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  1. #1
    Stormreach Advisor
    winsom's Avatar
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    Default roguish advice for my GTWF bard/rogue

    I've played bard/rogue since DDO beta. Remade my character once when drow became available. It's now time to TR this old character.

    Most important to me: I want my evasion vs. spells to be useful at epic levels and I want to have a fair chance of landing hits on epic ACs. That is where I need your advice on.

    My current plan is to lower the character's dexterity relative to what it is now in order to go higher strength and drop weapon finesse. I don't want to gimp my Evasion or attack roll.

    Human Bard 16/Rogue 3/Fighter 1

    Str: 32-34 (tome +3)
    Dex: 24
    Con: 22
    Int: 14 (20 w/ swap to +6 cloak)
    Wis: 16
    Cha 20-22

    Itterative Attacks w/ +9/8 Songs +36/36/41/46/46

    That attack bonus does not include weapon focus, weapon enchantment +5 or extra bonuses like sneak attack, recitation... Does not include power attack or two weapon fighting penalties.

    How well am I going to be able to hit epic trash mobs? What about the mini-bosses?

    I should probably wear robes that grant my weapons Destruction debuff?

    My only epic bard/rogue experience has been with epic efreets in DQ raid. It was pretty much miss-miss-miss, maybe 1 hit, miss miss.. (without power attack). That was with weapon finesse, DEX 28 and raid buffs + songs. Pretty sad. I want to do better than that on a strength build.

    Reflex Save: +34 to +38 or more (+23 base, +4 from GH, +7 from items, + others..)

    That is slightly lower Reflex than my character currently has. I do not expect to evade Epic traps, but what about spells?

    Are there any important items or spell buffs that you recommend I have-up/wear at all times for epic?

    My goal with this character is to provide warchanter or spell-singer buffs (I can switch enchantments to either) while also providing Maximized Cure Wounds (cure critical, mass cure moderate). I want to be able to land sneak attacks to take advantage of the 3 rogue levels (3d6+3 SA).


    1st: TWF, Toughness
    2nd: Weapon Focus (from fighter level)
    3rd: Past Life Bard or Extend Spell (or whatever else I want at the time. Will respec this at least once or twice)
    6th: Power Attack
    9th: Maximize Spell (qualified for either war chanter or spell singer at this level)
    12th: Improved Critical
    15th & 18th: Improved and Greater TWF

    I currently have a good selection of rapiers and short swords, having been a finesse build. I plan to use those at least until I can collect or craft other strength-based weaponry. I don't think I have a feat to spare on Khopesh. My role goal is not to be top DPS, but rather useful DPS along with my bardic abilities and evasion-survivability.

    Any advice on what weapons I should try to get (which epic weapon?), or I what new shroud crafting to do? Earth x3 heavy picks?
    Last edited by winsom; 12-10-2010 at 02:09 PM.
    Nightshayde, Wiz 24 (Ghallanda), Kyonna, Dru 24, Irnaetha, Mnk 19, Drelzna Art12/Rog2, Aurelyn, Pal11/Ftr2, Eidoloni, Rog 17, Tymore, Sor 20 (Khyber)

  2. #2
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by winsom View Post
    Bard 16/Rogue 3/Fighter 1

    Str: 32-34 (tome +3)
    Dex: 24
    Con: 22
    Int: 14 (20 w/ swap to +6 cloak)
    Wis: 16
    Cha 20-22

    Itterative Attacks w/ +9/8 Songs +36/36/41/46/46
    With 16 Bard levels your Inspire Courage should be +8/7 with WC.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Since this is a TR, can you afford to stock up on Divine Power clickies before you do? That would be +5 BAB (15 -> 20) at lvl 20. You went human, but did you also consider halfling instead for the Guile & Cunning bonuses (e.g., maddmatt70's build)? -2 base STR of course but +4 to-hit when flanking more than makes up for it.

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