Has anyone else noticed what seems like a new trend among arcanes? Many new upcoming wiz's/sorc's have high con and decent hp's. However, they seem to not put any time nor effort into FORTIFICATION.
Has anyone else noticed this? I was part of a fail Shroud last night (yes they still happen) where both of the party arcanes, one was and elf sorc and the other a WF wiz, were one shotted by Harry at the start of part 4. Unfortunately, they were both standing next to one of the healers and he was taken out too...
As the party was re-forming I looked up both players on myddo (which appears to be somewhat working again). The sorc had 284hp and 0% fort. The Wiz had 364hp and 25% fort. Correct me if I am wrong (which I have been known to be quite often) but shouldn't casters have heavy fort too?
Looks like the word has been spread that Con is not a dump stat. Should we start the next promotion about fort?


p.s. This is not a Shroud complaint thread.