nuff said
nuff said
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
Manyshot still beats Ice Storm. Proven =)
Smrti on Khyber
Only at casting. I'm melee PvP King.
Feminine(TR 20 Barb) | Trueist(TR 18/2 Clonk) | Eninimef(TRing 18/1/1 Ranger/Barb/Ftr) | Jerzey(20 Monk) | Posterior(20 Wizard) |
Femjam(11/1/1 Bard/Barb/Ftr) | Truelife(11/1/1 Rogue/Barb/Ftr) | Colnbluth(TR 10 Sorc)
Server: Khyber - Guild: Ransack
rofl, no you're not![]()
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
watch the cooldown for it become something silly like 15 secs! lol!
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
Even the PvPers deserve a white Christmas.
Or do they?
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash