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Thread: how many times

  1. #1
    Community Member Kickinit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default how many times

    Each time i switch to lamania and back to real time I have to Agree to license terms over again. Going in both directions. Does it recognize that I switched and think Im a new account each time? It only does it when I switch from one to the other. I can log into Lamania as many times as I want, but when I switch to Real Time, I have to agree to license terms again, then Im good until I switch to Lamania and I have to agree again. Not really a big deal just annoying.
    A proper sidekick is the perfect weapon, especially if I dropped my sword.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010


    yes its annoying and possibly not very legal too, ppl who tend to play both might find themselves agreeing to terms of usage they do not actually agree or have read.
    But im not a lawyer so i cant be certain

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    Every time they change the terms and conditions of service we need to agree to the new terms. The terms on Lamania are different to those on the live servers hence the need to re-agree.

    And if you agree to the terms without reading them then you have nothing to complain about when something happens that you do not like but which is explained in the terms.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kickinit's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    I get that part, HOW MANY times? See, each platform requires a different login client. So by reason, if one has already agreed to the terms used by one client, then there should be no reason to re-agree unless there has been a change. I login to each fairly regularly, and I DOUBT they change the terms on a daily basis.
    A proper sidekick is the perfect weapon, especially if I dropped my sword.

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