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  1. #1
    Community Member SavvyGabby's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default 32pt Suggestions?

    Need a suggestion. I just bought the 32pt build so, I was wondering what would be good to go with with rogue splashed into it?? Like I want something that fights good solo, can heal its self and unlock traps,locks, doors. I was thinking now since I got 32pt paladin/rogue or cleric/rogue but I don't know which way to go. Any suggestions? I also have been thinking about making a 32pt sorcerer but not sure. Or Fighter/rogue/monk instead of ranger cause I have already been playing a 28pt build ranger/fighter/rogue and wanna try something different with the 32pts. I have monk, I don't have drow yet, I just bought the 32pts cause it was 20% off on it. Is there such thing as a Fighter trapmonkey?
    Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-11-2010 at 10:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member SavvyGabby's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Something like 14 fighter/4 rogue/2 monk is what I want is it possible?? Or is it too squishy?
    Or would 14 fighter/5 rogue/1monk be better idk lol what to do any ideas or links to solid build in this particular thing I am looking for to mess with soloing?? I don't have tomes yet either
    Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-11-2010 at 10:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Parody's Avatar
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    Not really a 32 pt special, but a warforged rogue 2/wiz 18 is always decent. Main thing being Int is your focus = more skills = keep rogue skills maxed + insightful reflex/evasion + self healing via repair = very survivable and useful in a group for being a trap monkey.

    Otherwise, I'd try a Ftr 12/Barb 6/Rogue 2, aka Blitz:

    Or, try out a Tukaw build:

    In terms of skills to do traps though, you really just need 12 or 14 INT and the first rogue lvl to do them.

  4. #4
    Community Member SavvyGabby's Avatar
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    Ooo I tried the blitz on a 28pt build before I had the 32pts unlocked last night and I loved it lol I am thinking bout a blitz that can do trapmonkey abilities.
    The reason is because while on my 28pt blitz I came to a level 3 quest in market that required me to find missing people and disable spike and lightning traps and i couldn't complete it because I couldn't find the hidden doors with search. This is why I was asking for something like blitz with the rogue trapmonkey ability tied into it. I am thinking about making a blitz but changing out the rogue abilities with the trapmonkey abilities.
    Last edited by SavvyGabby; 12-11-2010 at 10:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Parody's Avatar
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    Just need to crank it out really...

    Let's assume rogue lvl taken at 1, 4 ranks in search/disable/UMD.

    19 ranks to go of each or 57 skill points needed in 19 lvls.

    -10 (assuming 14 int starting, taken at least lvl 7+ for the 2nd rogue lvl)
    49 (note everything is now doubled as cross class)
    -36 Barb 6 (6 skills/lvl)
    -48 ftr 12 (4 skills/lvl)
    14 skill points needed.
    +2 int tome used at lvl 7 for 16 int total
    -14 skill points from lvl 7 to 20.

    So you'll need 14 int starting on a non-human, or 12 int on a human to keep trap monkey skills + UMD maxed. You can drop or lower either search or disable for less INT needed.

  6. #6
    Community Member SavvyGabby's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    I see, thank you

  7. #7
    Community Member TEcarson's Avatar
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    Default I'm not being a smarty pants...honest

    but it's Rogue...not Rouge.

    I accidently typed rouge once in General chat, so I did the "double" of a mis-tell and incorrect spelling.

    Boy did I catch some flak!
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.

  8. #8
    Community Member awang20's Avatar
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    Seeing as you already have monk... try the Exploiter
    It's got everything you asked for plus some decent AC.

  9. #9
    Community Member Grailhawk's Avatar
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    I second the exploiter its exactly what you are asking for.

  10. #10
    Community Member SavvyGabby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEcarson View Post
    but it's Rogue...not Rouge.

    I accidently typed rouge once in General chat, so I did the "double" of a mis-tell and incorrect spelling.

    Boy did I catch some flak!
    LOL omg I saw a post where someone did that and they were teasing him about that lmao I can't believe I made the same mistake I gotta go fix it xD NO I am not looking for make up xD

  11. #11
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    The exploiter build is an excellent suggestion. It was the first gear-intensive build that I played (and my first real melee toon). the experience I gained about balancing item slots, the functionality of splashing rogue/ monk levels, not to mention the (non-epic) durability of this build. I would highly recommend this one as a learning build.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

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