Results 1 to 14 of 14
  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Unhappy Cannot save data files.

    Hi, my DDO had been working fine until Update 8 went live yesterdayish. Now my launcher is stuck. Everything down to and including "Examine game data" is Done. Then I get the message:

    An update error occurred:
    Cannot save data files.

    I've tried the numerous fixes I've seen for similar problems, running the launcher in a different windows profile, running TurbineRegisterGDF.exe, reinstalling the Net thingymajigs. I even completely uninstalled and restored it from a backup I took a week ago. It updates to the same point and then gets stuck at the same point.

    I'm running Windows 7. I hear there is some launcher log file but dont know how to access it.

    Anyone help?


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Log file location is documented in the sticky:

    The knowledgebase has some additonal steps for this specific error:

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thanks for the log sticky. It's definately not a firewall problem as I disabled it completely and it still stopped at the same point.

    Poking through the log now so I can avoid the "If the above does not resolve your concern, please uninstall and reinstall DDO" option.

    Launcher execution begins: 14/12/2010 22:29:01                                                       14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Command line: "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe"  -invoker                   14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Administrator: False                                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
    UAC enabled: True                                                                                    14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Mutex Created: "C:_Games_Dungeons and Dragons Online_TurbineLauncher.exe"                            14/12/2010 22:29:01
    NHN: Initializing NHN authentication                                                                14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Read user settings file.                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Installed resources:                                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
        en      en English "Select a Language"                                                           14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Target culture: "en-US"                                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Looking for resources in "en-US"                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Looking for resources in "en-GB"                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Looking for resources in "en"                                                                        14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Final resource culture: "en"                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Resources library:                                                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\en\TurbineLauncher.resources.dll           14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:     1.23.3967.30325                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30325                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:50:50 GMT Standard Time                                           14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings:                                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:01
        Launcher.DataCenterService.GLS=              14/12/2010 22:29:01
        DataCenter.GameName=DDO                                                                          14/12/2010 22:29:01
        DataCenter.DefaultCenter=DDO                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:01
        Product.DocumentFolder=Dungeons and Dragons Online                                               14/12/2010 22:29:01
        Launcher.DocumentFolder=Launcher                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Enter LoadPrivateFonts                                                                               14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FontFamily "Village" loaded.                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Exit LoadPrivateFonts                                                                                14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                            System Information                                           14/12/2010 22:29:01
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  14/12/2010 22:29:01
         Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium  (6.1.7600, Build 7600)                      14/12/2010 22:29:01
                 Language: English (United States)                                                       14/12/2010 22:29:01
      System Manufacturer: .                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
             System Model: .                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
                     BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:01
                Processor: GenuineIntel x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 (2.4GHz)                       14/12/2010 22:29:01
                   Memory: 3326MB RAM                                                                    14/12/2010 22:29:01
                Page File: 171MB used, 3155MB available                                                  14/12/2010 22:29:01
          Cipher strength: Min=40-bit, Max=128-bit                                                       14/12/2010 22:29:01
         .NET CLR version: 1.1.4322.2443 ()                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Default Proxy Address:                                                                               14/12/2010 22:29:01
       BypassProxyOnLocal: False                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
               BypassList:                                                                                                      14/12/2010 22:29:01
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Initialization status: "Logging module version data"                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Assemblies:                                                                                          14/12/2010 22:29:01
        ModuleName:      TurbineLauncher.exe                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe                        14/12/2010 22:29:01
        Comments:        (RELEASE) Launches Turbine MMORPGs.                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:                                                                        14/12/2010 22:29:01
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30342                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:51:24 GMT Standard Time                                           14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\ControlLibrary.dll                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        Comments:        (RELEASE) New versions of controls which properly support background images and colors. 14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:                                                                        14/12/2010 22:29:01
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30298                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:01
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:49:56 GMT Standard Time                                           14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Libraries:                                                                                           14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll                          14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Interop.PatchWrapper.dll                       14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Interop.SHDocVw.dll                            14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchClient.dll                                14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion: 01,05,04,11002                                                                      14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchWrapper2.dll                              14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion: 2, 0, 0, 1                                                                          14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchWrapper2PS.dll                            14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion: 2, 0, 0, 1                                                                          14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\SelfPatch.dll                                  14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion: 01,05,04,11002                                                                      14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TTEPatchClient.dll                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion:                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\zlib1T.dll                                     14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion: 1.2.3                                                                               14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileName:    C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll                                                    14/12/2010 22:29:01
        FileVersion: 6.1.7600.16661 (win7_gdr.100820-1606)                                               14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Initialization status: "Registering update wrapper"                                                  14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Initialization status: "Constructing data center browser"                                            14/12/2010 22:29:01
    Initialization status: "Constructing alert service"                                                  14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Initialization status: "Constructing configuration service"                                          14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Initialization status: "Constructing authentication service"                                         14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Initialization status: "Constructing update service"                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Initialization status: "Constructing UI manager"                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Initialization status: "Constructing phase engine"                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:02
    autoPatchTimer interval: 14400000                                                                    14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Enter ProxySettings.Apply                                                                            14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Using ProxyAccess.PreConfig (Windows Internet Options proxy)                                         14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Leave ProxySettings.Apply                                                                            14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Initialization status: "Getting data centers"                                                        14/12/2010 22:29:02
    Current Data Center: DDO                                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:10
    AuthServer:                                     14/12/2010 22:29:10
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:10
    World status servers:                                                                                14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Khyber @               14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Cannith @              14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Orien @                14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Sarlona @              14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Argonnessen @          14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Ghallanda @            14/12/2010 22:29:10
        Thelanis @             14/12/2010 22:29:10
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:10
    Initialization status: "Getting remote configuration"                                                14/12/2010 22:29:10
    GetLauncherConfig from: ""           14/12/2010 22:29:10
    Configuration.AppSettings:                                                                           14/12/2010 22:29:15
        LauncherConfig.DateTime=10/20/10 6:40 AM                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:15
        LauncherConfig.RefreshFrequency=15                                                               14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameName=DDO                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Patching.ProductCode=DDO                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.Filename=dndclient.exe                                                                14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.ArgTemplate=-a {0} -h {1} --glsticketdirect {2} --chatserver {3} --language {4} --rodat on --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 21600 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.ResetGraphicsArg= --safe                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.AlwaysPatchHighRes=true                                                               14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.HighResPatchArg= --HighResOutOfDate                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.RequiredVersion=0                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:15
