Not sure if it is a fair trade, just going off AH prices, atm there are 4 scales three above 700,000 and one above 550,000, and 3 shields one at 800,000 one at 550,000 and one at 500,000 so it seems an fair trade.
Not sure if it is a fair trade, just going off AH prices, atm there are 4 scales three above 700,000 and one above 550,000, and 3 shields one at 800,000 one at 550,000 and one at 500,000 so it seems an fair trade.
contact Katsumi (THAC0) in-game for the trade
Katsumi Kazama - Human >> Fighter
Saiyana Sayuri - Human >> Cleric/Monk
Endurra Elek'tra - Drow >> Sorceress