Even though I have an almost complete premium membership I do believe that it's only fair to be able to buy content when it's on sale when you are VIP. I know I would be mad at this as well.
Even though I have an almost complete premium membership I do believe that it's only fair to be able to buy content when it's on sale when you are VIP. I know I would be mad at this as well.
/signed just to get on the ban wagon
A TR fool.
Life is a blast. Live it again.
/not signed
I agree with this post +1 rep for you Zenbrillig. It just doesn't make good business sense to do this I know if I owned Turbine there is no way this would ever be a consideration. No business wants to make it easier for a customer to quit or stop buying their product.
Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
Guild Leader of Legends: Where adventurers are born & Legends live.
Motto: Enjoy the game, loot and XP will follow
I just called Customer Services to see if there was anyway that I, as VIP, could purchase a few packs from today's 50% off deal. He informed me that I couldn't, but encouraged me to sign one of these threads.
Last month, while there were deals, I was only able to take advantage of the last week of Decembers deals because my subscription didn't give out until the end of the month. So for a week, I went cold turkey on DDO. Why did this happen? Although I do have perks for being VIP, I had no way of continuing those perks even at a minimum as a newly minted premium player without purchasing stuff that was unavailable as VIP. I can imagine people who, for one reason or another (such as money problems), having to drop VIP status just give up the game until they get VIP again.
Since I know what to expect if I go VIP in the future, consumables will no longer be purchased from the DDO, such as cakes, hirelings, etc. Neither will cosmetic stuff. No longer will I give guest passes to f2ps/premiums. My priority from now on as VIP will be to save every TP that I have until I lose VIP status and get deals as a premium user. Since this is the case, I will no longer need to purchase TP points.
Because of my decision to no longer buy TP--except for what I receive as VIP (and favor)--while hoarding it until I lose my VIP status, DDO will actually lose money from me. Additionally, when I do lose my VIP status, I will probably go cold turkey, until I'm able to buy the adventure packs at a reasonable price for me, which is not the full price. Hopefully for DDO, I don't lose my interest in the game while I've gone cold turkey.
If I was able to buy the packs as VIP, I would continue to be VIP. Why? Because some of the perks are just better for me. However, I would like to think that the company would like me around if I was unable to continue my subscription--for a week, a month or a year--if some unforeseen event happened that prevented me from being VIP.
I have as well and for this exact same reason...I was vip...saw these great packs...spent $50 so I could buy a few, and wow, I can't get a **** thing. I will not be going back to vip until this is resolved. I have enough points I can get what I need to play this game. There is a lot of content that is rarely played and I doubt I will miss it because of loosing VIP. I certainly won't be buying it.
It would be awesome if we could buy otherwise restricted stuff
Due to money issues, I had to go down to F2P for awhile, with my VIP status ending today on the 14th. I have a few thousand points saved up, enough to buy warforged and a couple packs. What really bites is that I missed out on the 50% adventure pack a few days ago on the last Turbine Tuesday all for the sake of a few extra days on VIP.Also during december when they had the 50% off an item each day there was lots I would have liked to get, knowing that I'd have to downgrade eventually.
While you don't need that stuff on VIP in a situation like mine it feels like getting punished or being at a disadvantage for paying the subscription fee.
Im f2f 50% the time and then get VIP when I have the money, yet I keep forgeting to buy packs before i re-up. would be nice.
"Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who."
Argonnessen Active Toonage ~ Domatheer 28 ~4Tr~ Rogue | Riazia 27 ~2Tr~ Rogue - 1 Bard
Do any of you have any idea how much these servers cost? Or the cost of bandwith? Not to mention paying the overzealous GM's? And our ever so clever DEVS? Lets not forget the yuppies in the office who do nothing but make important decisions. They don't work cheap, or free.
I have several suggestions:
1) Let your VIP lapse when YOU KNOW there will be sales.
2) Buy your precious monk/robot/horc/FvS/hulf BEFORE you reactivate.
3) Figure this out on your own, it's not rocket science.
4) Please realise that this is big business, no they don't care about what you want. Yes they will be as nice as possible and tell you to 'write it on the wall'.
Furthermore: By your way of troll thinking, there would be no DDO in about 18 months, as server upgrades, repairs, and so on would not be happening. The game would eventually degrade to an unplayable degenerate joke. For lack of funds. This is just good business practice, is it fair, no, is it right no. But NOW HERE THIS, you don't NEED DDO to survive. It'a a luxury service.
In short GROW UP. Buy enough points to buy all the packs, pay the bill once a month, or struggle like most of us as prems or f2p, and stop your whimpering.
