I tried updating to U8 earlier. It was running smoothly until I got an error saying I was low on HD memory. So went to DEL some files to free up HD space. When I tried running DDO again, I couldn't get through Examine Game Data and I only get Unspecified Patch Error.
I'm running on Win7 and I last played before the servers went down for maintenance.
I have UAC disabled.
I'm using Comodo Internet Security and I've put all DDO .exe files save the uninstalls on Trusted App and Trusted Files. I have Firewall and Defense on Training mode and I don't have Game Mode on. (I had issues with it with another MMO so I disabled it.) I also tried disabling Comodo completely and I'm still getting the same error.
Cleaned the cache using CCleaner and rebooted the PC as well but same result.
I tried TurbineRegisterGDF.exe solution but I don't even have PatchWrapper.dll and PatchWrapperPS.dll only PatchWrapper2.dll and PatchWrapper2PS.dll I tried following the steps using these files but only got an error and not a success message.
I'm trying to avoid reinstalling since I don't have the best internet connection. DLing the installer is going to take me 25 hours!