I have an 11th lvl toon that I'm not happy with and I'm wanting to use a Heart of Wood (+3 or +5) to redesign this toon, but I'm not sure if I need a basic heart, a +3, or +5 since I'm not sure what order I took the classes.
My question is: Other than reincarnating and finding the order of my design is there a way to see what order I took my classes and at what level? Is it listed someplace on my character? Anything?
I can hear the not so helpful, "just drop the toon and start over, you can get to 11th lvl in 2 days". I don't want to do that since I don't play A TON so it's taken me months to get to 11th lvl anyway. I'm willing to pay real $ to redesign this toon.
Thank you,