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Everything duely noted. I suggest that this forum become a kind of wish list for a better UI. Not necessarily a bash list. Like I said in my first sentence, I love this game. I assume everyone who reads and/or posts on the forums also loves this game. So, not to pick apart the hard work that the dev team has done (this is me apologizing) with the UI already, let's just suggest some improvements we would like to see. Here are some of my ideas:
Zoomable minimap
Ability to examine other players' gear without them having to link everything into chat.
Guild commands in window & button form, replacing the (currently non-functioning, please fix soon) /slash commands.
A /follow command. I would do this in a pnp game if a party member and I were simply going from here to there.
Toggleable cloak visibility. We've already got helm and armor kits with this option.
Checkable list in the chat window. For instance check 'party' and 'guild' while avoiding general and combat chat.
A better macro system than alias. Something that you can associate with actions and throw on the action bar. For example: A rogue leads a party into a seemingly harmless corridor. The rogue spots a trap and taps a key. To his party he does some emote, instantly begins searching for the trap, while saying to the party 'TRAP!"
Another useful example: A wizard has 3 melee ranged spells (chill touch, shocking grasp, etc), 2 CC spells, and 4 ranged AOE spells prepared and on his action bars. Instead of filling up 9 slots on his action bar, he fills up 3; one for the melee spells, another for the CC spells, and a third for the AOEs. By using a combination of 2 or 3 modifier keys that apply to the same action bar button, the wizard accesses all of his plethora of spells on one action bar. No need to clutter up the screen with 20 different action bars.
Anyways, these are a few ideas that I would love to see in this game that, imo don't detract from the D&Dness of the game (notice I didn't say little red dots on the minimap to indicate where all the mobs are?) and seem relatively simple to produce without weighing down the game with tons of lag.