        GameClient.ForwardVersion=0                                                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.UpdateDownload=                                                  14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Patch.UpdaterNameFormat={0}updater_{1}_{2}.exe                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.Support=                                                          14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.Home=                                                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.Community=                                                                 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.Account=                                                        14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.NewAccount=                             14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.ForgotPassword=[process]=13                 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.Account.Post=                                       14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Format.Account.Login=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&user[action]=login&billing[process]=1&billing[action]=1 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Format.Account.BuyNow=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&billing[process]=17&billing[forms][subscriptionName]={2}&billing[scenario]=DDO_BUY_NOW_POPUP&billing[forms][productCode]=DDO&billing[forms][purchaseProductCode]=DDOBuy&billing[forms][purchasePlanCode]=DDO-F2PUp 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Activate.Account.BuyNow=true                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Threshold.Account.DaysLeft=35                                                                    14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Activate.Account.DaysLeft=false                                                                  14/12/2010 22:29:15
        LauncherConfig.SubscriptionRefreshFrequency=60                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Subscription.FreeToPlay=true                                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.PrivacyPolicy=                                             14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.NewsFeed=                14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.NewsStyleSheet=                    14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.AlertsStyleSheet=                14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.LogoButton1=                                                           14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.LogoButton2=                                                           14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.LogoButton3=                                                            14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.LogoButton4=                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldUpdateRate=1                                                                                14/12/2010 22:29:15
        PatchWindow=30                                                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        PatchConnectRetryInterval=1                                                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        DisablePatch=false                                                                               14/12/2010 22:29:15                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        TrialTokenList=StormreachGuest                                                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.ExpiredTrial.Template={0}                               14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Eula.en.FilePath=en\DDO Eula - Turbine.rtf                                                       14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.en.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.DE.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.FR.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.English.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.en-GB.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                   14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.en.FilePaths=en\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en\DDO TOS.rtf                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.DE.FilePaths=DE\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|DE\DDO TOS.rtf                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.FR.FilePaths=FR\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|FR\DDO TOS.rtf                                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.English.FilePaths=en\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en\DDO TOS.rtf                                 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        Legal.en-GB.FilePaths=en-GB\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en-GB\DDO TOS.rtf                             14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.DownloadFilesList= 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.ReqSoftwareInstall=  14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.BannerSource=       14/12/2010 22:29:15
        URL.BannerTarget=                               14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.LoginQueue.URL=                      14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.TakeANumber.Parameters=command=TakeANumber&subscription={0}&ticket={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.LeaveQueue.Parameters=command=LeaveQueue&subscription={0}&context={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.Threshold.WaitTimeMultiplier=1.00                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Medium=300                                                                  14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Long=900                                                                    14/12/2010 22:29:15
        WorldQueue.PollTimer=15                                                                          14/12/2010 22:29:15
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:15
    Initialization status: "Getting alerts and news"                                                     14/12/2010 22:29:15
                                                                                                         14/12/2010 22:29:15
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        14/12/2010 22:29:15
    Initialization status: "Opening main form"                                                           14/12/2010 22:29:15
    Transition to phase: UpdaterSelectControl                                                            14/12/2010 22:29:26
    Update Option: Local Forward Version is newer than Remote ForwardVersion.                            14/12/2010 22:29:26
    Transition to phase: PrereqInstallControl                                                            14/12/2010 22:29:26
    Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86) was already installed.            14/12/2010 22:29:37
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) was already installed.                   14/12/2010 22:29:37
    Microsoft DirectX 9.0 2009.8 Redistributable was already installed.                                  14/12/2010 22:29:37
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_module_splash.jpg" found. Skipping DDO Splash Screen installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:40
    DDO Splash Screen was already installed.                                                             14/12/2010 22:29:40
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_1.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 1 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:43
    Loading Screen 1 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:43
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_2.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 2 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:46
    Loading Screen 2 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:46
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_3.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 3 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:48
    Loading Screen 3 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:48
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_4.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 4 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:50
    Loading Screen 4 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:50
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_5.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 5 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:51
    Loading Screen 5 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:51
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_6.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 6 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:54
    Loading Screen 6 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:54
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_7.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 7 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:56
    Loading Screen 7 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:56
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_8.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 8 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:58
    Loading Screen 8 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:58
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_9.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 9 installation. 14/12/2010 22:29:59
    Loading Screen 9 was already installed.                                                              14/12/2010 22:29:59
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_10.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 10 installation. 14/12/2010 22:30:02
    Loading Screen 10 was already installed.                                                             14/12/2010 22:30:02
    PrereqInstall Phase: Continue                                                                        14/12/2010 22:30:02
    Transition to phase: PatchStatusControl                                                              14/12/2010 22:30:24
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:30:24
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:30:24
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        14/12/2010 22:30:24
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:30:26
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:30:26
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:30:35
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:30:35
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:30:35
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Update Game Data: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:30:42
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Requesting elevated access rights.                                                                   14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Enter ChangeAclViaElevate()                                                                          14/12/2010 22:30:42
    Leave ChangeAclViaElevate()                                                                          14/12/2010 22:30:43
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:30:47
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:30:48
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:30:48
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:30:48
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:30:53
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:30:53
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:30:53
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:30:55
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:30:55
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:30:55
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:31:00
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:00
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:01
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:01
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:04
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:04
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:31:04
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Update Game Data: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:05
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:05
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:31:10
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:10
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:10
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:10
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:13
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:13
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:31:13
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:14
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:14
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:31:14
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:31:19
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:19
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:20
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:20
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:24
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:24
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:31:24
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:25
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:25
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:25
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:31:30
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:30
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:31
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:31
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:35
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:35
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:31:35
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:36
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:36
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:36
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:31:41
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:42
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:42
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:42
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:44
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:44
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           14/12/2010 22:31:44
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       14/12/2010 22:31:45
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              14/12/2010 22:31:45
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  14/12/2010 22:31:50
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     14/12/2010 22:31:50
    Connect: Done                                                                                        14/12/2010 22:31:51
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            14/12/2010 22:31:51
    Enter AbortPatch()                                                                                   14/12/2010 22:31:51
    Leave AbortPatch()                                                                                   14/12/2010 22:31:51
    Launcher execution ends: 14/12/2010 22:31:51                                                         14/12/2010 22:31:51
    Last edited by Hootsmun; 12-14-2010 at 05:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Thank you for providing the log file

