A good example of how the player's ability matters more then the characters abilities.
TR < player skill
Twinked < player skill
Also, I suspect that the abundance of anit-social behavior in PUGs and the general hugger-mugger that goes on is because the skilled, fun to play with people get grabbed by a Guild early, and then rapidly find other people of like mind to group with, and all the undesireables* are left to drift in PUG land, sad, alone, and angry.
I love when I'm in a PUG and I hear people yelling at me for doing it wrong, then when all is said and done, I'm on top with no deaths and highest kill count. Kobold Assault comes to mind, when I'm outside killing, and the rest of the party is spamming the rez shrine because they die trying to get on top of those huts.
*not all unguilded are inteded to be labled as undesireables, nor am i saying that all people that PUG are such.