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  1. #21
    The Hatchery Rinnaldo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaseStringer View Post
    I think they could have added a second buff bar under the 1st for Ship buffs.
    Or else, as I remember others suggesting in a different thread, have one buff bar for positive effects, and second one beneath for negative ones. This could even be broken up further, in terms of how long they last (half hour - 1 hour spells on top, 10 mins to 29 mins, on the next one down, etc.), or even by types of effects: protection from x on the top row, attribute buffs on the next one down, damage/healing auras next down, skill boosts next, etc. If any bar was empty, the lower ones could slide up to take their spots. I'd also suggest making the icons a bit smaller if this were implemented. Just a thought.

  2. #22
    Community Member markhoge's Avatar
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    The biggest thing I would like would be for them to expand the weapon sets to make them equipment sets.

    That way I can click one button to equip all of the equipment I want for melee, another for searching for secret doors and traps, one more too equip everything I need to cast fire-based spells, another to equip everything for cold-based spells, one more to equip everything I want for using a bow, one to equip everything I want for attacking slimes, and another to equip everything I want for selling stuff to vendors.

    Of course, one character would not use ALL of these, but I think this functionality would be great!

  3. #23
    Community Member TessRavenscroft's Avatar
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    All I want for the UI is a way to hotkey spells with particular metamagic feats activated. I always want a heightened Web, for example, but casting it means stopping to turn heighten on, cast the spell, then turn it off so the damage spell that follows is not heightened and churning SP.

  4. #24
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    Default My wish list

    1. Right click/left click + modifiers on a hot bar casting on different targets. Like right click always casting on self, left on target etc.

    2. Logging. A nice just dump it to file logging. So we could do some real DPS comparisons.

    3. I like being able to inspect people and their equipment just to get ideas of what to wear, I do not want it to evolve into a 'equipment score' ala WoW.

    4. A single pack window that sorts.

    5. Ability to add hp/mana numbers to group/raid display.

    6. Hot key bar that changed based on modifier key (shift, contorl, alt)

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TessRavenscroft View Post
    All I want for the UI is a way to hotkey spells with particular metamagic feats activated. I always want a heightened Web, for example, but casting it means stopping to turn heighten on, cast the spell, then turn it off so the damage spell that follows is not heightened and churning SP.

    Maybe a screen where you can assign metamagic feats to a spell. Then if that feat is on, it only affects spells it is assigned.

    Heck, maybe even just right click on the spell in your spellbook and have a checklist of metamagic feats that you can apply.

    May need to break this out into its own thread!

  6. #26
    Community Member zrandrews's Avatar
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    A few things come to mind:

    1. The ability to setup your hotkey layout in a template. so every character is already setup that way, and to lock them in position without locking what is hotkeyed.

    2. When selecting incoming chat types, having check boxes so you don't have to select them one at a time to add or remove them.

    3. Gear Set Slots. Like weapons sets, but for gear.

    4. The Macro prepared spells slots sound good too

    And while not really a UI thing, the ability to create a macro would be great. Though I understandit would have to be very limited in it's functionality to prevent heal bots from being made. Just something to yell words would be fine for me, like the hot keyed "/say Trap!" button.

  7. #27
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    Default Guild commands

    As long as guilds have been around, the /guild commands have been bugged and don't work properly. These are commands beyond what you find in the guild tab of the social pane. type "/guild help" in game to see a list of commands that would be wonderful if they worked correctly, and even BETTER if they could be selected and modified through a menu based interface instead of text based only.

    usage: /guild < create | disband | recruit | accept | decline | quit | expel | promote | demote | motd | successor | resign | rename | createrank | removerank | changeranklevel | changerankname | ranks >

    Each update I check to see if these work at all. Each update I am sadly disappointed Mostly the ones I would use are | promote | demote | createrank | removerank | changeranklevel | changerankname | ranks |

    Seriously, a visual output for this information would be sweet.

