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Okay, so I don't normally do this but I have to vent some. SO:
Playing on my Dwarf 10/4 Ranger/Fighter, doing "Frame Work" on hard, a fun quest.
I join up and it is taking a while to fill so it is decided that we will start with one short. We begin by clearing around the outside, not really my favorite strategy, and someone joins. There is some complaining about being late and taking an XP penalty but he is assured that this is a long quest and it will go away. Some grumbling ensues. We all get together and buff then a short time later the party splits up. Now, I'm not really sure what happened, but soon enough there are cries for help and a whole heaping pile of dire wolves. A big fight and I am the only one left alive. I gather up all the stones and head off to the cleared outside shrine. While I am running it is hot and heavy with the accusations and snide comments.
At this point, several things become clear. One; the healer isn't very good. I think he was new or something. Two; the monk has a very elitist attitude and has found a kindred spirit in the rogue. Finally, I thought I had at least one more cure wand but I don't; I am totally out of consumables and we haven't even got inside yet.
The whining simmers down. It is decided that the rogue, the monk and the TR'ed bard (who wasn't really saying much and just doing his thing) will use a ballista to sneak inside and the rest of us will wait. Almost immediately there is a warning bell so killing time is upon us. Since heals won't really be forthcoming, I make the most of trip and stunning blow as well as charming or freezing wargs when I can. If the melee is getting too heavy I jump on top of something and many shot until it is on cool down. Casters first, etc. you know the drill.
Things are going fairly well, the inside shrine has been cleared and we head across the bridge to where the boss and the seers are. Suddenly, everyone decides it is now time to split up. Quite shortly there are three warning bells worth of minotaurs and all three seers. Everyone dies but me and I am down to maybe forty HPs. Party chat is now full of how to play ones character correctly and how much a dumb noob everyone is. I manage to retrieve three stones from the minotaur pile and get them back to the shrine but on my second trip I am killed by an eighty point lighting bolt at the foot of the long bridge with two stones, the third being the rogue who died off somewhere I couldn't get to. A rescue attempt is mounted and eventually everyone is at least back at full health if super low on spell points.
Back into the mess we go, duck, dodge, dive and dodge. Minotaurs are killed and several die (the haughty rogue to the trap, to my amusement) but now we are at the final boss. We rush in, I kill the orc healer and the most of the mino healers, the monk dies and rage quits then I drag the remaining two bosses back to the shrine. I die twice trying to kite them there and then hit upon a new plan. I run to the other shrine and then kite them along the ridge which gives me enough time to type out what I am doing. The bard comes out to help and since I'm doing all the kiting he can ask for help. The rogue states that he isn't coming because when he ranges he gets agro. I am too busy to tell him what I think about that. The rest are too busy looting the now minotaur-less city. The chieftain is slain and we start in on the troll caster but then come to the decision that its just not worth it with just the two of us and lose him in the woods. Now we just have to kill something that isn't a minotaur but of course everything outside is already dead. I point out that the troll might count but no one listens and the quest is completed by the rogue who had been standing next to doris waiting for us to kill the chieftain.
I pop open the XP window to check the kill count.
Of the 184 monsters killed, I had killed 102 of them. The next highest was Miss Adventure with 25 (which you can really add to sorcs score giving him about 40-50) and then everyone else with less than 20.
Now, I don't have green steel anything and only 28 points to work with so it's not like I am uber geared or anything. It just strikes me that if you're going to go off on other people about how to play their respective characters at least try to back it up with SOMETHING. I am really talking about the rogue and the monk since everyone else was quietly competent or (in the case of the cleric) obviously new. Sure, it would have been nice if people had taken some time out from looting to help down the end boss but that, by itself, isn't much to complain about. To top it all off, while I was running back to get that the final chest the rogue went out of his way to circumvent the profanity filter (not that I have that on) and call everyone a dirty word. Then I got jumped by those panthers that spawn when the quest is completed and killed so I didn't even get to check for my armor (the whole reason I was doing it in the first place).
Honestly, despite the *****ing, I really had a good time in there but I just wish people would stop and think for a minute about what they say and how they look. Is feeling elitist and putting down others that much fun? Maybe I'm missing out...
EDIT: *I spell TEH BAD*