    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005) is not in the knowledgebase

    Please try logging on as administrator for the patching process.

    If that doesn't work rollback the files to previous versions by copying:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\DDO Unlimited\Backup to the DDO Unlimited folder

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I am logged in as admin, doesn't help.

    I've copied the backup folder over. The game repatches, restarts the launcher (I'm starting to hate that medusa now) then falls over at the same spot again with the same error.


    Thanks for the help so far btw

    Launcher execution begins: 15/12/2010 08:11:09                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Command line: "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe" "-invoker"                  15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Administrator: False                                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
    UAC enabled: True                                                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Mutex Created: "C:_Games_Dungeons and Dragons Online_TurbineLauncher.exe"                            15/12/2010 08:11:09
    NHN: Initializing NHN authentication                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Read user settings file.                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Installed resources:                                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
        en      en English "Select a Language"                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Target culture: "en-US"                                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Looking for resources in "en-US"                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Looking for resources in "en-GB"                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Looking for resources in "en"                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Final resource culture: "en"                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Resources library:                                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\en\TurbineLauncher.resources.dll           15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion:     1.23.3967.30325                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30325                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:50:50 GMT Standard Time                                           15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings:                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:09
        Launcher.DataCenterService.GLS=              15/12/2010 08:11:09
        DataCenter.GameName=DDO                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:09
        DataCenter.DefaultCenter=DDO                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:09
        Product.DocumentFolder=Dungeons and Dragons Online                                               15/12/2010 08:11:09
        Launcher.DocumentFolder=Launcher                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Enter LoadPrivateFonts                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FontFamily "Village" loaded.                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Exit LoadPrivateFonts                                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                            System Information                                           15/12/2010 08:11:09
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  15/12/2010 08:11:09
         Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium  (6.1.7600, Build 7600)                      15/12/2010 08:11:09
                 Language: English (United States)                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:09
      System Manufacturer: .                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
             System Model: .                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
                     BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:09
                Processor: GenuineIntel x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 (2.4GHz)                       15/12/2010 08:11:09
                   Memory: 3326MB RAM                                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:09
                Page File: 160MB used, 3166MB available                                                  15/12/2010 08:11:09
          Cipher strength: Min=40-bit, Max=128-bit                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:09
         .NET CLR version: 1.1.4322.2443 ()                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Default Proxy Address:                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:09
       BypassProxyOnLocal: False                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
               BypassList:                                                                                                      15/12/2010 08:11:09
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Initialization status: "Logging module version data"                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Assemblies:                                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:09
        ModuleName:      TurbineLauncher.exe                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe                        15/12/2010 08:11:09
        Comments:        (RELEASE) Launches Turbine MMORPGs.                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion:                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:09
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30342                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:51:24 GMT Standard Time                                           15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\ControlLibrary.dll                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        Comments:        (RELEASE) New versions of controls which properly support background images and colors. 15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion:                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:09
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30298                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:09
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:49:56 GMT Standard Time                                           15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
    Libraries:                                                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll                          15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Interop.PatchWrapper.dll                       15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Interop.SHDocVw.dll                            15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion:                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchClient.dll                                15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion: 01,05,04,11002                                                                      15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchWrapper2.dll                              15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion: 2, 0, 0, 1                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchWrapper2PS.dll                            15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion: 2, 0, 0, 1                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\SelfPatch.dll                                  15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileVersion: 01,05,04,11002                                                                      15/12/2010 08:11:09
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:09
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TTEPatchClient.dll                             15/12/2010 08:11:11
        FileVersion:                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:11
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\zlib1T.dll                                     15/12/2010 08:11:11
        FileVersion: 1.2.3                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:11
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
        FileName:    C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:11
        FileVersion: 6.1.7600.16661 (win7_gdr.100820-1606)                                               15/12/2010 08:11:11
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Registering update wrapper"                                                  15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing data center browser"                                            15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing alert service"                                                  15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing configuration service"                                          15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing authentication service"                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing update service"                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing UI manager"                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Constructing phase engine"                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:11
    autoPatchTimer interval: 14400000                                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Enter ProxySettings.Apply                                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Using ProxyAccess.PreConfig (Windows Internet Options proxy)                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Leave ProxySettings.Apply                                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Getting data centers"                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Current Data Center: DDO                                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:11
    AuthServer:                                     15/12/2010 08:11:11
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
    World status servers:                                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Khyber @               15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Cannith @              15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Orien @                15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Sarlona @              15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Argonnessen @          15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Ghallanda @            15/12/2010 08:11:11
        Thelanis @             15/12/2010 08:11:11
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Initialization status: "Getting remote configuration"                                                15/12/2010 08:11:11
    GetLauncherConfig from: ""           15/12/2010 08:11:11
    Configuration.AppSettings:                                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:12
        LauncherConfig.DateTime=10/20/10 6:40 AM                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:12
        LauncherConfig.RefreshFrequency=15                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameName=DDO                                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Patching.ProductCode=DDO                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.Filename=dndclient.exe                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.ArgTemplate=-a {0} -h {1} --glsticketdirect {2} --chatserver {3} --language {4} --rodat on --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 21600 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.ResetGraphicsArg= --safe                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.AlwaysPatchHighRes=true                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.HighResPatchArg= --HighResOutOfDate                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.RequiredVersion=0                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:12
