First let me say: correct me if I'm wrong.
I tried really hard to find a form in which one has a reason to get a Great Crossbow as his weapon of choice, and failed at that. The simple reason is the existance of Repeating crossbows.
Great crossbow has the base damage of 2d8, and the critical chance of 15% - which is awesome, but by the time you shoot one bolt of a great crossbow and reload, you could shoot about 2.5(I think) from a repeater and reload. Multiply the repeater(say light)'s damage by 2.5 and you get a 2½d8, and if you're thinking of special affects caused by criticals only - you have a 25% chance of making a crit at the same time a Great Crossbow has a 15% (50% vs 30% if with Keen or crit bonus), and all the afformentioned is just the base damage, when you add up damage boosts and/or sneak attacks (a devoted corrsbowman would PROBABLY be a rogue mechanic).
The only reason to use a Great Crossbow is if you're skimpy on bolts.
So tell me forum,
Am I wrong?
Hope I posted it in the right forum area.