Once again a thread on another server has been interesting to follow:
but the thing that interested me (I think the original may have been removed?) was the guild leader stating "now only officers and myself can host raids for my guild"
it also got me thinking after another conversation i had with someone else where i mentioned leading raids and she *automatically assumed* that i wanted to be an officer? get real! no way! i do not equate officership with raid leading necessarily. so my guild is quite ok with my leading raids although i'm still not the best player and still kind of nervous. and they are a v good guild, and quite laid back.
so questions:
how many guilds do you know that have a policy that only officers lead quests and/or raids?
how many guilds insist on a capability to lead raids is a must for an officer? (and i realise some guilds just make everyone an officier to get around a host of problems).
where you are in a guild that does not automatically make everyone an officer what does it mean for someone to have been made an officier?
would you ever think about leaving a guild because you had hoped to be made an officer but never did? or do you know someone in that position?
what are the qualities you need in a raid leader to represent your guild most? or what do you think they should be?