  8. #28
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al'Darion View Post
    As long as guilds have been around, the /guild commands have been bugged and don't work properly. These are commands beyond what you find in the guild tab of the social pane. type "/guild help" in game to see a list of commands that would be wonderful if they worked correctly, and even BETTER if they could be selected and modified through a menu based interface instead of text based only.

    usage: /guild < create | disband | recruit | accept | decline | quit | expel | promote | demote | motd | successor | resign | rename >

    Each update I check to see if these work at all. Each update I am sadly disappointed Mostly the ones I would use are | promote | demote

    Seriously, a visual output for this information would be sweet.
    yeah, I mean, if only they had a guild window in the social panel to deal with these things?
    Adumbrate, Sienn, Selket, Synaxis, Ognwe-, Halpin, Sivva, Bigstick, Jemus, Colichemarde
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga
    His pant muscles aren't as big as ours...

  9. #29
    Community Member zrandrews's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al'Darion View Post
    As long as guilds have been around, the /guild commands have been bugged and don't work properly. These are commands beyond what you find in the guild tab of the social pane. type "/guild help" in game to see a list of commands that would be wonderful if they worked correctly, and even BETTER if they could be selected and modified through a menu based interface instead of text based only.

    usage: /guild < create | disband | recruit | accept | decline | quit | expel | promote | demote | motd | successor | resign | rename | createrank | removerank | changeranklevel | changerankname | ranks >

    Each update I check to see if these work at all. Each update I am sadly disappointed Mostly the ones I would use are | promote | demote | createrank | removerank | changeranklevel | changerankname | ranks |

    Seriously, a visual output for this information would be sweet.
    Reading those commands* makes me wonder if they are there from when the devs created guilds and then just never fully removed.

    It would be super cool (awesome?) if createrank, changeranklevel, and changerankname worked
    Last edited by zrandrews; 12-16-2010 at 06:19 PM. Reason: *edit- used to say ranks.

  10. #30
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al'Darion View Post
    Everything duely noted. I suggest that this forum become a kind of wish list for a better UI. Not necessarily a bash list. Like I said in my first sentence, I love this game. I assume everyone who reads and/or posts on the forums also loves this game. So, not to pick apart the hard work that the dev team has done (this is me apologizing) with the UI already, let's just suggest some improvements we would like to see. Here are some of my ideas:

    Zoomable minimap

    Ability to examine other players' gear without them having to link everything into chat.

    Guild commands in window & button form, replacing the (currently non-functioning, please fix soon) /slash commands.

    A /follow command. I would do this in a pnp game if a party member and I were simply going from here to there.

    Toggleable cloak visibility. We've already got helm and armor kits with this option.

    Checkable list in the chat window. For instance check 'party' and 'guild' while avoiding general and combat chat.

    A better macro system than alias. Something that you can associate with actions and throw on the action bar. For example: A rogue leads a party into a seemingly harmless corridor. The rogue spots a trap and taps a key. To his party he does some emote, instantly begins searching for the trap, while saying to the party 'TRAP!"
    Another useful example: A wizard has 3 melee ranged spells (chill touch, shocking grasp, etc), 2 CC spells, and 4 ranged AOE spells prepared and on his action bars. Instead of filling up 9 slots on his action bar, he fills up 3; one for the melee spells, another for the CC spells, and a third for the AOEs. By using a combination of 2 or 3 modifier keys that apply to the same action bar button, the wizard accesses all of his plethora of spells on one action bar. No need to clutter up the screen with 20 different action bars.

    Anyways, these are a few ideas that I would love to see in this game that, imo don't detract from the D&Dness of the game (notice I didn't say little red dots on the minimap to indicate where all the mobs are?) and seem relatively simple to produce without weighing down the game with tons of lag.
    Soo...basically just like WoW's interface? No thanks. Just because it's not like WoW doesn't mean it's ****.
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  11. #31
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    I don't understand what's wrong with being able to see what other players are wearing. It's not like this is a pvp game, where you need an advantage over other players. And how could it be an invasion of privacy? Did you hack the game so that you're wielding some uber weapons with embarrassing names for some reason? Are you afraid that somebody might take issue to you wearing a +5 cha hat instead of a +6 cha hat? Personally, I'd love to be able to examine other players because sometimes I see a really cool looking set of armor or weapon but the player in question doesn't respond to tells, be it because they're afk or elitist or can't figure out how to reply or what have you.

  12. #32
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SardaofChaos View Post
    I don't understand what's wrong with being able to see what other players are wearing. It's not like this is a pvp game, where you need an advantage over other players. And how could it be an invasion of privacy? Did you hack the game so that you're wielding some uber weapons with embarrassing names for some reason? Are you afraid that somebody might take issue to you wearing a +5 cha hat instead of a +6 cha hat? Personally, I'd love to be able to examine other players because sometimes I see a really cool looking set of armor or weapon but the player in question doesn't respond to tells, be it because they're afk or elitist or can't figure out how to reply or what have you.
    People already use MyDDO to screen people out of raids, and this would get worse with player equipment examination.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  13. #33
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Then we put up lists (on a non- hosted website, to prevent unnecessary bannings) with the names of everyone who is denying people just because they don't like their gear, along with the details of what happened for regulatory purposes. I don't want to play with anyone like that and am perfectly fine with the consequences, i.e. only running quests with fun people and never having to listen to some guy rage at me for accidentally doing something I couldn't have known not to do in the first place.

    Also, anyone who uses MyDDO to see what people are wearing is a monumental idiot, as it can barely even keep up with the character level, let alone the gear. My monk finally updated, and finally shows all the right items, but none of them have any of the effects that they were not generated with and half of them don't have pictures or names, only descriptions.

  14. #34
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Someone ask for UI suggestions?

    1. scalable, lockable UI
    2. sort out the buff bar so you can see all your buffs
    3. sort out the examine window so you can scroll through buffs
    4. Have buffs you cast on a party member show up under their health/SP/Ki bar with a 'clock face' type display (like cooldowns) so you can see when they're about to run out for recasts
    5. Have debuffs from monsters show up in a similar way to assist with healing/support
    6. Zoomable mini map - I'd have found a zoom out option really useful particularly when I or someone else gets seperated from the group and I don't want to lose half my screen to a large map.
    7. Split maps by physical level - so that you only see the part of the map thats on your current level, with stairs/slops up/down clearly showing so you can navigate. Have a toggle on the minimap border itself to turn this on and off at will.
    8. The option - only the option mind you - for you, client side, to turn on speech bubbles. some people hate this, some people love it, I don't see why an option would be such a bad thing provided it defaults to 'off'
    9. Make it so that when you have multiple hotbars on the screen, Ctrl+mouse scroll actually scrolls through those hotbars as well as the ones you don't have on screen.
    10. sort the chat system out so that when you hit /somethingchannel it stays in /somethingchannel till you /someotherchannel. Again, have this as a toggleable facility in the UI options so that those who want to use the 'traditional' DDO chat system can do so.
    11. have 'DDOclassic' skin available in the skins list by default.
    12. Sort the chat system out so that when you are selecting incoming and outgoing channels you don't have to right click>incoming>individual channel each time, and you can just keep ticking things on and off the list till you signal you're done by clicking elsewhere in the UI. Current system is annoying when you've got a new toon.

    I have more. But those are the off the top of my head ones. Seriously.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  15. #35
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirea View Post
    Just because it's not like WoW doesn't mean it's ****.
    With all due respect, the converse is also true - just because the interface isn't like WoW doesn't make it good. There's plenty about WoW to hate - but there's a fair bit they do have right. Often that is something that is lost sight of here.

