You enter a long gallery. You see hobgoblin soldiers at the far end, and some of them are casters! It's too risky to charge down the length of the gallery to engage them in melee, so you pull out your bow and start shooting, using the door frame for cover. At this point, PnP and DDO diverge.
- In PnP, the hobgoblins set up some cover of their own and maybe leave a fighter or two to guard their casters. Their remaining fighters try to reach your position WITHOUT getting killed, perhaps by sneaking or by taking a route that offered some cover.
- In DDO, the casters stand their ground, letting you perforate them with arrows. The fighters rush straight toward your position, creating a nice opportunity for Improved Precise Shot.
DDO ranged combat is safe and easy. The only disadvantage is that the numbers stink. It requires a huge investment of feats to be any good at it. Even then, the DPS is amazing for only twenty seconds out of every two minutes. This bizarre timer system guarantees that melees have a chance to shine during the other hundred seconds.
I'd like to see archery DPS numbers improve, but to keep ranged combat from becoming too powerful, I'd also like to see monsters who are better at not being slaughtered by arrows. I have a couple ideas for how to make this happen, and I'd love to see additional ideas.
Create a Shield-type monster. Treat part of their model as a solid barrier- capable of blocking Precise Shot and Improved Precise Shot arrows. Give them various AI versions, including a version to stand between casters and players, and a version to lead charges (thereby giving some protection to both the melee and caster hobgoblins in my opening example). Visually, such monsters should have especially heavy armor and/or a large tower shield.
These would make ranged tactics more interesting. The bow-user can try to outflank the shield monster, or she can get the party caster to Finger of Death the shield monsters for her.
Give some monsters the spell Protection from Arrows. Modify it to grant DR 10/-, 25/-, and 40/- (according to dungeon difficulty) instead of its piddly 10/magic. Have casters in a room start casting it on themselves as soon as any one of them loses 50% of his hit points to ranged weapons. This would give even melee-specced characters an incentive to unload a little ranged damage; do enough damage with that throwing axe to get them to cast the spell, then while they're casting, charge to melee range.
Code Wall of Fire to have a percentage chance to burn away a projectile passing through it, and code monster casters to set up Wall of Fire in front of them.
Give some archer and caster mobs Whack-A-Mole AI. Code them to randomly pop out from behind a wall or door and randomly pop back. Better yet, code them to be sensitive to whether they're being rushed by a melee (in which case the thing to do is repeatedly shoot the charging warrior) and to whether they're being shot at (in which case the thing to do is to pop out as briefly as possible to take pot shots).