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  1. #1
    Community Member CrankVulcan's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Khopesh/kama Clonk

    So I have played with about a million clonk ideas and I finally settled on a select few that could probably do all the things I have hoped for. Here is another one of those that I would like to have critiqued.

    Human 17/3 cleric/monk

    Wis-16+2tome+4enh+6item=28+2 ocean stance when in casting mode=30

    3-Improved crit slash
    4-Empower healing
    10(human)-Khopesh proficiency

    Fort 10Clr+5con+3monk+5item+4aura+2recitation=29+2 ocean
    Ref 5Clr+7dex+3monk+5item+4aura+2recitation=26+2 ocean
    Will 10Clr+9wis+3monk+5item+4aura+2recitation=33+2 ocean

    *Attack bonus*
    14base+10str+5weapon+2tumbleweed=31-2twf-2otwf=27(don't know how to fix this or even if it needs fixing)

    27+4GH+3divineFavor+6DivinePower=40 on first hit in sequence(will this be enough? What about my unbuffed 27? Is it worthless?)

    10 base
    9 wis
    7 dex
    5 protection
    8 armor
    5 icy's w/alchemical
    -44(easily achievable beholder AC)
    3 chattering
    4 aura
    3 bark
    4 shield clicky
    1 haste
    -59(with a little effort)
    1 centered
    1 ocean stance
    4 insight kama
    1 exceptional wis kama
    -66(in centered ac/caster mode)
    2 defensive stance(lol)
    2 full bark
    4 bard
    5 pally
    -79(ideal ac max)

    This toon should have relatively high DPS, and can make use of BB's and the occasional comet fall. If I throw on a pair of kamas I can have fists of light, better ac, better DC's, and better attack bonus. The 3rd lvl of monk is optional I suppose but I like the light side buffs and the extra healing amp.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Community Member CrankVulcan's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member Talltale-Storyteller's Avatar
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    As soon as you equip your kopeshes you will lose all your ki.

    I don't see the point in doing kopeshes and taking the third level of monk tbh. I can see the desire to have the DPS that kopesh offers, and I can see the desire to have the monk finishers, but honestly you kinda just have to choose.

    -If you are using kopeshes for the DPS then having the fists of light ability (and its finishers) is a waste of a level, because it is not getting used.

    -Alternatively, If you have the feat for kopesh and are not using kopeshes then you have wasted a feat.

    If you are dead set on using kopeshes then I would take the level spread from Enygma, and take a level of fighter:

    If you are dead set on using light path finishers I would recommend a build similar to mine:

    The melee dps on Enygma is significantly higher than on Breaks - just by sheer virtue of using kopeshes. I have not seen Enygma's enhancement layout yet, but I would imagine Breaks is a better offensive caster due to spell penetration, while Enygma probably has points put into his dwarven axe enhancements (on a human you could somewhat simulate this by taking human versatility).

    Breaks melee dps is higher than the average clonk because it is a STR build and we get full str mod to damage on our offhand. Breaks also has the light path finishers. If I decide that the finishers are not that useful to me at end game then I will be LRing as a 1/2/17 like the Enygma build, but keeping my enhancements the same.

    You are trying to combine both builds (in a vague sense) and are going to really only end up getting the benefit out of one of them the vast majority of the time.

    Just my 2cp.
    Member of The Sublime Permadeath Guild on Thelanis.

    Go Hard or Go Home!

  4. #4
    Community Member CrankVulcan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talltale-Storyteller View Post
    I don't see the point in doing kopeshes and taking the third level of monk tbh. I can see the desire to have the DPS that kopesh offers, and I can see the desire to have the monk finishers, but honestly you kinda just have to choose.
    I guess I was hoping I could build this guy in a way that if I was in a group senario I could either sit back and cast/heal, or move in with kopeshes. If I were soloing I could use monk weapons for survivability.... Maybe it's more than should be asked of one character.

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    FYI, you can't take khopesh at lvl 1; it requires BAB 1 and neither monk nor cleric has any BAB at 1st lvl.

    As stated, you lose ki when you have non-monk weapons equipped, inc. khopesh. That said, this isn't the worst idea I've seen: use khopeshes when you want DPS; use kamas or handwraps when you want monk strikes and free heals from FoL. As long as you're not constantly switching in the middle of a fight, I think it might work out. And it would be easy to swap out khopesh for, say, another metamagic if & when you decide to stick with just monk weapons.

  6. #6
    Community Member DrNuegebauer's Avatar
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    trust me on this: as a cleric you will not need the fists of light.

    With your aura ticking away you'll have more than enough healing to keep you going - just tag the occasional positive energy if required.
    Sure, the one minute buffs are fun and all - but you really don't need them.

    Take a level of rogue, you'll have more fun with it. It gives you 4 ranks in open locks (take it level one) which is a surprising amount of fun - and it gives you access to full UMD (you probably only need about a 30 since no fail heal scrolls come naturally to you... but no failing your GH/ teleports/ shield wand 10s etc is also fun)

    But the real benefit of the rogue level is the significant DPS boost. Haste boost is great, and in party scenarios the extra d6+3 from the sneak attack damage makes a difference.

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