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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Bloodstone Worthless?

    Ok i'm a level 14 monk and don't see the importance of +6 Seeker, if it added 30% to your crit then i'd understand but i had a +10 seeker item thinking it would add 50% to my crit (terrible misread) and i unfortunately only found out my +1 Seeker Handwraps of Enfeebling hardly crits. Can somebody enlighten me on why bloodstones are around 300k plat in the auction house?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Its pretty simple,

    Seeker +6 adds +6 damage on crits before multipliers. So, if you have something on auto crit from stunning fist, you are going to get an extra 12 damage per hit on those crits. Thats an extra 24 damage when yhou use you earthx3 finisher. It also adds +6 to confirm crit. Now it doesnt increase your crit range but increases your chance of CONFIRMING the crit. Confirming a crit is only important on somthing that isnt auto crit like, raid bosses etc.

    So at the end of the day, no they arent worthless. The complete opposite. They have been gauged to epically ******** lvls and the only thing i can say is, "dont buy them, farm them and do without til you pull one of you own." By just doing a few runs a day, i pulled 4 in a relatively short time.
    Last edited by Sirslapemsack; 12-15-2010 at 07:31 PM.

  3. #3
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    1. For melees using weapons that multiply the damage by 3, like the khopesh, it adds 18 damage on each crit. For x4 weapons, like picks, it adds 24 damage per crit. Not bad.

    (Since handwraps have a the weakest crit profile possible Bloodstones might be less useful for monks though - but on the other hand many monks can stun for auto-crits.)

    2. There's not many other useful items for the trinket-slot for melees.
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  4. #4
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lil'man View Post
    Ok i'm a level 14 monk and don't see the importance of +6 Seeker, if it added 30% to your crit then i'd understand but i had a +10 seeker item thinking it would add 50% to my crit (terrible misread) and i unfortunately only found out my +1 Seeker Handwraps of Enfeebling hardly crits. Can somebody enlighten me on why bloodstones are around 300k plat in the auction house?
    The bloodstone is, for the right character, an incredible damage booster.

    Seeker does not make crits more likely. It helps your crit confirm roll, and more importantly it adds to your crit damage:
    This property provides an enhancement bonus to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage. A +10 Seeker item will add +10 to your confirm critical roll and +10 (times your critical multiplier)to your critical damage. Seeker items and weapons will affect the weapon with the enhancement as well as the weapon in your other hand if dual wielding.
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  5. #5
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirslapemsack View Post
    Its pretty simple,

    Seeker +6 adds +6 damage on crits before multipliers. So, if you have something on auto crit from stunning fist, you are going to get an extra 12 damage per hit on those crits. Thats an extra 24 damage when yhou use you earthx3 finisher. It also adds +6 to confirm crit. Now it doesnt increase your crit range but increases your chance of CONFIRMING the crit. Confirming a crit is only important on somthing that isnt auto crit like, raid bosses etc.

    So at the end of the day, no they arent worthless. The complete opposite. They have been gauged to epically ******** lvls and the only thing i can say is, "dont buy them, farm them and do without til you pull one of you own." By just doing a few runs a day, i pulled 4 in a relatively short time.
    wow lucky you i farmed those for months on 3 different toons and I only have one so far, but yeah kinda looked at the title and had to have a look and see how someone could think they where useless to have on a melee toon, I was thinking maybe he had some other form of seeker or something? hehe like one of those uber one off quivers?

  6. #6
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    tks for your reply guys, i must've misread the extra damage boost on critical hits.

  7. #7
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    Great thread, as i've been using bloodstone for some time, and never understood it's usefullness. I suppose as a 32 dex/32 wis using +10 stun wraps in groups it don't help much, but while solo it helps a ton.

    Wanted to say, it took me over 500 runs to find's there, don't get discouraged =)
    Last edited by ChetwynUlose; 12-15-2010 at 07:51 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    It's not that the Bloodstone is amazing; it really isn't. If any other equipment slot gave ONLY Seeker+6 on it, nobody in their right minds would use it.

    It's just that trinkets tend to suck, and there really isn't anything better (except for Litany of the Dead in some situations).

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  9. #9
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    I just find mine when im not really farming for them. I got 2 on random runs that i did right before i logged off. Just ran some desert quests and ran and checked....

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