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  1. #28
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    This is way too complicated OP. Keep it simple. Get rid of the penalties and focus on doing a few things well.
    • I like the bull rush, that would look cool.
    • I like the DR improvement and spike guard also, it fits and theres no other race that does it
    • Self-repair... thematically cool, but nah.
    • Improving fort... nah. There is already a feat that does this. Putting it in the PrE attempts to fold a feat cost into AP cost.
    • Large size... no. Large size has a number of inherent mechanical benefits in 3.5e (longer reach, larger weapons) which they probably haven't implemented in DDO, since no player-selectable character can be large. In addition, if they were to implement it properly, logically there would be a lot of quests where your model wouldn't fit.
    • Reducing incoming healing spells even further relegates the PrE to wizards and sorcs. Melee can't take it for the same reason no one takes Improved Fort - no healing sucks, which means you have to take a caster dedicated to healing and what caster wants to do that?
    • The penalties to social skills are unecessary and a fairly transparent attempt to make the PrE looked "balanced" when in actual fact, no one uses those skills anyway. The only one that might be a marginal penalty is intim, and you get that all back when you get the large size transformation (+4). And of course, you wouldn't intimitank anyway, you'd hate tank.
    • And powerful charge? Too powerful. 20% stacking speed boost and +3d8 force damage a swing? Please.
    • And get rid of all the other **** you've stacked it with. Bonuses to hp, immunity to knockdown, bonuses to mind-affecting spells, etc etc. There are feats or other enhancements that do these things. Penalties to wis and cha? Who cares?
    This. ^

    As for speculation of what Turbine will do to the PrC, you'll prolly just get what the palemasters get, a "near" construct likeness thing.

    Odds are, the future PrC will get something like:

    - Bonus to balance checks
    - Bonus to STR checks vs trip
    - Bonus to trip

    - Negative to intimi
    - neg to healing
    - more warfoge immunities, like stat drain.
    - negative to saves or some such nonsense.

    And thats about it. :/

    edit. As for prerequs, prolly have to take wf tactics, wf balance, and construct thinking, all tier'd up like archmage.

    They are NOT going to add somethning more to the game, just improve on what they got; like how barbs expanded on cleave, wf jug will prolly just expand on trip. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid. <--- motto in the cullinary world to live by, here too.
    Last edited by Maegin; 12-16-2010 at 06:31 PM.
    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

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