    But if you want an example of a really good UI for customising, look no further than Turbine's other product - LOTRO's UI is brilliant.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-16-2010 at 07:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  16. #36
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Someone ask for UI suggestions?

    1. scalable, lockable UI
    2. sort out the buff bar so you can see all your buffs
    3. sort out the examine window so you can scroll through buffs
    7. Split maps by physical level - so that you only see the part of the map thats on your current level, with stairs/slops up/down clearly showing so you can navigate. Have a toggle on the minimap border itself to turn this on and off at will.
    8. The option - only the option mind you - for you, client side, to turn on speech bubbles. some people hate this, some people love it, I don't see why an option would be such a bad thing provided it defaults to 'off'
    9. Make it so that when you have multiple hotbars on the screen, Ctrl+mouse scroll actually scrolls through those hotbars as well as the ones you don't have on screen.
    10. sort the chat system out so that when you hit /somethingchannel it stays in /somethingchannel till you /someotherchannel. Again, have this as a toggleable facility in the UI options so that those who want to use the 'traditional' DDO chat system can do so.
    11. have 'DDOclassic' skin available in the skins list by default.
    12. Sort the chat system out so that when you are selecting incoming and outgoing channels you don't have to right click>incoming>individual channel each time, and you can just keep ticking things on and off the list till you signal you're done by clicking elsewhere in the UI. Current system is annoying when you've got a new toon.
    Those are good suggestions, 8 and 10 only if client side/toggle-able.
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  17. #37
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al'Darion View Post
    All I want for Update 9 is a much MUCH better user interface. That's it. I don't want more adventure packs, world events, cosmetic items, or any other random bug fixes. I wish for weeks of work on the part of the development team dedicated exclusively to the task of presenting a beautiful, intuitive, customizable user interface for the next major update of Dungeons & Dragons: Online.
    In my eyes, any content that shows up in update 9 or any other subsequent update before a revamped and remarkable user interface, will be seen as laziness and neglect towards the loyal player base.

    Thank you.
    So what are the content designers and various other guys who have no business/expertise working on the UI supposed to be doing during this time? Taking a vacation?

  18. #38
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    I am sure all of these have been mentioned before, but I wanted to add to the tsunami.

    The ability to re-size every single piece of interface on my screen. Also the ability to add/remove any of them.

    the buffs need work so bad. I like the idea of making them display the shortest on the right, but that is a partial fix. the need to be redesigned in order for them all to fit on the screen.

    The item set hotkey is brilliant

    I do not think I have ever seen this, But I would like to be able to add info flags to the map. I appreciate that the world should be explored, but not for the 600th time. I know I should know by now every little nook and cranny in every aspect of the maps...But then I would forget what that thing is called that scoops ice cream.....and you eat cereal with it......

    I also want the background of the chat box to be mat black and not transparent. I hate that so much!

  19. #39
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConnorMacLoad View Post
    I do not think I have ever seen this, But I would like to be able to add info flags to the map. I appreciate that the world should be explored, but not for the 600th time. I know I should know by now every little nook and cranny in every aspect of the maps...But then I would forget what that thing is called that scoops ice cream.....and you eat cereal with it......
    I beleive there is actually some lore precedent for the disappearing maps which would also apply to the idea of player notes on the map (I agree with you as it happens - I'm just saying). Seen a post somewhere here from someone who knows their eberron lore which says that Xendrik cannot in fact be mapped due to the magical leftovers of the dragon/giant wars.

    Of course, this could just be coincidence and the fact that the maps constantly blank out and reset could just be something they haven't fixed...
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  20. #40
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    What do you guys think about being able to switch between servers without having to close out DDO? Not a huge, or even small priority, I know. But all I'm thinking is simple things can be done simply and if the collection of simple things makes something nicer, why not go for it.

    Everyone else's suggestions are better than mine so far, IMO

    Thanks to those who are actually suggesting things and giving positive feedback instead of just knocking on others' posts. The reason why I started the thread fulfilled

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