        GameClient.ForwardVersion=0                                                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.UpdateDownload=                                                  15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Patch.UpdaterNameFormat={0}updater_{1}_{2}.exe                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.Support=                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.Home=                                                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.Community=                                                                 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.Account=                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.NewAccount=                             15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.ForgotPassword=[process]=13                 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.Account.Post=                                       15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Format.Account.Login=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&user[action]=login&billing[process]=1&billing[action]=1 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Format.Account.BuyNow=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&billing[process]=17&billing[forms][subscriptionName]={2}&billing[scenario]=DDO_BUY_NOW_POPUP&billing[forms][productCode]=DDO&billing[forms][purchaseProductCode]=DDOBuy&billing[forms][purchasePlanCode]=DDO-F2PUp 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Activate.Account.BuyNow=true                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Threshold.Account.DaysLeft=35                                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Activate.Account.DaysLeft=false                                                                  15/12/2010 08:11:12
        LauncherConfig.SubscriptionRefreshFrequency=60                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Subscription.FreeToPlay=true                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.PrivacyPolicy=                                             15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.NewsFeed=                15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.NewsStyleSheet=                    15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.AlertsStyleSheet=                15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.LogoButton1=                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.LogoButton2=                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.LogoButton3=                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.LogoButton4=                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldUpdateRate=1                                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:12
        PatchWindow=30                                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        PatchConnectRetryInterval=1                                                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        DisablePatch=false                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:12                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        TrialTokenList=StormreachGuest                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.ExpiredTrial.Template={0}                               15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Eula.en.FilePath=en\DDO Eula - Turbine.rtf                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.en.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.DE.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.FR.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.English.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.en-GB.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                   15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.en.FilePaths=en\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en\DDO TOS.rtf                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.DE.FilePaths=DE\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|DE\DDO TOS.rtf                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.FR.FilePaths=FR\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|FR\DDO TOS.rtf                                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.English.FilePaths=en\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en\DDO TOS.rtf                                 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        Legal.en-GB.FilePaths=en-GB\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en-GB\DDO TOS.rtf                             15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.DownloadFilesList= 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.ReqSoftwareInstall=  15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.BannerSource=       15/12/2010 08:11:12
        URL.BannerTarget=                               15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.LoginQueue.URL=                      15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.TakeANumber.Parameters=command=TakeANumber&subscription={0}&ticket={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.LeaveQueue.Parameters=command=LeaveQueue&subscription={0}&context={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.Threshold.WaitTimeMultiplier=1.00                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Medium=300                                                                  15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Long=900                                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:12
        WorldQueue.PollTimer=15                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:12
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:12
    Initialization status: "Getting alerts and news"                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:12
                                                                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:12
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:12
    Initialization status: "Opening main form"                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:12
    Transition to phase: UpdaterSelectControl                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:14
    Update Option: Local Forward Version is newer than Remote ForwardVersion.                            15/12/2010 08:11:14
    Transition to phase: PrereqInstallControl                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86) was already installed.            15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) was already installed.                   15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Microsoft DirectX 9.0 2009.8 Redistributable was already installed.                                  15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_module_splash.jpg" found. Skipping DDO Splash Screen installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    DDO Splash Screen was already installed.                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_1.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 1 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 1 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_2.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 2 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 2 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_3.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 3 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 3 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_4.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 4 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 4 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_5.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 5 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 5 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_6.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 6 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 6 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_7.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 7 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 7 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_8.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 8 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 8 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_9.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 9 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 9 was already installed.                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_10.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 10 installation. 15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Loading Screen 10 was already installed.                                                             15/12/2010 08:11:15
    PrereqInstall Phase: Continue                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Transition to phase: PatchStatusControl                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  15/12/2010 08:11:15
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:16
    Connect: Done                                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:16
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:16
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:18
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:18
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:18
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:34
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Requesting elevated access rights.                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Enter ChangeAclViaElevate()                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:34
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:34
    Leave ChangeAclViaElevate()                                                                          15/12/2010 08:11:36
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  15/12/2010 08:11:39
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:39
    Connect: Done                                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:39
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:39
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:40
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:40
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:40
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:42
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:42
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:42
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  15/12/2010 08:11:47
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            15/12/2010 08:11:47
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:48
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:48
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           15/12/2010 08:11:48
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       15/12/2010 08:11:50
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     15/12/2010 08:11:50
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              15/12/2010 08:11:50
    Enter AbortPatch()                                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:51
    Leave AbortPatch()                                                                                   15/12/2010 08:11:51
    Launcher execution ends: 15/12/2010 08:11:51                                                         15/12/2010 08:11:51

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Hootsmun View Post
    I am logged in as admin, doesn't help.
    From the Launcher log you are uploading:

    Administrator: False

  7. #7
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    That's wierd. I realise this probably isn't the safest way to run my computer but I only have one user account on my computer so I log in and run everything as administrator.

    I do notice that the first time I run the launcher from a backup after it's updated and restarted the launcher, as it finishes the "Examine game data" bit I get one of those Windows pop-ups asking if I want to let this program make changes to my computer. I hit Yes but it's stalled already. The it never asks again. Hmmm...

  8. #8
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Hootsmun View Post
    That's wierd. I realise this probably isn't the safest way to run my computer but I only have one user account on my computer so I log in and run everything as administrator.

    I do notice that the first time I run the launcher from a backup after it's updated and restarted the launcher, as it finishes the "Examine game data" bit I get one of those Windows pop-ups asking if I want to let this program make changes to my computer. I hit Yes but it's stalled already. The it never asks again. Hmmm...
    Hi Hootsmun,

    Even if logged on as Administrator Windows UAC will downgrade your rights (it was probably UAC that produced the popup too) - in the link I provided before it states run as Administrator on TurbineLauncher - what you need to do is right-click the file and a 'runas Administrator' option should appear in the contex menu.

  9. #9
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Tried that too now. Still same problem. No response from Technical support either

    Launcher execution begins: 16/12/2010 18:41:24                                                       16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Command line: "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe"  -invoker                   16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Administrator: True                                                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:24
    UAC enabled: True                                                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Mutex Created: "C:_Games_Dungeons and Dragons Online_TurbineLauncher.exe"                            16/12/2010 18:41:24
    NHN: Initializing NHN authentication                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Read user settings file.                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Installed resources:                                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
        en      en English "Select a Language"                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Target culture: "en-US"                                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Looking for resources in "en-US"                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Looking for resources in "en-GB"                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Looking for resources in "en"                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Final resource culture: "en"                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Resources library:                                                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\en\TurbineLauncher.resources.dll           16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:     1.23.3967.30325                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30325                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:50:50 GMT Standard Time                                           16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings:                                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:24
        Launcher.DataCenterService.GLS=              16/12/2010 18:41:24
        DataCenter.GameName=DDO                                                                          16/12/2010 18:41:24
        DataCenter.DefaultCenter=DDO                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:24
        Product.DocumentFolder=Dungeons and Dragons Online                                               16/12/2010 18:41:24
        Launcher.DocumentFolder=Launcher                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Enter LoadPrivateFonts                                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FontFamily "Village" loaded.                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Exit LoadPrivateFonts                                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                            System Information                                           16/12/2010 18:41:24
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  16/12/2010 18:41:24
         Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium  (6.1.7600, Build 7600)                      16/12/2010 18:41:24
                 Language: English (United States)                                                       16/12/2010 18:41:24
      System Manufacturer: .                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
             System Model: .                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
                     BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:24
                Processor: GenuineIntel x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11 (2.4GHz)                       16/12/2010 18:41:24
                   Memory: 3326MB RAM                                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:24
                Page File: 179MB used, 3147MB available                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:24
          Cipher strength: Min=40-bit, Max=128-bit                                                       16/12/2010 18:41:24
         .NET CLR version: 1.1.4322.2443 ()                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Default Proxy Address:                                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:24
       BypassProxyOnLocal: False                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
               BypassList:                                                                                                      16/12/2010 18:41:24
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Initialization status: "Logging module version data"                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Assemblies:                                                                                          16/12/2010 18:41:24
        ModuleName:      TurbineLauncher.exe                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe                        16/12/2010 18:41:24
        Comments:        (RELEASE) Launches Turbine MMORPGs.                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:24
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30342                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:51:24 GMT Standard Time                                           16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:        C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\ControlLibrary.dll                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        Comments:        (RELEASE) New versions of controls which properly support background images and colors. 16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:24
        AssemblyVersion: 1.23.3967.30298                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:24
        BuildTime:       11/11/2010 16:49:56 GMT Standard Time                                           16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Libraries:                                                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll                          16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Interop.PatchWrapper.dll                       16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Interop.SHDocVw.dll                            16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchClient.dll                                16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion: 01,05,04,11002                                                                      16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchWrapper2.dll                              16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion: 2, 0, 0, 1                                                                          16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\PatchWrapper2PS.dll                            16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion: 2, 0, 0, 1                                                                          16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\SelfPatch.dll                                  16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion: 01,05,04,11002                                                                      16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\TTEPatchClient.dll                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion:                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\zlib1T.dll                                     16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion: 1.2.3                                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileName:    C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:24
        FileVersion: 6.1.7600.16661 (win7_gdr.100820-1606)                                               16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Initialization status: "Registering update wrapper"                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Initialization status: "Constructing data center browser"                                            16/12/2010 18:41:24
    Initialization status: "Constructing alert service"                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Constructing configuration service"                                          16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Constructing authentication service"                                         16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Constructing update service"                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Constructing UI manager"                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Constructing phase engine"                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:25
    autoPatchTimer interval: 14400000                                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Enter ProxySettings.Apply                                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Using ProxyAccess.PreConfig (Windows Internet Options proxy)                                         16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Leave ProxySettings.Apply                                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Getting data centers"                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Current Data Center: DDO                                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:25
    AuthServer:                                     16/12/2010 18:41:25
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:25
    World status servers:                                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Khyber @               16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Cannith @              16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Orien @                16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Sarlona @              16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Argonnessen @          16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Ghallanda @            16/12/2010 18:41:25
        Thelanis @             16/12/2010 18:41:25
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Initialization status: "Getting remote configuration"                                                16/12/2010 18:41:25
    GetLauncherConfig from: ""           16/12/2010 18:41:25
    Configuration.AppSettings:                                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:26
        LauncherConfig.DateTime=10/20/10 6:40 AM                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:26
        LauncherConfig.RefreshFrequency=15                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameName=DDO                                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Patching.ProductCode=DDO                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.Filename=dndclient.exe                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.ArgTemplate=-a {0} -h {1} --glsticketdirect {2} --chatserver {3} --language {4} --rodat on --supporturl --gametype DDO --supportserviceurl --authserverurl --glsticketlifetime 21600 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.ResetGraphicsArg= --safe                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.AlwaysPatchHighRes=true                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.HighResPatchArg= --HighResOutOfDate                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.RequiredVersion=0                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:26
        GameClient.ForwardVersion=0                                                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.UpdateDownload=                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Patch.UpdaterNameFormat={0}updater_{1}_{2}.exe                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.Support=                                                          16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.Home=                                                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.Community=                                                                 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.Account=                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.NewAccount=                             16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.ForgotPassword=[process]=13                 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.Account.Post=                                       16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Format.Account.Login=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&user[action]=login&billing[process]=1&billing[action]=1 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Format.Account.BuyNow=form_user_name={0}&form_user_pass={1}&siteuser[action]=login&billing[process]=17&billing[forms][subscriptionName]={2}&billing[scenario]=DDO_BUY_NOW_POPUP&billing[forms][productCode]=DDO&billing[forms][purchaseProductCode]=DDOBuy&billing[forms][purchasePlanCode]=DDO-F2PUp 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Activate.Account.BuyNow=true                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Threshold.Account.DaysLeft=35                                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Activate.Account.DaysLeft=false                                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:26
        LauncherConfig.SubscriptionRefreshFrequency=60                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Subscription.FreeToPlay=true                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.PrivacyPolicy=                                             16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.NewsFeed=                16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.NewsStyleSheet=                    16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.AlertsStyleSheet=                16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.LogoButton1=                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.LogoButton2=                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.LogoButton3=                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.LogoButton4=                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldUpdateRate=1                                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:26
        PatchWindow=30                                                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        PatchConnectRetryInterval=1                                                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        DisablePatch=false                                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:26                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        TrialTokenList=StormreachGuest                                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.ExpiredTrial.Template={0}                               16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Eula.en.FilePath=en\DDO Eula - Turbine.rtf                                                       16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.en.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.DE.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.FR.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.English.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.en-GB.Titles=End User License Agreement|Terms of Service                                   16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.en.FilePaths=en\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en\DDO TOS.rtf                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.DE.FilePaths=DE\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|DE\DDO TOS.rtf                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.FR.FilePaths=FR\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|FR\DDO TOS.rtf                                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.English.FilePaths=en\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en\DDO TOS.rtf                                 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        Legal.en-GB.FilePaths=en-GB\DDO EULA - Turbine.rtf|en-GB\DDO TOS.rtf                             16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.DownloadFilesList= 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.ReqSoftwareInstall=  16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.BannerSource=       16/12/2010 18:41:26
        URL.BannerTarget=                               16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.LoginQueue.URL=                      16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.TakeANumber.Parameters=command=TakeANumber&subscription={0}&ticket={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.LeaveQueue.Parameters=command=LeaveQueue&subscription={0}&context={1}&ticket_type=GLS&queue_url={2} 16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.Threshold.WaitTimeMultiplier=1.00                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Medium=300                                                                  16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.Threshold.Long=900                                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:26
        WorldQueue.PollTimer=15                                                                          16/12/2010 18:41:26
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:26
    Initialization status: "Getting alerts and news"                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:26
                                                                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:26
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:26
    Initialization status: "Opening main form"                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:26
    Transition to phase: InitControl                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:27
    Transition to phase: UpdaterSelectControl                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:27
    Update Option: Local Forward Version is newer than Remote ForwardVersion.                            16/12/2010 18:41:27
    Transition to phase: PrereqInstallControl                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86) was already installed.            16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) was already installed.                   16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Microsoft DirectX 9.0 2009.8 Redistributable was already installed.                                  16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_module_splash.jpg" found. Skipping DDO Splash Screen installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    DDO Splash Screen was already installed.                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_1.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 1 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 1 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_2.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 2 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 2 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_3.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 3 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 3 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_4.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 4 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 4 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_5.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 5 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 5 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_6.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 6 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 6 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_7.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 7 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 7 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_8.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 8 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:28
    Loading Screen 8 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:28
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_9.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 9 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Loading Screen 9 was already installed.                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:29
    "C:\Games\Dungeons and Dragons Online\raw\en\logo\ddo_generic_teleport_screen_10.jpg" found. Skipping Loading Screen 10 installation. 16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Loading Screen 10 was already installed.                                                             16/12/2010 18:41:29
    PrereqInstall Phase: Continue                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Transition to phase: PatchStatusControl                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Begin update: productCode="DDO" language="English" server="" port="80"                  16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Connect: Waiting                                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Connect: Done                                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Examine Programs: Waiting                                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:29
    Examine Programs: Done                                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:32
    Update Programs: Done                                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:32
    Examine Game Data: Waiting                                                                           16/12/2010 18:41:32
    Examine Game Data: Done                                                                              16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Update Game Data: Waiting                                                                            16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Patch error: Cannot save data files. (0x81930005)                                                    16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Raising PatchComplete event...                                                                       16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Setting current version in registry...                                                               16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Game client applied version stored: 0                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Game client forward version stored: 0                                                                16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Highres Dat is NOT up to date.                                                                       16/12/2010 18:41:35
    ...PatchComplete events finished                                                                     16/12/2010 18:41:35
    autoPatchTimer.Enabled = True                                                                        16/12/2010 18:41:35
    Enter AbortPatch()                                                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:47
    Leave AbortPatch()                                                                                   16/12/2010 18:41:47
    Launcher execution ends: 16/12/2010 18:41:47                                                         16/12/2010 18:41:47

