November of '11 now seems an awfully long ways away...
It dawns in fire
November of '11 now seems an awfully long ways away...
It dawns in fire
That long? ****. Hopefully it lives up to the standards they've set. The Elder Scroll games have been improving exponentially (IMO) and hopefully this is no different.
- Discreet , Ruffle , Unlikely , Skunker -
Looks pretty cool. Never was too keen on Nords though, always seemed a very badly fleshed out race to me.
<------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.
Interesting opinion. I know a lot of people agree with that.
Let me know if something has changed from my last perception of the "recent" games:
things I did not like when I played Morrowind:
1. I did not see a health bar for enemies.
2. Arena and Daggerfall were RPGs. Those games felt D&D-like with how I leveled up a character and could understand the game mechnics of my character skills, items and spells. Some or a lot of this mechanics detail seemed to be missing in Morrowind.
3. the world was expansive.,but felt empty of content. I prefer lots of NPCs asking me to do things and giving me tasks/quests.. Morrowind did not have that.
I got bored and didnt get too far in Morrowind, despite really enjoying the prior two games. I did not play Oblivion because I feared it was more of the same as Morrowind. Am I right?
I enjoy Neverwinter Nights 2 and Dragon Age. How is Oblivion and this upcoming game different from these that I like?
Last edited by winsom; 12-12-2010 at 04:45 AM.
Nightshayde, Wiz 24 (Ghallanda), Kyonna, Dru 24, Irnaetha, Mnk 19, Drelzna Art12/Rog2, Aurelyn, Pal11/Ftr2, Eidoloni, Rog 17, Tymore, Sor 20 (Khyber)
you answered on your own the reason for why it felt empty.
I played Morrowind 3-4 times all the way thru, and thats after a few half-way , oh thats how it works starts. I never felt lack of content, in fact I am sure even after 4 run thru's I didnt do everything in the game. Some of the "emtpy" could come from the fact that not only is the world very expansive, but you can wander and do anything without direction. There are some npc's and a few short storylines in fact, that you will never find other then to simply stumble across them in that vast wilderness.
And Oblivion is really a beast all to itself. Besthesda took a FvS sized leap ahead all previous Elder scrolls games with that one. Definitely worth playing if you enjoyed any of the previous titles, but then again maybe not for those who don't like a RPG that has no "fences".
Oblivion was great AFTER you modded it not to be used with a bloody joystick. Well it would have been great if it didn't have all those pointers where to run and what to do and what was behind that hill on the minimap.
Morrowind was pure awesome, much due to not having any health bars or helpers (oblivion was morrowind for dummies - if you can't read a quest objective just get out hehe)
Daggerfall was buggy and old, as I recall it, it didn't look very great even at the time. That didn't mean we didn't play it for ages.
The first game I never played.
(the link given, can't see zip sorry, I get some advert but checked the vid on youtube)
Dare I say it - yet another preview made by some graphics artist that shows nothing in the's early, yes, but that makes me suspect it's either a premature release date set - xmas sale '11 - that will be a buggy, unfinished product or simply will not happen until q2 '12. Oblivion was like that, it had that...plasticky, unfinished, prematurely released (and initially buggy) feeling to it. Minigame in portals with 1 vs 1 KOMBAT action scaled to lvl? What were they thinking...
I loved playing Morrowind even though I never finished it. (I get distracted by bright shiny things too easily) Then i tried Oblivion and for some reason I can't explain, I didn't like it. I'm not sure if it was the controls, or the gameplay, or something else. But while watching the VGA's last night, I gotta admit, they got my attention with Elder Scrolls V. Hopefully, by some time next year, I'll be able to convince the wife that I absolutely NEED to upgrade my computer so I can play the newer games coming out (Yay! new Batman game!). Perhaps a hammer, and some "accidental" slaps with it on the motherboard... Or even better! A diet cola explosion! Just gotta run to the store and buy me some mentos and a diet cola now...
Man i hope they don't do scaled combat again. Best part of Morrowind was going to a new place and getting handed your butt on a plate.
still remember going to a temple in the north part of the island and having to run away for 15 mins while orcs chased me!
Does anybody have a favorite build for the elder scrolls game?
I still make my Dark-elf sorc/longsword monster 1st in every elder scroll game.
I guess skyrim is gonna be fun, had my fingers crossed for valenwood (walking trees with towns in them) or the desert from where the cat people are from.
“A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
― Philip K. phallus
I was happy to read that Skyrim will be using an all new game engine. While I really enjoyed Fallout 3/Fallout NV, the engine was really showing it's age.
2011 is looking like it's gonna be another killer year for gaming.![]()
Dragon Age 2
Elder Scrolls V
Uncharted 3
Mass Effect 3
Diablo 3
Star Wars The Old Republic
Guild Wars 2
2011 is going to exciting and busy for gamers if all of that comes out !
What is Turbine going to do to keep our attention? I may completely forget about Turbine products unless they work hard to come out with things they have talked about and add some new surprises too.
DDO Druid class? New race? New level 17-20 content? Spells revamp? Epic Droaam? How about an Epic Splinterskull or Shan-to-Kor!
LOTRO Rohan, Fangorn forest, Isengard? Legendary item revamp? New mount system? Mounted combat?
Last edited by winsom; 12-14-2010 at 05:09 AM.
Nightshayde, Wiz 24 (Ghallanda), Kyonna, Dru 24, Irnaetha, Mnk 19, Drelzna Art12/Rog2, Aurelyn, Pal11/Ftr2, Eidoloni, Rog 17, Tymore, Sor 20 (Khyber)
You left out one of my most-anticipated for '11... Portal 2.
Oh so looking forward to Portal 2.![]()
The Witcher 2 (available for preorder now!), 17th May 2011.
My husband was complaining about not having anything to get me for Christmas this year (last year I got DDO points - and three or four games I have not even installed yet due to DDO/LotRo). This year I'm not sure what he's getting me...but keeps complaining because I don't want anything.
I hint at more LotRo points..or a subscription, but like someone said in another thread today: spouses know exactly how much time you spend on the game as it is. He liked it better when I played single player games and could pause. Even if I spent wwwaaayyyyy to many hours playing Oblivion. Modded, of course. Vanilla was just too easy. And empty. But modded, that was magnificent.
On the other hand, my old pc probably won't play next year's games, so it'll be a while before I get them because it'll have to wait for me to build (and finance) another computer.
Last edited by Ainimache; 12-15-2010 at 12:43 PM.
Meh, I got bored with Oblivion very quickly. Didn't care for the combat, the leveling system, the dialogue (very cheesy) or the extremely redundant jaunts to Oblivion through the gates (same thing applies to forts, caverns, etc). While the graphics were stunning (most of the time) the characters all looked like they had Down's Syndrome or like somebody mistook their head for a balloon or something.
I didn't care for the setting or story much, either. Never played any other ES game.
I did love the open world feel to it, but even after a while that started to feel too aimless and pointless to me. Why couldn't I recruit bandits to overthrow one of the cities then have to defend it against retaliatory attacks? I guess I expected there to be more stories to truly get engrossed in and more things to do that actually mattered.I shouldn't have to heavily mod a game to be able to get it to a point where I can enjoy it.
The art design on most of the armors were pretty bad too. I think the armor I liked the best for a Barbarian type character was the outfit you got from becoming the Grand Champion in the Arena...but that thing broke way too easily (which was another aspect of the game I didn't care for - the rapid deterioration of gear).
Couldn't watch the video so I'll have to remember to check it out when I get home. Always willing to give the series another chance if I like what I see enough.
Last edited by Ciaran; 12-17-2010 at 10:58 AM.