I have heard this line so much here lately that it honestly just makes me ill. People have taken a concept of zerg xp farming efficiency to such an extreme that it doesn't even apply or make sense.
Let me start by saying that I understand that a focused group that is trying to level fast can figure out the break point for xp per minute and just slam quests over and over again and avoid optionals. They can do this until they break through a threshold where it is more beneficial to do a different quest. I GET IT! This applies to a focused group that is going to keep their nose to the grindstone and hustle. It also applies to people that plan on doing several runs of a quest/quest line, or have a time period to work with.
I constantly hear people talk about effiency in game. "It is not worth the time" they will say. Then I see that person go afk in a tavern and let their character sit idle for 10-20 minutes between quests. I also hear people that are "soloing" talk about this.
First off, we are playing a video game that actually accomplishes NOTHING in real life. The very essences of a gamers life is entertainment and wasting time. Efficient Gaming is an oxymoron. We are all goofing off with our imaginary items and characters.
Now I am not such an idiot that I don't understand the desire to level a new character up to a more "fun" point asap. Like I said, I get it. However, to just say "optionals aren't worth the time." is not a blanket statement that is true in all situations.
If you are waiting several minutes between groups and quests, the optionals are probably worth it for you.
If you can get the optionals done by staying on the main quest path to finish, the optionals are probably worth it for you.
If you are only running one quest series in an evening, the optionals are probably worth it to you.
If you are trying to increase your guild renown, any optional with a chest is probably worth it for you.
If the people you party with have to level, buff, walk the dog, and bio between each quest, the optionals are probably worth it for you.
Lessons on efficiency:
If you walk by it, break it.
If you don't have haste, get it.
Keep yourself in a quest and out of town.
Keep potions to keep yourself alive.
Going wider is often better than going faster. Six person parties kill faster than one person.
Split objectives and give assignments where possible.
Work together! Sometimes you can hit all the objectives in a quest just as fast as going for the race to the finish line.
It just goes on and on.
Efficient xp farming to the n'th degree has its' place, but you can't apply it to every quest and every party.
Efficiency is also about not leaving easy xp on the table.