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  1. #1
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Trading larges for Blue Scales.

    Done with blues but will still accept any. Mostly looking for black, white, and red scales now.


    I value larges at:
    Devil Scale - 300k
    Sulfurous Stone/Shrapnel - 250k
    Arrowhead/Chain/Horn - 150k
    Bones - lol

    Scales at:
    Red - 500k
    Black/White - 50k
    Blue - 100k

    Blacks/Whites -> Larges
    6 -> 1 Devil Scale
    5 -> 1 Sulfurous Stones/Twisted Shrapnels
    3 -> 1 any other large

    Also buying at 50k plat each.

    Reds -> Larges
    3 -> 5 Devil Scales
    1 -> 2 Sulfurous Stones/Twisted Shrapnels
    3 -> 10 any other large

    Also buying at 500k plat each.

    Scrolls I'm looking for as well:
    Robe of the Diabolist
    Demon Scale Armor
    Shining Crest of St. Markus

    I have tons of epic scrolls and other items to trade as well if you're not looking for larges/plat. As always, send me a /tell or mail in game, or leave me pm on forum.
    Last edited by Noelemahc; 12-27-2010 at 07:57 PM.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    sent pm to ya

  3. #3
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Also buying blues for 100k plat each and blacks for 50k plat each.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  4. #4
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Just need 6 more blues now.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I can get ya 6 blues for 2 scales if you are still looking. If you need it, give me a yell and I'll mail you the b. scales tonight when I log on.
    Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
    Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
    Cannith / Orien

  6. #6
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Yeah that would be fantastic. I'll be on, just send me a /tell to one of my chars and we'll get that deal hammered out. Thanks mate.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  7. #7
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Got all the blues I need now. Still collecting blacks.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  8. #8
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Collecting white scales now too I suppose. Might as well get them all lol. Also always willing to trade for reds. I have epic scrolls (sands quest and raid scrolls, von, etc.) and other good things to trade for reds, so send me a /tell and we'll hammer something out.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  9. #9
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Still want scales of all kinds.

    EDIT: Oh, and also: Shining Crest scroll. Still looking for that. I just didn't want to bump multiple threads. Reduce clutter and all that jazz.
    Last edited by Noelemahc; 12-23-2010 at 11:39 PM.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  10. #10
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    got 9 black scales, still interested? 1largescale and more 150k? pm to joselll

  11. #11
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Still looking for scales and scrolls.

    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

  12. #12
    Community Member Noelemahc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009



    Server: Cannith | Guild: Hella Pro (Leader) | Characters: Allistore - 20 Wizard, Althina - 20 Ranger, Allegora - 20 Paladin, Allyssan - 20 Favored Soul, Laurandel - 20 Wizard, Terree - 20 Barbarian, Elohym - 20 Sorcerer, Lawldps - 20 Monk

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