Is DDO's pre set Shintao Monk any good 1-20?? Anyone know???
Also if it is good is there a 32pt version of it???
Is DDO's pre set Shintao Monk any good 1-20?? Anyone know???
Also if it is good is there a 32pt version of it???
Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-13-2010 at 02:25 PM.
I generally don't try to review other people's builds because what makes a good build is how it works for you and your goals, not how well min/maxed the numbers are.
But a couple of comments:
1: EURYTOS forum entries were extremely helpful when he wrote them. But I beleive EURYTOS has stopped playing the game, and the game has changed enough that his advice is a bit dated. Its definetly still worth the read, but I'd not base a toon solely on that post at this point.
2: On a first life, when you are not geared out, I'm not a big fan of spreading your level up points around. To-Hit can be a problem for monks at high levels and stat points have to be spread around more than most classes. So, I generally advise people to choose a to-hit stat (either Dex or Str) and put their level ups there. Both Strength and Dex builds are viable, so choose whichever you are comfortable with, but you got to be able to hit at end game. Once you are geared out, you have more options, but while gearing to hit can be an issue.
3: UMD 6 sounds to low to do anything useful, isn't there a better place to put those 12 points? I've never tried to build a cross class UMD toon, so I'm not sure on this, but like most other threshold values in DDO if you can't get it high enough to matter, you shouldn't invest in it at all. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish here, and if 6 is enough when suplemented by gear but it looks low.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
is there a Shintao Monk 32pt build for halfling out there by any chance??
Is it the strongest class in monk?
oo okay, it was my first time using character planner anyways. I was bored and trying to learn to build. Well what is the strongest monk class?? I tried a Pre set Shintao Monk on ddo just to unlock my favor points on another server and I seemed to have liked it and would like to make a 32pt one if possible.
The strongest monk class? Not sure what you are asking... Is it the strongest PRE or the strongest Race or something else?
Anyway to assume you are asking one or both of these...
PRE-- The two monk PRE's are pretty good right now, and best is in the eye of the beholder (no not that kind of beholder). I personally would give the edge to Shintao right now, since Shintao has Tier III and Ninja Spy doesn't. While leveling I believe that Ninja spy does more damage, but at end game, the silver bypass combined with the higher proportion of tainted creatures make them pretty close. Combine that with the extras that light path brings, and I'd personally give the edge to light. However, dark path is very viable and if that fits your style there is no reason not to go there.
RACE -- That's an even more delicate question. There are several options that work well but for general monk builds, I'd go with either Halfling or Warforged. I've tried Half Orc and it's really solid DPS, but it feels pretty squishy to me. Human/Half Elf are excellant if you are building a healing amp oriented toon, but for most other builds I think halfling and warforged are a little bit better fit. Note that for a monk, player and build are more important than race, so you can be perfectly viable with about any race (I'd avoid Drow though). If you don't have prefernce go halfling for your first monk, its an easier place to learn.
All of my monks rely on Stunning as a primary source of DPS especially at high levels, so I generally run either a DEX/WIS build or a STR/WIS build. WIS determins the DCS on your stunning fist and several other abilities as well. Stunning fist is an option on STR builds, but the longer timer makes it way less productive as an every mob tool.
And finally as to the prebuilt Shintao Path, NO, don't go that way, the pre-built paths are not generally well executed. Disclaimer, Turbine re-did the paths an update or two ago and I've not looked at them since, but I have yet to see a pre-built path that was viable throughout the leveling process and at end game.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
okay, well I meant what race would be strongest as in one that's good for solobility and duoing friendly or highly suggested?? Sorry I worded that wrong, I am not feeling good today, stomach bug, i am a bit out of it.
Well I like the Shintao Monk but idk what is a legit build for it then since pre set is no good. I knew pre set was not good for other classes, just wasn't sure on monk. This is my first monk I wanna do. I got a cleric I have been playing on for a bit. Just want a 32pt Shintao Monk that'll do good from beginning to end game really.
Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-13-2010 at 02:54 PM.
I'm don't have a build to point at that I would say is the definitive place to start, but here are the links that I put on our Guild Web Site for aspiring monks to look at:
- Mobeius' Guide
- Secrets of the Water Dragon
- Eurytos New Monk Builds
- Eurytos Epic Monk Builds
- Rockan Robin Build
Monks are so flexible that I find it hard to point at any specific build and say do this, since how you interact with it is at least as important as the build itself. Monks are very keyboard intensive, so meshing the build to your keyboard speed and style is critical. Some of these links are dated (as in Shintao III didn't exist when they were written) but I think that they all contain useful nuggets.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
okay, thank you very muchI appreciate the help. I will check those out. Gonna lay down a bit, i feel like ick... when I get up I'll do a lot more research. It sucks being sick
I hate it.
Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-13-2010 at 03:12 PM.
Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.
well i made 2 builds to go to light for phoenix and dark for ninja gonna do both on 2 different servers see what one I like best and fix mistakes if I have to later on. they both have all thats required for monk though after reading the links you gave me.
Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-16-2010 at 06:30 AM.