3 8 Move Silently 7 9 Open Lock 7 16 Perform n/a n/a Repair 2 2 Search 6 13 Spot 7 23 Swim 1 1 Tumble n/a n/a Use Magic Device 5 5 Level 1 (Rogue) Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Bard Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting Level 2 (Cleric) Enhancement: Improved Heal I Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I Level 3 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I Enhancement: Follower of Vulkoor Level 4 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Weapon Finesse Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I Enhancement: Rogue Improved Trap Sense I Enhancement: Cleric Divine Cleansing I Level 5 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I Level 6 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I Level 7 (Cleric) Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II Level 8 (Cleric) Enhancement: Improved Heal II Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II Level 9 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell Enhancement: Rogue Damage Boost I Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I Enhancement: Elven Dexterity II Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I Level 10 (Cleric) Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I Level 11 (Cleric) Enhancement: Vulkoor's Avatar Level 12 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II Level 13 (Cleric) Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom III Level 14 (Cleric) Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Level 15 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III Level 16 (Cleric) Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV Level 17 (Cleric) Level 18 (Cleric) Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV Level 19 (Cleric) Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life II Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II Level 20 (Cleric) Enhancement: Drow Weapon Attack I Enhancement: Drow Weapon Damage I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life III
In no particular order:can you give me some aid
1) Too much investment in lockpicking. Half that at most.
2) Need more disable. Find Traps will give a +8 to your search, but it won't boost disarming.
3) Dump weapon finesse. Pointless. Get Quicken instead.
Enhancements are a bit splotchy. Try this:
The Divine Light is just a pre-req for Radiant Servant. In a solo build, none of the other options are worth a ****, but then Divine Light isn't really either, since the positive energy burst will do more and uses the same turn.Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.02 DDO Character Planner Home Page Enhancement: Rogue Haste Boost I Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant I Enhancement: Cleric Radiant Servant II Enhancement: Elven Perception I Enhancement: Elven Perception II Enhancement: Vulkoor's Avatar Enhancement: Follower of Vulkoor Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing I Enhancement: Cleric Improved Empower Healing II Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I Enhancement: Void Strike I Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Improved Disable Device I Enhancement: Improved Heal I Enhancement: Improved Heal II Enhancement: Improved Open Lock I Enhancement: Improved Search I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Smiting I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life II Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting I Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I Enhancement: Cleric Smiting I Enhancement: Cleric Smiting II Enhancement: Cleric Smiting III Enhancement: Cleric Smiting IV Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic IV Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot III Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II Enhancement: Cleric Divine Light I Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning I Enhancement: Cleric Extra Turning II Enhancement: Cleric Improved Turning I Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
Last edited by Matuse; 02-19-2013 at 04:40 PM.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.