Does FORD, or GM give you great deals, NO! Why? It's a profit business, this isn't a charity.
Andurhar, Glendarn, Lazurel, Delrak, Gearzgrindin, Wildemage, Fallric, Galankin, Hagglass, Tatiyania, Rildel, Noradin, Valagrim, Heyhay, Wildesorc, Jarvel. ----The Bonefiddlers----
Commie? Really? I fail to see that in my thread title, my post, or the spirit of this thread:
I would like to PURCHASE. I want to spend my Turbine Points. Spending TPs means $$$ for Turbine.
I think you're waay off base here, and I would neg rep you if I could.![]()
The main reason so many want this is they want to as others have said, have their cake and eat it too. This type of thread always appears whenever they have a store sale. Players who are looking to play and spend as little money as possible do the math and figure out that if they could buy the stuff at half price, they would be ahead of the game in 9 months instead of 18 months and want to take the leap.
In what world is this in turbines best long term economic interest?. Yes those people wanting to leap on the sales will spend points (but I am guessing that a lot of those points are just the ones they have been banking from VIP, and do not really reflect any extra income to Turbine.) Heck I know I did that with some of my accounts with all the bonus points long time accounts recieved when F2P was first introduced. Two of the account in the household when premimum almost immediately (or when their current subs ran out.) Kept the main as VIP for some reasons. Also have a few F2P accounts in the household as well for the younger set at home. Long term VIP at $10 a month is a reasonable deal for gaming enjoyment. Cost of single Movie ticket these days, for almost 24/7 play access.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
THIS sir, is absolute BS. Let me tell you my story. I have been premium and have bought almost ALL the content. I jumped on the VIP for 9.99 offer ONLY to trial stuff I did not own yet. Let me EMPHASIZE that I NEVER intended to stay VIP. Now HORC is 50% off. EXACTLY one of the things I wanted to test because, well, it's the most expensive race in the game. Now that I am currently VIP, I can't buy it on sale. If I had stayed premium, I would have bought it on sale just to take the chance. So in THIS case, it is very likely that Turbine is LOSING money, NOT gaining. The carrot on a stick method of keeping people VIP is not a one size fits all.
/sign many times over.
M_ You are so wrong. Let me explain why. First of all, we are not asking to get special treatment. We are asking Turbine to allow us to GIVE them money when we are VIP because we already INTEND to NOT be VIP at certain times. I have been premium for a VERY LONG time and I only went VIP to test things out that I didn't already own. Now I can't buy HORC at 50% off because I am currently VIP even though I don't plan to be in a couple months time. Had I stayed premium, I would have bought HORC at 50% off just to take the chance. So in this example, not allowing me to buy HORC may very well lose Turbine money. Let me tell you that now I have been PREVENTED from giving them money, I seriously doubt I will buy HORC for anything less than 50% off IF AT ALL.
Your analogy about cars is completely wrong. Dealerships give big incentives all the time. They're not going to tell you, "you can't buy that car, you already own one." What the heck kind of example is that? It is an utter fail as analogies go.
as for what is financial the best of interest for turbine i dunno, as in some way turbine might loose VIPvip but at same time also gain some because they know they can know buy stuff while VIP, and other reasons stated for and against in this thread, so now i have this signed, cause that is deffo the best for me and other players, waht is best for Turbine well THAT is up to THEM not the playerbase to decide...
Actually they made $9.95 off of you instead of the $6.47 they are charging today for Half-Orcs (If you buy points at full price instead of waiting for point sales.) So they made more off you even if you don't ever buy that race.
That is exactly what you are asking for. You do not want to wait for sales just like every other premium has had to do for the last year and change, whether they were former VIPs or not.
A few months ago, I was victimized by a debit card email scam. My bank made me whole, but my card was, of course, changed to a new number. So, Turbine went to charge me for my VIP, and my card data was no good. I got kicked out of the game, had to restart, and many of my toons were unavailable. So ... I bought some additional TP, grabbed most of the mid- to endgame packs, purchased monk (2 of my toons, including my main, had monk levels), and went back to VIP. I'd like to stay VIP. I don't mind spending $10 a month for 5 to 20 hours a day of entertainment, available to me 24/7. But I'd like to own the game. What happens if I have cash flow issues in the future? Or get scammed again?
At some point, certainly before the holiday season next year, I'll drop to premium for a few months to grab stuff on sale. It would certainly be nice if I could simply purchase what I want (ok, TBC i can do without) while maintaining my VIP status and paying the monthly charge too!
Proud officer of Imperial Assassins!
Argonessen: Jhanrae, Weisen Heimer, Chaard O'Nay, and more once viable endgame toons relegated to banking.