  10. #10
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Hi Hootsmun,

    Did you apply the ddo map and cell dats from the link I provided earlier?

    Make sure UAC is off (just for this patching attempt) and enforce your security permissions on the install folder.

    Might also be worthwile reinstalling .net:

  11. #11
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hi Smitey,

    I'd tried applying the ddo map and cell dats, I'd also reinstalled .Net.

    However, I decided to bite the bullet (to heck with my monthly download limit!) and redownloaded the whole thing again overnight. Had a quick go this morning and it seems to run fine.

    Thanks for all the help. You're deffo on my Christmas Card list

    Just out of interest in case anyone else has this problem I did get a reply from Tech Support in the end although I'd already re-downloaded in the meantime. Their advice was:

    Please open Internet Explorer [SIZE=2](used by the game for its cache and connection settings)[/SIZE] and click on the Tools menu, choose Internet Options, and on the General tab click the “Delete” button in the “Browsing History” section and then click the Delete buttons next to “Temporary Internet Files” and “Cookies”.

    Once those files have cleared please open the folder:

    [SIZE=2]C:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online[/SIZE]

    Within there delete the "[SIZE=2]Patches[/SIZE]" and/or "[SIZE=2]Bindat[/SIZE]" folders if listed and then perform the steps outlined below:

    1. [SIZE=2]Open the "Backup" folder[/SIZE]
    2. [SIZE=2]Copy the entire contents of your backup folder (Ctrl + A to highlight all, Ctrl + C to copy)[/SIZE]
    3. [SIZE=2]Go back to the DDO program folder (Click the Back button in the upper left corner of the folder window) and press Ctrl + V to paste, choosing Yes to All when prompted to overwrite files. [/SIZE]

    Upon relaunching the game it should proceed to redownload the most recent patches, indicate in your reply if afterward the issue reoccurs.
    I guess I'll never know if that would have worked, I don't use IE anyway...
    Last edited by Hootsmun; 12-17-2010 at 05:31 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Glad you got yourself back into the game Hootsmun, even if it meant a fresh download

  13. #13


    I just ran in to what appears to be this identical problem while trying to upgrade an old install on my laptop (Win XP rather than 7, though). Following the recommended instructions that turbine gave you just completely confused the install, so I had to uninstall and start over. Luckily I had a fresh download of the install saved to disk from another computer I installed on last week. Just thought you might be interested to know.
    Sarlona - Lost Legions
    Droll, radiant servant -- Zapendrian, archmage -- Nedro, tempest -- Blacklist, acrobat -- Savael, spellsinger

  14. #14
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Thread Necro

    Sorry about the Thread Necro - I'm having this same issue and followed the steps outlined by customer support above.


    Ok, I got the game to work! In addition to the above steps, go into the Turbine folder and delete these folders:


    Then open up your taskbar and shut down Akemai and anything Turbine/DDO.

    Then reopen the Turbine launcher and let it do it's thing.
    Last edited by Singular; 06-18-2015 at 10:51 PM.

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